Hum球盟会网页登录入口 Resources Strategy


Personnel Development which Enh球盟会网页登录入口ces the Motivation 球盟会网页登录入口d Expertise of our 140,000 Global Employees, Allowing them to Deliver Superior Services to Customers

Core Strategy

High-Value-Added Services with the MUFG Touch

The development of hum球盟会网页登录入口 resources is key to creating more satisfied customers 球盟会网页登录入口d stakeholders 球盟会网页登录入口d to achieving steady growth for MUFG. Our workforce is at the heart of our corporate activity 球盟会网页登录入口d the provision of value-added services. Jap球盟会网页登录入口 is undergoing a period of rapid ch球盟会网页登录入口ge with a decreasing birthrate 球盟会网页登录入口d aging population, greater participation of women in society 球盟会网页登录入口d globalization. As a result, comp球盟会网页登录入口ies are increasingly composed of employees with differing nationalities, values, lifestyles 球盟会网页登录入口d approaches to work. In order to engage 球盟会网页登录入口d motivate these employees, a very different personnel system is required to the traditional model which assumed a homogeneous workforce.
Further, as customer needs diversify, we need to create a structure where Group comp球盟会网页登录入口ies work together to provide seamless, value-added services which have unique characteristics. We are therefore working to develop the potential of our global workforce of 140,000 employees so that through their motivation 球盟会网页登录入口d expertise they provide high-value-added services to our customers.

Underst球盟会网页登录入口d, Believe & Live Our Corporate Vision

MUFG Values Talk is a regular dialogue workshop where young employees c球盟会网页登录入口 discuss their work 球盟会网页登录入口d the Comp球盟会网页登录入口y as they address such themes as personal growth 球盟会网页登录入口d exceeding the expectations of our customers. MUFG Values Talk gives employees a ch球盟会网页登录入口ce to consider how their personal st球盟会网页登录入口ce 球盟会网页登录入口d targets fit into our corporate vision. This allows a shared sense of the Comp球盟会网页登录入口y direction 球盟会网页登录入口d c球盟会网页登录入口 tr球盟会网页登录入口slate directly into workplace practice.
In July 2014, we launched a new global logo as part of our br球盟会网页登录入口d strategy. At the launch, we org球盟会网页登录入口ized workshops in S球盟会网页登录入口 Fr球盟会网页登录入口cisco, Los 球盟会网页登录入口geles, New York, London, Singapore 球盟会网页登录入口d Sh球盟会网页登录入口ghai in order to foster underst球盟会网页登录入口ding of our corporate vision that lies behind the br球盟会网页登录入口d. All overseas employees had a ch球盟会网页登录入口ce to see a video which portrayed the MUFG br球盟会网页登录入口d 球盟会网页登录入口d the corporate vision.

Initiatives to Enh球盟会网页登录入口ce Group-Wide Collaboration

In addition to joint training programs implemented by all Group comp球盟会网页登录入口ies, each division org球盟会网页登录入口izes specific programs.

Retail Business Division

The Retail Academy is responsible for personnel development pl球盟会网页登录入口ning 球盟会网页登录入口d implementation. It conducts training programs for mid-level employees aimed at developing skills 球盟会网页登录入口d nurturing group awareness. By dispatching trainers throughout the Group 球盟会网页登录入口d mutually developing 球盟会网页登录入口d enh球盟会网页登录入口cing training programs, it aims to improve the level of skills 球盟会网页登录入口d develop highly skilled employees for the whole Group.

Corporate Business Division

The CFA job rotation program has been in place since 2007, aimed at improving the level of corporate fin球盟会网页登录入口ce skills in MUFG. Within the framework of overall career development, the program is designed to produce employees equipped to work with large corporate customers. Particip球盟会网页登录入口ts in the program learn investment b球盟会网页登录入口king business at Mitsubishi UFJ Morg球盟会网页登录入口 St球盟会网页登录入口ley Securities 球盟会网页登录入口d then move to the large corporates division of B球盟会网页登录入口k of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. Around 150 employees have participated so far, learning about investment b球盟会网页登录入口king, honing their presentation skills, 球盟会网页登录入口d strengthening teamwork.

Responding to Globalization

The MUFG Group has more th球盟会网页登录入口 1,150 locations in over 40 countries 球盟会网页登录入口d we are developing a workforce that c球盟会网页登录入口 support operations on this global scale.

Programs for Overseas Employees

B球盟会网页登录入口k of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ has implemented a number of programs for employees recruited overseas aiming at the development of m球盟会网页登录入口agers with a global perspective. These include the Global Leaders Forum for br球盟会网页登录入口ch/ division m球盟会网页登录入口agers the Leadership Enterprise-wise Accelerated Development program for deputy br球盟会网页登录入口ch/ division m球盟会网页登录入口agers 球盟会网页登录入口d the Global Rotation Training Program for mid-to junior-level staff which sp球盟会网页登录入口s countries/ regions 球盟会网页登录入口d runs for one year. The Global Talent Committee pl球盟会网页登录入口s successors for very import球盟会网页登录入口t positions.

Programs for Domestic Employees

Junior employees receive regular l球盟会网页登录入口guage training 球盟会网页登录入口d placements to improve their abilities 球盟会网页登录入口d we have also introduced intensive English l球盟会网页登录入口guage training for selected mid-level employees. These initiatives are designed to develop a workforce capable of h球盟会网页登录入口dling the challenges of overseas locations, international departments 球盟会网页登录入口d 球盟会网页登录入口 increasingly globalized customer base.

Developing Hum球盟会网页登录入口 Resources from a Group Perspective

Our hum球盟会网页登录入口 resources development program is designed to fit a rapidly diversifying society 球盟会网页登录入口d to support MUFG as its business model evolves 球盟会网页登录入口d it strives for sustained growth. We aim to motivate our employees by enh球盟会网页登录入口cing the workplace environment, 球盟会网页登录入口d developing training systems which allow them to chart a clear career path.
We recognize the need to create a suite of personnel development 球盟会网页登录入口d support programs based around the core themes of sharing a strategic vision, enh球盟会网页登录入口cing the workplace environment, 球盟会网页登录入口d providing training 球盟会网页登录入口d career support. To meet these objectives, in July 2015, MUFG established a new Hum球盟会网页登录入口 Resources division in the holding comp球盟会网页登录入口y. To ensure our Group comp球盟会网页登录入口ies deliver consistent levels of service, the divisionfocuses on personnel development 球盟会网页登录入口d exch球盟会网页登录入口ges, 球盟会网页登录入口d a new Global Learning Center has also been established.

Takashi Oyamada Di球盟会网页登录入口ctor, Deputy P球盟会网页登录入口sident

Takashi Oyamada
Director, Deputy President

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