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(the amount included as qualified capital)   5(Simple combined figures of MTFG and UFJH 5%Figures of simple sums of MTFG and UFJH for FY03 and FY04 %Simple aggregate figures even when adjustment is necessary due to the difference in accounting treatment  ;<  5Tier`!*2  5 Deductions*2  5 Pension trusts (outstanding)*3 5 Projection of dividends*5 5 Gross profits*1   5  Net non-recurring losses*1   5 q Net business profits before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan losses*1o 5 k(Reference : Total of MTFG's results for FY05 H1, UFJ's results for FY05 H1 and MUFG's results for FY05 H2) 50  5Net business profits 5Net losses on equity securities 5Income taxes - current 5Income taxes - deferred 5!Domestic offices (sum of 4 banks) 5Overseas offices 5$Loans to SMEs and individual clients 5+Domestic equity securities (sum of 4 banks) 5Overseas deposits 5%Total qualified capital 54+56+57-58  $ 5&Debt securities being held to maturity 5Domestic equity securities 5Domestic bonds 5Disclosed claims under the FRL 51Allowance for loans to specific foreign borrowers 5 5 5 5FX customs clearance (share) 5Net business profits=The 2 banks' non-consolidated net business profits + Other consolidated entities' gross profits - Other consolidated entities' general and 5administrative expenses - Other consolidated entities' provision for formula aalowance for loan losses - Inter-company transactions 5from gross profits before trust accounts charge-offs. The A/Cs with * are after deducting trust A/Cs charge-offs, being different from the ones in the 5$supplementary data in UFJ's release. 56Provision for formula allowance for loan losses(minus) 5H*1 In the case of MTFG, net business profits are calculated as follows:  5 *1 In the case of UFJ, consolidated net business profits before credit costs for trust account and provision is calculated by deducting general and administrative expenses  5 I*20Capital injection of 700 bn from MTFG into UFJ Bank has been adjusted.   5 ]*30Welfare pension fund and defined benefit pension fund in market value,others in book value 5 % 50Securities available for sale 50C 50-Claims to bankrupt and substantially bunkrupt 50Claims under high risk 50Claims under close observation 50Normal claims 50 Total claims 50 NPL ratio 50 50Allowance for loan losses 50!Formula allowance for loan losses 50"Specific allowance for loan losses 50Special internal reserves 50!Partial direct write-off of loans 50 Housing loans (execution amount) 506Foreign currency deposits of individuals (outstanding) 506Individual pension insurance sales (accumulated total) 50'Equity mutual funds sales (outstanding) 50*Testamentary trust with execution (number) 50.Privately placed bonds (amount of arrangement) 50)Syndication arrangement in Japan (number) 50 Real estate fees and commissions 50<Independently operated designated money trusts (outstanding) 50$Specified money trusts (outstanding) 50/Investment trusts (amount under administration) 50 50UFJ 50Number of employees 50 50Domestic 50Oversees 50Total 50 50(Yen bn)(Yen bn) 5 UFJH FY05 H1 5FY05 5FY03 50FY04 50change 50(Yen bn) 50 End of FY03 50 End of FY04 50 End of FY03 50 End of FY04 50change 50(Yen bn) 50FY03 50FY04 50"Trade handling (amount, billion $) 50 FY04 results 50FY05 H1 projection 50FY05 projection 50*Sum of HD (non-consolidated, consolidated) 50#Personnel expenses (sum of 4 banks) 5'Non-personnel expenses (sum of 4 banks) 50Provision for specific allowance for loan losses 5MTFG 50UFJH 50Sum of Consolidated HD 50/Gross profits before trust accounts charge-offs 50MTB 50UFJ TB 50 Net incomeSum of 4 banks)Average balance of loans (sum of 4 banks) 50,Average balance of deposits (sum of 4 banks) 50 50Tiera! 50?Number of affiliated companies accounted for the equity methods 5Operating incomeOrdinary profitNet interest income 50 Trust fees 50Credit costs for trust accounts 50Net fees and commissions 50Net trading profits 50Net other business income 50#General and administrative expenses 50 Credit related costs of Bank A/C 50Losses on loan charge-offs 50Other credit related costs 50Equity in profit of affiliates 50Other 50Ordinary profit (loss) 50Net special gains (losses) 50Gain on loans charged-off 50%Reversal of allowance for loan losses 50%Income before income taxes and others 50Minority interest 50 Net income 50Total credit <costs 5+13+16+26   50Total credit costs 32+25   50#Number of consolidated subsidiaries 50 50Loans and bills discounted 50Consumer loans 50Housing loans 50Investment securities 50JGB (sum of 4 banks) 50Deposits 50Sum of 4 banks 50Domestic deposits 50 Individuals 50Corporations and others 50Total shareholders' equity 50 50Tierb! 50Risk-adjusted assets 50BIS capital ratio 59/60   50Tier`!ratio54/60    50 M"syY%'r)+> .]1Z3g5 727 8:7;+< 8>^?A+BFDH PP0Sys@mi]-xk8~9DD$"+0<  )#0020@xDyuRHp Ģ,y+Ŀ ]+&ܿC̿ӿxDuRH )x p8 )!< Ĕ8 Print_Area_Areay68^\0^p p8@FHxDt@uRH )x  Qay;x )<y;t@v<Dy,y;D@  sLy6@п QauD$@t@y;ӿxDuRH )x p8 )!< Ĕ80 )<y;KKKKKKzz̿K KKK?ibJ@а۩?ib@zpx̿ )x~ p8 )!< ̿t@ xD@ p@ )<x̿|uRH@ xDuRH )x p8 )!< xPt@cc K(@ (ZK[vj zֈҘ dMbP?_*+%NK&R&"Tahoma,jn"(Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc. + UFJ Holdings, Inc.)&M&d2?'x~4 ..~ 5@' F ())<Б@ @`@}@~@@}@~,@~w ..~ 6@, , 00/<^}b~}p~;@~γ ..~ 7@ F((()<@<@j}@~@B}r~H@~[ ..~ 8@ %<@r@@}@~B@@}°~^~+@ ..Dl(2&&&hnvvvxvvvnvvnnnnvxx| HBC!n"#$<%&'x@(TpP)T*+C@, @- @A.@p/~@0 @A1p@C2@`3@45`67 8, 9:;<="P>?~ 9@ '  < ̿@@r@}@S@~d@@}z~4~ ..~ !:@!' ! !<!m@m@},@~F@@} ~~@ !..~ ";@ "F"00/-<"A@a{@A2}A@~A@Pm}~~@ "..~ #<@ #F#(()(<#N@@@}@~@Л@},@~4@~ w@ #..~ $=@ $$<$p@@Ԭ@}~@~f@Z@}k@~~@ $..~ %>@ %'%--%-<%`@@4@}@~<@@}@e~ w~g@ %..~ &?@ &F&1112<&c@b@}~@T}AD~~ &..'333333333~ (@@ (F((()(<(z@xzΐ{b|z@{k{@~ )@@ )F)(()(<),e@}`~\}0@~~r@*-"*---444444444..~ +A@ +F+(()(<+pp@c@[@n@@b@Y@1&~ ,A@ ,kx,(()(<,I@8@;@I@9@:@? -w.--- 66666 .x). 66666 /x*/ 66666 0w/0xwww0 66666 1w+1xwww1 66666 2w,2xwww2 666663 66666 44 6666 4E[5 5\ 5 5 ] 5 78 5 8Z 578 6n6 ! 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