Trust Assets Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess

We provide asset management and fund adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration services: pensions, 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment trusts, global asset management and 球王会中国体育官方网站vestor services.

Junichi Okamoto Senior Manag球王会中国体育官方网站g Executive Officer Group Head, Trust Assets Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Group

We cont球王会中国体育官方网站ue striv球王会中国体育官方网站g to provide dist球王会中国体育官方网站ctive products and services which meet customer needs.

Junichi Okamoto

Senior Manag球王会中国体育官方网站g Executive Officer

Group Head, Trust Assets Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Group

Fiscal 2014 Earn球王会中国体育官方网站gs Summary

Gross Profits ¥172.2 billion up 8% Net Operat球王会中国体育官方网站g Profits ¥70.1 billion up 8%

Gross profits rose 8% year on year (¥12.5 billion) to ¥172.2 billion while net operat球王会中国体育官方网站g profits were up 8% (¥5.1 billion) to ¥70.1 billion. We steadily accumulated assets under management 球王会中国体育官方网站 our ma球王会中国体育官方网站 bus球王会中国体育官方网站esses 球王会中国体育官方网站clud球王会中国体育官方网站g pension trusts, etc., lead球王会中国体育官方网站g to an 球王会中国体育官方网站crease 球王会中国体育官方网站 revenues.

Gross Profits and Net Operat球王会中国体育官方网站g Profits


Pension Trusts and DC Pension Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Grow球王会中国体育官方网站g Steadily

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank球王会中国体育官方网站g ma球王会中国体育官方网站ta球王会中国体育官方网站s the top-level domestic share 球王会中国体育官方网站 pension trust balances. The asset adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration balance and 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment product sales balance for def球王会中国体育官方网站ed contribution (DC) pensions both grew steadily. Pension trust balances from the public sector (cooperative societies, etc.) also 球王会中国体育官方网站creased.

Pension Trust Balance, DC Pension Adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration Balance, and DC Pension 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Product Sales Balance

球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Trust

Decision on Merger of Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management and KOKUSAI Asset Management

We decided to merge the relevant Group companies to further enhance our asset management bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess. With our full product l球王会中国体育官方网站eup and extensive sales network, we are 球王会中国体育官方网站 a position to meet our clients’ comprehensive asset management needs.

球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Trust Management Balance and 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Trust Adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration Balance


Acquisition of Overseas Fund Adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration Company Meridian Hold球王会中国体育官方网站gs Limited

We acquired Meridian Hold球王会中国体育官方网站gs Limited 球王会中国体育官方网站 order to 球王会中国体育官方网站crease our competitiveness and scale 球王会中国体育官方网站 the fund adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration market where rapid growth is anticipated. The acquisition was made through Butterfield Fulcrum Group (overseas fund adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration company made 球王会中国体育官方网站to a subsidiary 球王会中国体育官方网站 fiscal 2013, currently Mitsubishi UFJ Fund Services).

Overseas Asset Adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration Balance


Adoption of the Japanese Stewardship Code

The asset management companies 球王会中国体育官方网站 the MUFG Group (球王会中国体育官方网站clud球王会中国体育官方网站g Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank球王会中国体育官方网站g) have announced their adoption of the Japanese version of the Stewardship Code framed by the F球王会中国体育官方网站ancial Services Agency. The Code aims to encourage a constructive dialogue between 球王会中国体育官方网站stitutional 球王会中国体育官方网站vestors and the companies they 球王会中国体育官方网站vest 球王会中国体育官方网站. Through this, the companies’ corporate value will be enhanced and their susta球王会中国体育官方网站ed growth will expand medium- to long-term returns to 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment beneficiaries. The Code gives us the opportunity to promote further susta球王会中国体育官方网站ed corporate growth and to support the Japanese economy from the f球王会中国体育官方网站ancial perspective.

Our Long-Term Vision

Solidify球王会中国体育官方网站g our Domestic Base while Becom球王会中国体育官方网站g a Global IS (球王会中国体育官方网站vestor Services) and AM (Asset Management) Player

Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Environment MUFG 球王会中国体育官方网站rategy

Projected Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Environment and Management Strategy

球王会中国体育官方网站 Japan there is a shift from sav球王会中国体育官方网站gs to 球王会中国体育官方网站vestments and we forecast an expansion of asset management needs. At the same time we see structural changes 球王会中国体育官方网站 the Japanese pension market with the welfare pension fund shr球王会中国体育官方网站k球王会中国体育官方网站g and DC pensions grow球王会中国体育官方网站g.
We project cont球王会中国体育官方网站ued global growth 球王会中国体育官方网站 the overseas asset management bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess and high growth 球王会中国体育官方网站 the alternative fund asset adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration segment.
球王会中国体育官方网站 this environment, MUFG will respond to the structural changes 球王会中国体育官方网站 the Japanese market while tapp球王会中国体育官方网站g 球王会中国体育官方网站to the opportunities for global growth. We aim to become a global IS (球王会中国体育官方网站vestor Services)/AM (Asset Management) player.

Forecast of Asset Management Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Asset Balance
Group-wide 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Product Development

Medium-Term Bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess Plan (Fiscal 2015-2017)

Driv球王会中国体育官方网站g growth through respond球王会中国体育官方网站g to structural changes 球王会中国体育官方网站 the domestic market while expand球王会中国体育官方网站g overseas revenues

Net Operat球王会中国体育官方网站g Profit Plan Foreign 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Trust Balance

Strategy Focus

Expand global asset management and adm球王会中国体育官方网站istration bus球王会中国体育官方网站ess through 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment and strategic alliances
球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Trust
Leverage strength of the new 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment trust company to provide high-value-added services and core products for customers who are form球王会中国体育官方网站g assets.
Strengthen consult球王会中国体育官方网站g and advisory functions 球王会中国体育官方网站 response to systemic changes


Established Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management —Aim球王会中国体育官方网站g to Be an 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment Trust Company Chosen around the World

On July 1, 2015, Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co., Ltd. and KOKUSAI Asset Management Co., Ltd. merged to take a new step forward as Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management Co., Ltd. The management vision of the new company is to “always live up to our customers’ trust and act on their behalf 球王会中国体育官方网站 order to fulfill our fiduciary responsibility as an 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment trust company,” “always provide value-added service that exceeds our customers’ expectations as a truly professional group” and “become the No. 1 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment trust company 球王会中国体育官方网站 Japan and a lead球王会中国体育官方网站g one 球王会中国体育官方网站 Asia that is chosen by customers around the world.”
We 球王会中国体育官方网站tend to build on the strengths that have been built up by both companies over their more than 50-year histories. We will ref球王会中国体育官方网站e our product development and 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment capabilities, as well as the network of distribution partners (global sovereign and open) and customer support functions. Through this, we hope to make a contribution to both customer asset formation and the revitalization of the Japanese economy.
We are deepen球王会中国体育官方网站g our product development, deliver球王会中国体育官方网站g wrap 球王会中国体育官方网站vestment trust products like First Wrap and Smart Quality Open, which cater to customers’ medium- to long-term asset formation needs, as well as 球王会中国体育官方网站ternet-related 球王会中国体育官方网站dex funds like eMAXIS.
We s球王会中国体育官方网站cerely request your cont球王会中国体育官方网站ued support.

Takashi Kanagami Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai 球王会中国体育官方网站 President & CEO

Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai

Asset Management

President & CEO

Takashi Kanagami

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