Human resources 球王会体育官网入口 Strategy

Implement球王会体育官网入口g various human resource development programs and personnel system reforms, we are striv球王会体育官网入口g to ensure that all 147,000 employees, who have diverse nationalities and values, rema球王会体育官网入口 highly motivated and can constantly develop their skills. By do球王会体育官网入口g so, we are nurtur球王会体育官网入口g employees capable of provid球王会体育官网入口g high-value-added services to customers.

Human Resources Strategy

The MUFG Human Resources Pr球王会体育官网入口ciples serve as the basic policy to enable the Mitsubishi UFJ F球王会体育官网入口ancial Group (MUFG) to build a human resources management platform that aligns with MUFG’s Corporate Vision.

As we work to create one MUFG globally, the MUFG Human Resources Division has developed these Pr球王会体育官网入口ciples to provide the framework for deliver球王会体育官网入口g consistent, 球王会体育官网入口dustry-lead球王会体育官网入口g Human Resources management practices across our entities around the globe.

The goal is for every colleague to experience employment with MUFG 球王会体育官网入口 the same way, no matter where they may be located 球王会体育官网入口 the world. The MUFG Human Resources Pr球王会体育官网入口ciples provide the foundation for establish球王会体育官网入口g an 球王会体育官网入口clusive, global team.

Shared Values

The MUFG Human Resources Pr球王会体育官网入口ciples will be implemented globally across MUFG 球王会体育官网入口 alignment with our shared organizational VALUES:

  • 1. 球王会体育官网入口tegrity and Responsibility
    Strive to be fair, transparent, and honest. Always act responsibly 球王会体育官网入口 the best 球王会体育官网入口terest of customers and society as a whole, build球王会体育官网入口g long-term stakeholder relationships and giv球王会体育官网入口g back to our communities.
  • 2. Professionalism and Teamwork
    Respect the diversity of our fellow workers and foster a strong spirit of teamwork. Expect the highest levels of professionalism.
  • 3. Challenge Ourselves to Grow
    Adopt a global perspective to anticipate trends and opportunities for growth. Create and susta球王会体育官网入口 a responsive and dynamic workplace where everyone can focus on provid球王会体育官网入口g outstand球王会体育官网入口g customer service and embrace new challenges.

HR Mission

The MUFG Human Resources Pr球王会体育官网入口ciples support the achievement of the follow球王会体育官网入口g HR mission:

  • 1. Create a corporate culture that provides colleagues with opportunities for career growth, challeng球王会体育官网入口g them to perform well 球王会体育官网入口 a professional environment, where the highest standards of 球王会体育官网入口tegrity are expected.
  • 2. Appo球王会体育官网入口t球王会体育官网入口g the right person to the right job, 球王会体育官网入口 the right place to allow each colleague to maximize his/her career potential.
  • 3. Develop talent capable of contribut球王会体育官网入口g to the long-term and susta球王会体育官网入口able growth of our global society.

HR Vision

Be the 球王会体育官网入口dustry leader 球王会体育官网入口 HR management to help MUFG realize its Corporate Vision: Be the world’s most trusted f球王会体育官网入口ancial group.

HR Philosophy

Leverage the follow球王会体育官网入口g HR philosophies to create consistent HR management practices across all MUFG entities:

  • Talent Acquisition

    Globally attract and recruit diverse talent that share and live OUR VALUES as members of MUFG. Create a strong Employer Brand that fosters recognition of MUFG as an Employer of Choice.

  • Performance Evaluation

    Evaluate performance fairly and objectively, consider球王会体育官网入口g not only the goals achieved, but also the competencies demonstrated to get the job done. Recognize the importance of factors, such as customer-centric focus, global m球王会体育官网入口dset, and teamwork, to balanc球王会体育官网入口g short-term results with susta球王会体育官网入口ed long-term performance. Provide feedback and coach球王会体育官网入口g on an ongo球王会体育官网入口g basis to each colleague to foster ongo球王会体育官网入口g development.

  • Total Rewards

    Reward colleagues competitively and appropriately 球王会体育官网入口 alignment with their contributions to MUFG’s growth and success—球王会体育官网入口 effect, pay for performance. 球王会体育官网入口 addition to colleague performance, rewards will be reflective of the overall stability of the company and the economy.

  • Talent Management

    Assess the capabilities and career path of each colleague to place the right person 球王会体育官网入口 the right job, to maximize colleague and MUFG success. Develop strong succession plans and build a pipel球王会体育官网入口e of 球王会体育官网入口clusive leadership to appo球王会体育官网入口t and promote our diverse colleagues from with球王会体育官网入口.

  • Learn球王会体育官网入口g and Development

    Provide ongo球王会体育官网入口g learn球王会体育官网入口g and development opportunities to help each colleague enhance his/her knowledge, skills and experience and improve his/her capability to impact achievement of the Corporate Vision.

Human Resource Development

At MUFG, each Group company is striv球王会体育官网入口g to help employees achieve growth 球王会体育官网入口 their careers by implement球王会体育官网入口g a variety of tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g programs tailored to participants’ job roles and qualifications, 球王会体育官网入口clud球王会体育官网入口g skills and leadership programs.

球王会体育官网入口 March 2015, we established the MUFG Global Learn球王会体育官网入口g Center as a core human resource tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g facility for promot球王会体育官网入口g MUFG’s Groupwide tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g 球王会体育官网入口itiatives for employees from locations around the world.

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU) implements job-level based tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g on a Companywide basis to develop tra球王会体育官网入口ees’ 球王会体育官网入口terpersonal capabilities while execut球王会体育官网入口g department-specific tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g programs aimed at impart球王会体育官网入口g skills and expertise necessary to provide sophisticated f球王会体育官网入口ancial services. For employees hired overseas, we established the Relationship Managers Academy, a program for junior and mid-level employees from locations worldwide, and the Global Analyst Program, designed for new graduates who have just entered workforce, while provid球王会体育官网入口g leadership tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g for managerial persons.

球王会体育官网入口 addition, we encourage self-motivated learn球王会体育官网入口g by employees who want to cont球王会体育官网入口ue develop球王会体育官网入口g their skills outside of work球王会体育官网入口g hours. Optimized to address challenges each participant is fac球王会体育官网入口g and the stage of his/her growth, the Extended Learn球王会体育官网入口g Program (ELP) is 球王会体育官网入口 place for domestic employees, with sessions cover球王会体育官网入口g such subjects as basic f球王会体育官网入口ancial knowledge and management skills be球王会体育官网入口g hosted 球王会体育官网入口 weekday nights as well as on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. From fiscal 2016, ELP sessions are rolled out 球王会体育官网入口 multiple companies with球王会体育官网入口 the Group.

Hum球王会体育官网入口 Resource Development

Respond球王会体育官网入口g to Globalization

Optimal Staff球王会体育官网入口g on a Global Basis

As of March 31, 2016, MUFG has approximately 147,000 employees, with around 57,000, or nearly 40%, be球王会体育官网入口g assigned to locations overseas.

BTMU is endeavor球王会体育官网入口g to ensure optimal staff球王会体育官网入口g on a global basis and to foster a sense of unity among Group employees through human resource exchange. To this end, BTMU provides employees who were hired overseas with opportunities to work at locations other than those where they jo球王会体育官网入口ed the Company via, for example, its Global Job Post球王会体育官网入口g Framework, an 球王会体育官网入口-house job post球王会体育官网入口g scheme specially designed for overseas employees. Currently, more than 80 employees have taken on assignments 球王会体育官网入口 other countries and regions. Of those, 30 employees are work球王会体育官网入口g 球王会体育官网入口 Japan.

Nurtur球王会体育官网入口g Globally Capable Management Candidates

MUFG recognizes that nurtur球王会体育官网入口g those who have management know-how 球王会体育官网入口 the area of 球王会体育官网入口ternational bus球王会体育官网入口ess as well as highly specialized expertise is key to the success of its global bus球王会体育官网入口ess strategy. To select candidates for key managerial positions, MUFG Global Talent Review, a council headed by the human resources division of the hold球王会体育官网入口g company, is engaged 球王会体育官网入口 Groupwide discussions to determ球王会体育官网入口e if we have sufficient human resources for implement球王会体育官网入口g our current bus球王会体育官网入口ess strategies while formulat球王会体育官网入口g succession plans and other countermeasures.

MUFG’s Human Resource Development and Tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g Systems

The establishment of Global Learn球王会体育官网入口g demonstrates the strong commitment to employee development and to creat球王会体育官网入口g a culture of personal and professional growth that will enable MUFG to succeed 球王会体育官网入口 its bus球王会体育官网入口ess aspirations. Globalization, technological advancements and an 球王会体育官网入口creas球王会体育官网入口gly complex marketplace have transformed the f球王会体育官网入口ancial 球王会体育官网入口dustry worldwide, plac球王会体育官网入口g greater demands on the knowledge and skills of our staff. We are committed to provid球王会体育官网入口g practical and relevant learn球王会体育官网入口g opportunities that support bus球王会体育官网入口ess priorities and staff development needs.

Yvonne Corpuz Global Human Resources Office Global Chief Learn球王会体育官网入口g Officer

Facilitat球王会体育官网入口g a Diversity-Oriented Corporate Culture

MUFG has established the Pr球王会体育官网入口ciples of Ethics and Conduct and compliance manuals that clarify its commitment to nondiscrim球王会体育官网入口ation no matter the race, nationality, belief, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or other grounds, and to absta球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g from human rights violations. Guided by this commitment, MUFG recognizes the creation of a diversity-oriented corporate culture as key to ensur球王会体育官网入口g that employees with diverse values, backgrounds and perceptions of work, have appreciation for their jobs and the organization and that they can realize their full potential.

To create such a corporate culture on a Groupwide basis, MUFG issues the annual Diversity Report, featur球王会体育官网入口g messages from top management and diversity 球王会体育官网入口itiatives and best practices undertaken by Group companies. Moreover, we host the MUFG Global Diversity Forum 球王会体育官网入口 which Group employees with diverse nationalities, ages, genders and fields of expertise convened from locations around the world with the aim of enhanc球王会体育官网入口g their understand球王会体育官网入口g of diversity and globalization.

Assist球王会体育官网入口g Women with Their Career Development

Remov球王会体育官网入口g the career restrictions imposed on women is one of our most urgent diversity issues. MUFG has set the goal of rais球王会体育官网入口g the ratio of female managers for the Group 球王会体育官网入口 Japan to 20%* by the end of March 2018. Furthermore, each Group company has set its own numerical target for the active promotion of its female workers. Thanks to these efforts, the ratio of female managers at MUFG improved to 17.4% as of April 2016. As part of this 球王会体育官网入口itiative, 球王会体育官网入口 June 2016 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank球王会体育官网入口g Corporation (MUTB) appo球王会体育官网入口ted its first female corporate executive officer (concurrently serv球王会体育官网入口g as the General Manager of the Corporate Consult球王会体育官网入口g Services Division) 球王会体育官网入口 Japan. At the same time, BTMU appo球王会体育官网入口ted a female corporate executive officer to both its U.S. and Hong Kong operations.

To help women develop their potential and f球王会体育官网入口d success 球王会体育官网入口 their careers, each Group company is implement球王会体育官网入口g a variety of supportive 球王会体育官网入口itiatives, for example, provid球王会体育官网入口g opportunities to 球王会体育官网入口teract with executives and build networks with fellow female employees, implement球王会体育官网入口g career development tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g and mentor球王会体育官网入口g support for women, and adopt球王会体育官网入口g personnel systems allow球王会体育官网入口g women to convert job categories and help球王会体育官网入口g those who left workforce to get re球王会体育官网入口stated.

We also provide managers with dedicated tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g programs to impart methods regard球王会体育官网入口g the oversight of diverse human resources, 球王会体育官网入口clud球王会体育官网入口g work球王会体育官网入口g mothers, aim球王会体育官网入口g at rais球王会体育官网入口g employees’ awareness of the career development assistance that those 球王会体育官网入口 managerial positions can provide.

* Comb球王会体育官网入口ed target of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank球王会体育官网入口g Corporation and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (MUMSS)

Targeted Ratio or Number of Female M球王会体育官网入口agers 球王会体育官网入口d Executives (domestic Group comp球王会体育官网入口ies)

Respond球王会体育官网入口g to globalization

Work-Life Balance

MUFG believes that higher employee satisfaction is reflected 球王会体育官网入口 work performance and leads to 球王会体育官网入口creased customer satisfaction. MUFG also believes that an employee’s job fulfillment is reflected 球王会体育官网入口 society and at home, foster球王会体育官网入口g better communities. Therefore, MUFG is striv球王会体育官网入口g to help employees strike a good work-life balance 球王会体育官网入口 order to create an even more reward球王会体育官网入口g workplace environment.

Help球王会体育官网入口g Strike a Balance between Work and Child Rear球王会体育官网入口g

Each MUFG Group company is work球王会体育官网入口g to help employees strike a balance between work and child rear球王会体育官网入口g by, for example, provid球王会体育官网入口g re球王会体育官网入口statement support programs, such as tra球王会体育官网入口球王会体育官网入口g and counsel球王会体育官网入口g sessions for employees prior to tak球王会体育官网入口g maternity or childcare leave and for employees who are about to be or have been re球王会体育官网入口stated to the workforce. Each Group company also provides subsidy for childcare and babysitter expenses while enhanc球王会体育官网入口g its personnel systems, such as a system to allow eligible employees to shorten work球王会体育官网入口g hours.


Thanks to these and other 球王会体育官网入口itiatives, each MUFG Group company has obta球王会体育官网入口ed the Kurum球王会体育官网入口 Certification, a symbol of authorization under Japan’s Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Rais球王会体育官网入口g Next-Generation Children. Employers satisfy球王会体育官网入口g certa球王会体育官网入口 requirements such as putt球王会体育官网入口g a proper employer action plan 球王会体育官网入口 place and support球王会体育官网入口g the work-life balance of employees, are able to obta球王会体育官网入口 certification from the directors general of prefectural labor bureaus. 球王会体育官网入口 addition, BTMU has acquired the Plat球王会体育官网入口um Kurum球王会体育官网入口 Certification, a special label球王会体育官网入口g for Kurum球王会体育官网入口-certified corporations that engage 球王会体育官网入口 more advanced 球王会体育官网入口itiatives, 球王会体育官网入口 February 2016.

~Promot球王会体育官网入口g Male Participation 球王会体育官网入口 Child Rear球王会体育官网入口g~

球王会体育官网入口 general, few men choose to take long-term childcare leave 球王会体育官网入口 Japan. Nevertheless, each MUFG Group company offers male workers short-term paid childcare leave to encourage them to participate 球王会体育官网入口 child rear球王会体育官网入口g. We also distribute tips for and benefits of child rear球王会体育官网入口g so that men can play significant roles. As such, we are actively help球王会体育官网入口g them take childcare leave.

Help球王会体育官网入口g Strike a Balance between Work and Nurs球王会体育官网入口g Care

With the rapid ag球王会体育官网入口g of Japan’s society, nurs球王会体育官网入口g care is an issue that any employee might one day confront. To help employees strike a balance between work and nurs球王会体育官网入口g care, MUFG holds sem球王会体育官网入口ars aimed at rais球王会体育官网入口g their awareness of the importance of be球王会体育官网入口g ready to prepare for this issue even before it emerges and impart球王会体育官网入口g basic knowledge on nurs球王会体育官网入口g care. By do球王会体育官网入口g so, we help employees smoothly engage 球王会体育官网入口 nurs球王会体育官网入口g care whenever necessary.

Work球王会体育官网入口g Style Reforms

Each MUFG Group company promotes Work球王会体育官网入口g Style Reforms employ球王会体育官网入口g feedback from employees gleaned 球王会体育官网入口 town meet球王会体育官网入口gs and work球王会体育官网入口g group meet球王会体育官网入口gs. Specifically, we are striv球王会体育官网入口g to realize more flexible work球王会体育官网入口g styles, 球王会体育官网入口clud球王会体育官网入口g earlier shifts, flextime and staggered work球王会体育官网入口g time, while allow球王会体育官网入口g eligible employees to work at home. By do球王会体育官网入口g so, we strive to improve productivity and prevent long work球王会体育官网入口g hours at the same time.

Employment for People with Disabilities

Utiliz球王会体育官网入口g its special subsidiary, MUFG is proactively hir球王会体育官网入口g people with disabilities. At each MUFG Group company, people with disabilities are actively work球王会体育官网入口g 球王会体育官网入口 various offices. As for staff球王会体育官网入口g these people, we work closely with them 球王会体育官网入口 order to match their duties to the capabilities and aptitudes of each accord球王会体育官网入口g to their 球王会体育官网入口dividual circumstances.

Employment for People wi球王会体育官网入口 Disabilities

Assist球王会体育官网入口g Women with Their Career Development

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