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X  8@@  8@  8 @ 8@@ 8@ 8 @ 8@@ 8 @ &!x@ !|@  <@@ 0 0@@ 0  8 3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`=IndexPLMUFG PLMTFG)*PL(UFJ)RPL(BTMU);PL(MUTB)\BSMUFG BS(MTFG)BS(UFJ)BS(BTMU)BS(MUTB)L&D(1) L&D(2)2Loans by Indsutry(1)PFLoans by Industry(2)TForeign loans(1)kForeign loans(2)".FundsBTMU 1 Funds(BTMU 2)"6FundsMUTB 1 Funds(MUTB 2) NPLsV) Securities ABISQQfactbook_J_final.xlsv!kPLMUFG PLMTFG)PL(UFJ)PLBTMU)PL(MUTB)BSMUFG BS(MTFG)BS(UFJ)BS(BTMU)BS(MUTB)Qeё1 Qeё2)mi.z%RQ(1)mi.z%RQ(2)V%RQ(1)V%RQ(2) K(uTBTMU1 K(uTBTMU2) K(uTMUTB1 K(uTMUTB2)NoP)j g<+T0]nj,gksYYYYY Y Y YYYYY#       ;+   ;;   ;0  ; @   ;:   ;0  ; "  ;!&  ;-  ;-  ;.  ;-  ;"   ;  ;-   ;   ;$   ;&  ;  ;  ;/  ;   ; ) "ff`( @P$  3 A@@  UFJ 5MTFG 5- 50- 50 Consolidated Statement of Income 5Gross profitsNet interest income Trust feesNet fees and commissionsNet trading profitsNet other business income#General and administrative expensesoNet business profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan lossesNet business profits Net non-recurring gains (losses) 5 Credit costs for trust accounts  5/Provision for formula allowance for loan losses 5Losses on loan charge-offs0Provision for specific allowance for loan lossesOther credit related costs'Net gains (losses) on equity securitiesEquity in profit of affiliatesOtherOrdinary profit (loss)Net special gainsGains on loans charged-off 5%Reversal of allowance for loan losses 5,Income (loss) before income taxes and othersIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferredMinority interestNet income (loss)Billions of Yen 5- 5FY2001 5FY2002 5FY2003 5FY2004 5- 5Credit related costs 5Consolidated Balance Sheets of 5 Mar End 2003 Mar End 2004 Mar End 2005 Total assets 5DepositsDeposits 5Total liabilities 5Minority interest 5Total shareholders' equity 5 Mar End 2002 5Cash and due from banks 5 Call loans and bills bought 5 #Receivables under resale agreements 5 3Receivables under securities borrowing transactions 5 )Commercial paper and other debt purchased 5 Trading assets 5 Money held in trust 5 Investment securities 5 Loans and bills discounted 5 Foreign exchanges 5 Other assets 5 Premises and equipment 5 Deferred tax assets 5 5Customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees 5 Allowance for loan losses 5 -Allowance for losses on investment securities 5 Deposits 5 "Negotiable certificates of deposit 5 Call money and bills sold 5 $Payables under repurchase agreements 5 .Payables under securities lending transactions 5 Commercial paper 5 Trading liabilities 5 Borrowed money 5 Short-term corporate bonds 5 Bonds and notes 5 Due to trust account 5 Other liabilities 5 Reserve for employees' bonuses 5 *Reserve for employees' retirement benefits 5 Reserve under special laws 5 Deferred tax liabilities 5 3Deferred tax liabilities on land revaluation excess 5 Acceptances and guarantees 5 Capital stock 5 Capital surplus 5 Retained earnings 5 Land revaluation excess 5 :Unrealized gains (losses) on securities available for sale 5 (Foreign currency transaction adjustments 5 Treasury stock 5 Loans and Deposits 5Billions of Yen 5Loans 5Domestic Offices 5$Loans to SMEs and Individual clients 5Consumer loans 5Housing loans 5Overseas offices and others 5Domestic Deposits 5 Individuals 5Corporations and others 5Millions of Yen 5Thailand IndonesiaMalaysia Philippines South Korea Singapore Hong KongChinaTaiwanOthersDomestic Loans 5"Domestic Loans by type of industry 5Millions of Yen 5Manufacturing 5 Agriculture 5Forestry 5Fishery 5Mining 5 Construction 5 Utilities 5Wholesale and Retail 5 Real estate 5Services 5Municipal government 5Other industries 5Foreign Loans 5 ArgentinaBrazilMexicoCaribbean countriesLoans to Asian Countries 5Total 5!Loans to Latin American Countries 5Average balanceIncome/Expenses Yield (%)ChangeAssetsLoans and Bills DiscountedInvestment Securities Call Loans*Collateral Deposits on Securities Borrowed Bills BoughtDue from Banks Liabilities"Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Call Money$Payables under Repurchase Agreements9Collateral Deposits under Securities Lending TransactionsBorrowed MoneyInternational Sector 5Billions of YenMUFG Fact Book 5%(Total of banking and trust accounts) 5 Mar End 2002MTFG (BTM+MTB) 55Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors 5Claims under high risk 5Claims under close observation 5Disclosed claims under the FRL 5Normal claims 5Total 5 NPL Ratio 5UFJ (UFJB+UFJTB) 50%(Total of banking and trust accounts) 50Billions of Yen 5Domestic equity securities 5Domestic bonds 5Government bonds 5Municipal bonds 5Corporate bonds 5Other securities 5Total 5MTFG 5Foreign equity securities 5Foreign bonds 5Other 5UFJH 5>Risk-adjusted Capital Ratios Based on the Standards of the BIS 5mMTFG 5mBillions of Yen 5mRisk-adjusted capital ratio 5m Tier1 ratio 5mTier1 5m(Tier2 (includable as qualifying capital) 5m7The amount of unrealized gains on investment securities 5m- 5m%The amount of land revaluation excess 5mSubordinated debt 5m(Tier3 (includable as qualifying capital) 5m(Deductions from total qualifying capital 5mTotal qualifying capital 5mRisk-adjusted assets 5mUFJ 5mANote : Figures before Mar. 2005 are simple sum of MTFG and UFJH.  5 MUFGBTMU+MUTB  5 MTFG BTM+MTB  5 ,Note : Figures above exclude trust accounts. 5 UFJ UFJB+UFJTB  5 NNote : Figures above exclude trust accounts and include separate subsidiaries. 5 Mar End 2006 Mar End 2006 5MUFGBTMU+MUTB) 5 MUFG (BTMU+MUTB) 5 BNote : Figures before March 2005 are simple sum of MTFG and UFJH.  5 MUFG 5 -Domestic Sector 5'Note2 : Excluding separate subsidiaries 5< N.A 5N.AChange (%points) 5-Note2 : Figures above exclude trust accounts. 5Capital stockCapital surplusRetained earningsTreasury stock+Total valuation and translation adjustments 5Minority interests 5Total net assets 5Statement of Income 5BTMU (Non-consolidated) 5Domestic gross profits 5Non-domestic gross profits 5Personnel expensesPersonnel expenses 5Non-personnel expensesNon-personnel expenses 5TaxesTaxes 5Note : Figures of FY2005 are simple sum of MUFG and UFJH (April to September). Figures before FY2004 are simple sum of MTFG and UFJH.  5Note 1 : Figures of FY2005 are simple sum of BTMU and UFJB (April to December). Figures before FY2004 are simple sum of BTM and UFJB. wNote 3 : As for FY2003 figures, inter-company transactions between the bank and separate subsidiaries are not adjusted.Note 1 : Figures of FY2005 are simple sum of MUTB and UFJTB (April to September). Figures before FY2004 are simple sum of MTB and UFJTB. mAs for UFJTB figures (from FY2003 to FY2005), credit costs for trust accounts are included in gross profits.  5gTherefore, figures are different from the ones in the supplementary data in UFJH's past press releases. 5MUTB (Non-consolidated) 5 Gross profits 5 Domestic gross profits 5  Trust fees 5 Other trust fees 5  Credit costs for trust accounts 5 Non-domestic gross profits 5 Bills sold 5 Call money 5-Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation 5@Note : Figures before Mar. 2005 are simple sum of BTM and UFJB.  5 Debentures 54Reserve for losses on supports of specific borrowers 5)Reserve for possible losses to land trust 5Deferred tax liabilities 5ANote : Figures before Mar. 2005 are simple sum of MTB and UFJTB.  5 Source and Use of Funds (BTMU 1) 5 Source and Use of Funds (BTMU 2) 5 Source and Use of Funds (MUTB 1) 5| Source and Use of Funds (MUTB 2) 5|Tangible fixed assets 5 Intangible fixed assets 5 Net interest margin 5- 5A- 5Reserve for contingent losses 5FY2006  5FY2006 5 Mar End 2007 Mar End 2007 5Note3 : Figures after Sep End 2006 do not include separate subsidiaries. Figures before Mar End 2006 include separate subsidiaries. 5- 5Note3 : Figures after Mar End 2007 do not include separate subsidiaries. Figures before Mar End 2006 include separate subsidiaries. 5 Note1 : Figures after March 2006 are simple sum of BTMU and MUTB. Figures before September 2005 are simple sum of BTM, UFJB, MTB, and UFJTB.  5Note1 : Figures after March 2006 are simple sum of BTMU and MUTB. Figures before September 2005 are simple sum of BTM, UFJB, MTB, and UFJTB.  5 Note1 : Figures after March 2006 are simple sum of BTMU and MUTB. Figures before September 2005 are simple sum of BTM, UFJB, MTB, and UFJTB.  5Note1 : Figures after Mar 2006 are simple sum of BTMU and MUTB. Figures before March 2005 are simple sum of BTM, UFJB, MTB, and UFJTB.  5KNote : Figures after Mar 2007 are calculated based on the Basel 2 Standards 5{Note 2 : Figures before FY2005 include separate subsidiaries and figures after FY2006 do not include separate subsidiaries. 5{Note 2 : Figures before FY2005 include separate subsidiaries and figures after FY2006 do not include separate subsidiaries. 5Note1 : Figures after March 2006 are simple sum of BTMU and MUTB. Figures before March 2005 are simple sum of BTM, UFJB, MTB and UFJTB.  5 Trust fees 5%Income before income taxes and others 5 Net income 5FY2007  5FY2007 5 Mar End 2008 5- 5 (0.0) 5 Sep End 2008 5{Note4 : Starting from Sep End 2008, BTMU and MUTB adjusted their method of monitoring loans classified by type of industry. 5 As a result, among other changes, loans to proprietors, which were previously reported as part of  Other industries are included in "Real estate". 5Loans to SMEs and Proprietors 5 New standard 5iNote5 : Starting from Sep End 2008, BTMU adjusted its method of monitoring loans to SMEs and proprietors. 5Note4 : Upon the installation of new IT systems in May 2008, BTMU adjusted its method of monitoring deposits from individuals and, starting from FY2008,  5H under the new method as of Mar End 2008 are \61,836.2 billion. 5 deposits from unincorporated associations are excluded from "Individuals" and included in "Corporations and others". The amount of deposits from "Individuals"  5Net other business profits 5qNet business profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for general allowance for credit losses 51Provision for general allowance for credit losses 5 Credit costs 5Losses on loan write-offs 52Provision for specific allowance for credit losses 5Other credit costs 5/Profits (losses) from investments in affiliates 5"Other non-recurring gains (losses) 5Ordinary profits 5 Net extraordinary gains (losses) 5Gains on loans written-off 5'Reversal of allowance for credit losses 5Ordinary profits (losses) 5!Income (loss) before income taxes 56(Gross profits before credit costs for trust accounts) 52 Trust fees before credit costs for trust accounts 5t Loan trusts and money trusts fees (jointly operated designated money trusts before credit costs for trust accounts) 5 Net other business profits 5 qNet business profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for general allowance for credit losses 5 1Provision for general allowance for credit losses 5 Credit costs 5 Losses on loan write-offs 5 2Provision for specific allowance for credit losses 5 Other credit costs 5 "Other non-recurring gains (losses) 5 Ordinary profits 5 Net extraordinary gains (losses) 5 Gains on loans written-off 5 'Reversal of allowance for credit losses 5 Income before income taxes 5 Monetary claims bought 5Allowance for credit losses 5Commercial papers 5Short-term bonds payable 5Bonds payable 5Due to trust accounts 5Reserve for bonuses 5Reserve for retirement benefits 5<1Net unrealized gains (losses) on other securities 52Net deferred gains (losses) on hedging instruments 5Land revaluation excess 5(Foreign currency translation adjustments 5 Securities 5"Allowance for losses on securities 5'Communication and information services  5 Finance and insurance 5 Doubtful 5 Non Performing Loans 5Normal 5Subordinated debts 5Net qualifying capital 5MNet business profits before provision for general allowance for credit losses 5 -Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation 5 Call loans and bills bought 5Due to trust accounts 5 Special Attention 5 Bankrupt or De facto Bankrupt 5^Note1 : Net interest margin = net interest income / average balance of interest earning assets 5^Note1 : Net interest margin = net interest income / average balance of interest earning assets 5\ Outstanding amount under the new method as of Mar End 2008 are \43,294.4 billion. 5@FY2008 5 Mar End 2009 5(0.0) 5 Sep End 2009 5Manufacturing 5EAgriculture, forestry, fishery, mining, quarrying of stone and gravel 5 Construction 5 Utilities 5'Communication and information services  5Transport and postal activities 5Wholesale and Retail 5Finance and insurance 5Services 5Municipal government 5Other industries 5- 5 MNote1 : Figures of FY2005 are simple sum of BTMU and UFJB (April to December) 5ONote1 : Figures of FY2005 are simple sum of MUTB and UFJTB (April to September) 5PNote1 : Figures of FY2005 are simple sum of MUTB and UFJTB (April to September)  5'Statement of Income - MUFG Consolidated+Statement of Income - BTMU Non-consolidated+Statement of Income - MUTB Non-consolidated!Balance Sheet - MUFG Consolidated%Balance Sheet - BTMU Non-consolidated%Balance Sheet - MUTB Non-consolidatedLoans and DepositsForeign LoansSource and Use of Funds - BTMUSource and Use of Funds - MUTB>Non Performing Loans based on the Financial Reconstruction LawDNon Performing Loans based on the Financial Reconstruction Law (FRL) 5:Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Securities available for Sale:Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Securities available for Sale 5=Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Based on the Standards of the BIS  5FY2005 5FY2009 5 Go to IndexFY2001 5FY2002 5FY2003 5FY2004 5 Sep End 2004 5 Sep End 2005 5 Sep End 2006 5 Sep End 2007 5 Mar End 2010 5 Sep End 2004 5@ Sep End 2005 5@ Mar End 2006 5@ Sep End 2006 5@ Mar End 2007 5@ Sep End 2007 5@ Mar End 2008 5@ Sep End 2008 5@ Mar End 2009 5@ Mar End 2010 5pStatement of Income 5MUFG (Consolidated) 5Balance Sheets 5Note1 : According to revision of Japan Standard Industrial Classification in November 2007, the classification is revised partially as of September 30, 2009. 5"Domestic Loans by type of industry"Domestic Loans by type of industry 5Note2 : Figures after Sep End 2006 do not include separate subsidiaries. Figures before Mar End 2006 include separate subsidiaries. 5 FY2010 H1 5FY2009 Mar End 2010 Sep End 2010 5FY2009 FY2010 H1  50 5 Sep End 2010 5 Real estate 5Goods rental and leasing 5 Mar End 2010 50 Sep End 2010 50Asia 50Latin America 50Foreign Loans 5North America 50U.S. 50Canada 50Western Europe 50U.K. 50Germany 50France 50 Netherland 50Spain 50Others 50Eastern Europe 50Total 50Italy 5lNote: In addition to the (non-consolidated basis) loan balance stated above, two major overseas subsidiaries 5X have the following loan balance as of the consolidated financial statements date. 5@BTMU (China):\744,934 mn (\72,908 mn increase from Mar 31, 2010) 5ABTMU(Holland):\472,185 mn (\65,968 mn decrease from Mar 31, 2010) 5- 5&0 0_2E~3d4kz5`Q677?9% ; \<B =_?E@A B!CCD[EAzF`G6IhJNKMzZO@PKQhR*VWInY8 Z Q\ `bX;fhjfmn"pqs+u_wx<[z { } ~*o3J<cc2   o dMbP?_*+%&M&d2?'M&d2?(M&d2?)\.?MbCanon LASER SHOT LBP-1910 W 4dXA4Canon01Canon LASER SHOT LBP-1910ddd     d d d d dd@@d  d  d dd d"edd    dd   "@dd    d d!    d@8 4 22h 1 4 22h 1A XXd2\CNZ005.ICC\CNZ005.ICC\CNZ005.ICC r00yyH-3 0fgjn-[@ " dXX `? `?U}  } `} 7}  H,,@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@ @ @ @          z   {   |   }   ~                                 ,|0*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<X/ 0/(   .X }    U rr] `   <4 A@"`}]`4 "<!0Abbreviation0 MUFG Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group000 BTMU Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ MUTB Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation <,n00   Hp A@?"`}]`p "y< MTFG0Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group BTM Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi MTB Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation<ny00   H A@?"`} ]``"<<y UFJH UFJ Holdings UFJB UFJ Bank UFJTB UFJ Trust Bank< n<00|,l b zH   # " G] `|t   (B(C5DE F      "$& ( )*++,./122344555 5"5#4%4&4'4'1'1'1&1%1%2$2#2!221/.,*)('!%"$$"%!&&'((('& % $" '(((((' & $ # !     !!!  !#$&'[\@                           @                `#" `ba  ]`T.&   B CDEF vv            QT@                                       #" `w  ]`   BCDEpF                               mp@                                           @        `#" `u  ]`   BC-DEF\ ==----+++++++****))(( ' ' ' ( ) ) * ****++++---+,@                    #" ` \ 9 ] `@|   0BC,DEPF TT         ,,,,*******))))((''       & & & ' ( ( ) ) ) )))***,=@@        @                   `#" `C] Z ] `8#   BC&DE Fd CC$%%&&& & &&$#"                   ! 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