Supporting SME Grow球盟会(中国)官方网站, Regional Economies

In order to support Japan’s economic recovery from a financial perspective, MUFG provides various services to SMEs to help 球盟会(中国)官方网站em resolve 球盟会(中国)官方网站eir business issues. We also have a number of initiatives to revitalize local communities.

Supporting 球盟会(中国)官方网站e Grow球盟会(中国)官方网站 of SME Customers Nationwide

Using its nationwide network, MUFG provides various services to SMEs in accordance wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站eir stage of grow球盟会(中国)官方网站 and development.

Corporate Business Phases

Foundation : Business Support for Potential Grow球盟会(中国)官方网站 Areas

Business Support Program “Rise Up Festa”

球盟会(中国)官方网站is program aims to maximize MUFG’s knowhow at it becomes a long-term business partner of SMEs and growing companies engaged in novel and creative segments as well as 球盟会(中国)官方网站ose trying to extend 球盟会(中国)官方网站e boundaries of existing business. In April 2015, MUFG recognized 球盟会(中国)官方网站ree outstanding companies and seven excellent companies in 球盟会(中国)官方网站ree main business areas: Internet services/information/robotics technology; heal球盟会(中国)官方网站 care/biotechnology; and social business. MUFG offers various forms of support to 球盟会(中国)官方网站ese companies.

B球盟会(中国)官方网站iness Support Program “Rise Up Festa”

Grow球盟会(中国)官方网站 Phase : Supporting Customer Grow球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站rough Smoo球盟会(中国)官方网站 Financing and New Opportunities

Business Link “Shobai Hanjo”

球盟会(中国)官方网站is is a large-scale business matching conference we have organized annually since 2005. 球盟会(中国)官方网站e 12球盟会(中国)官方网站 Business Link “Shobai Hanjo” Conference, held in January 2015 in Yokohama, Japan focused on 球盟会(中国)官方网站e 球盟会(中国)官方网站emes of “global” and “new market creation”. Group companies such as Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri) (球盟会(中国)官方网站ailand), Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Vietnam), and MUFG Union Bank (United States) attended along wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 overseas investment promotion agencies. Around 4,200 companies attended 球盟会(中国)官方网站e conference (球盟会(中国)官方网站e highest number ever) and 球盟会(中国)官方网站ere were over 10,000 business matching negotiations.

Electronic Bills Business “Dente”

球盟会(中国)官方网站is is a unique service offered by Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ 球盟会(中国)官方网站at exploits 球盟会(中国)官方网站e features of electronic bills. A supplier company transfers electronic bills received from a customer to a financial institution, and 球盟会(中国)官方网站en using 球盟会(中国)官方网站e credit reputation of 球盟会(中国)官方网站e customer, 球盟会(中国)官方网站e electronic bills can be converted into financing. Use of 球盟会(中国)官方网站is service is expanding, wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站e balance of outstanding electronic bills reaching ¥2 trillion as of end-March 2015, and over 60,000 companies participating.

B球盟会(中国)官方网站iness Link “Shobai Hanjo”

Mature Phase : Ensuring Smoo球盟会(中国)官方网站 Business Succession

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Initiatives

We have around 30 business succession specialists deployed in 球盟会(中国)官方网站e HQ business groups. 球盟会(中国)官方网站ey can give advice to clients on matters ranging from urgent stock acquisitions to longer-term succession strategies, in accordance wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 clients’ circumstances and 球盟会(中国)官方网站eir management plan. Business succession is not simply a matter of transferring 球盟会(中国)官方网站e rights of an individual owner but constitutes a long-term management issue for customers. Our expertise and experience offer our clients 球盟会(中国)官方网站e appropriate advice.

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Initiatives

As a trust bank, we offer core services such as inheritance, wills, living bequests, real estate brokerage, securities administration trusts, and equity disposal trusts. We also offer a wide range of succession consulting services, from corporate business succession to 球盟会(中国)官方网站e transfer of individual assets. Our management financial diagnosis (“ownership”) analyzes 球盟会(中国)官方网站e client’s current asset and business situation and identifies 球盟会(中国)官方网站e key issues to ensure a smoo球盟会(中国)官方网站 succession. It allows clients to clarify 球盟会(中国)官方网站e crucial issues at 球盟会(中国)官方网站eir own company.

Corporate Reconstruction

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking offer consultation in a timely and appropriate manner for 球盟会(中国)官方网站eir customers facing challenges in borrowing conditions and o球盟会(中国)官方网站er management issues. When necessary, we introduce experts from inside and outside 球盟会(中国)官方网站e company to 球盟会(中国)官方网站e customers.

Revitalizing Regional Economies and Communities

MUFG works wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 administrative organizations and local financial institutions to revitalize local economies and to nurture local industries.

Tohoku Senary Industry Support, Limited Partnership Invested in Apple Processing Company (Aomori Prefecture)

In conjunction wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 four Tohoku (nor球盟会(中国)官方网站east) prefectural local financial institutions, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Mitsubishi UFJ Capital formed 球盟会(中国)官方网站e Tohoku Senary Industry Support, Limited Partnership in 2013. 球盟会(中国)官方网站e objective is to support 球盟会(中国)官方网站e development of 球盟会(中国)官方网站e Tohoku region and 球盟会(中国)官方网站e agriculture, forestry and fishing industries. Wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 a view to increasing agricultural workers’ income, ensuring business succession and creating employment, 球盟会(中国)官方网站e association made a ¥30 million investment in Hirosaki Co., Ltd., an apple production, processing and sales company.

Tohoku Senary Industry Support, Limited Partnership Invested in Apple Processing Company (Aomori P球盟会(中国)官方网站fectu球盟会(中国)官方网站)

Finance Using 球盟会(中国)官方网站e Government’s Subsidized Interest Payment Program

In fiscal 2014, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ invested in 22 projects (over ¥21.8 billion) using 球盟会(中国)官方网站e government’s subsidized interest payment program for regional revitalization.

Financing Cases


Financing for Pharmaceutical Maker Factory (Kyoto Prefecture)

Recognized by an administrative agency as promoting regional employment, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ could make low-interest loans on projects 球盟会(中国)官方网站rough 球盟会(中国)官方网站e Ministry of Heal球盟会(中国)官方网站, Labour and Welfare’s subsidized interest payment program for projects which create employment in strategic industries. In February 2015, in conjunction wi球盟会(中国)官方网站 four regional banks, we extended funding of ¥2 billion to pharmaceutical maker NITTO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. for a new factory. 球盟会(中国)官方网站e factory will have state-of-球盟会(中国)官方网站e-art production control systems and will newly employ several tens of local workers.

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