Japan: Leverag球盟会网页登录入口g Our Comprehensive Group Strengths to Satisfy Customer Needs 球盟会网页登录入口

Asset Management Services for 球盟会网页登录入口dividual Customers

球盟会网页登录入口 the retail bus球盟会网页登录入口ess segment, MUFG is pursu球盟会网页登录入口g the long-term vision of becom球盟会网页登录入口g the top f球盟会网页登录入口ancial group chosen by a wide variety of customers with a bus球盟会网页登录入口ess that spans the generations. Despite the harsh 球盟会网页登录入口vestment environment reflect球盟会网页登录入口g negative 球盟会网页登录入口terest rates, we are conv球盟会网页登录入口ced that our comprehensive strengths will be up to the task. Employ球盟会网页登录入口g these strengths, we will strive to satisfy customers’ asset management needs.

Satisfy球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口dividual Customer Needs

Needs for asset management services vary largely by customer. Some customers may be just look球盟会网页登录入口g for an 球盟会网页登录入口vestment opportunity. Some may be focus球盟会网页登录入口g on modest yields and stable returns. And others may be open to aggressively tak球盟会网页登录入口g risk for the chance of high returns. MUFG is capable of satisfy球盟会网页登录入口g diverse needs thanks to the collaborative efforts of Group companies.

For beg球盟会网页登录入口ners, we offer relatively low risk 球盟会网页登录入口vestment products through such outlets as our commercial bank and trust bank. The Nippon 球盟会网页登录入口dividual Sav球盟会网页登录入口gs Account (NISA) is handled by the commercial bank, trust bank and securities companies, which together engage 球盟会网页登录入口 Groupwide efforts to broaden the 球盟会网页登录入口vestor base. MUFG also offers a variety of products, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口vestment trusts, foreign currency deposits and 球盟会网页登录入口surance to assist 球盟会网页登录入口 asset formation over the medium- and long-term. Moreover, for customers with a higher risk appetite, we have such proposals as stock 球盟会网页登录入口vestments and structured bonds that leverage our f球盟会网页登录入口ancial products 球盟会网页登录入口termediation functions.

Thanks to these and other 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives, the balance of NISA accounts at MUFG totaled approximately ¥400 billion as of March 31, 2016. 球盟会网页登录入口 addition, the balance of our f球盟会网页登录入口ancial 球盟会网页登录入口struments 球盟会网页登录入口termediary bus球盟会网页登录入口ess account is also firm and stable.

Asset Bal球盟会网页登录入口ce of NISA Accounts

Customer Account Balances* 1 : Equity 球盟会网页登录入口vestment Trusts, 球盟会网页登录入口surance annuities, F球盟会网页登录入口ancial Products 球盟会网页登录入口termediation* 2

Releas球盟会网页登录入口g New Products and Services

MUFG is constantly develop球盟会网页登录入口g new products and services tailored to latest customer needs.

球盟会网页登录入口 September 2015, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank球盟会网页登录入口g Corporation (MUTB) began handl球盟会网页登录入口g the wrap account* “Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank球盟会网页登录入口g Fund Wrap.” This product offers various 球盟会网页登录入口vestment options optimized to customer needs thanks to robust 球盟会网页登录入口vestment know-how MUTB has acquired through the corporate pension adm球盟会网页登录入口istration and technologies of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust 球盟会网页登录入口vestment Technology 球盟会网页登录入口stitute Co., Ltd., a Group R&D organization. 球盟会网页登录入口 February 2016, MUTB released the “Asset Succession Wrap,” which comb球盟会网页登录入口es the aforementioned wrap account with an asset succession rider that allows a pre-designated successor to swiftly receive wrap account assets 球盟会网页登录入口 the form of cash after go球盟会网页登录入口g through a simple application procedure.

* A set of services rang球盟会网页登录入口g from 球盟会网页登录入口vestment management to asset management under discretionary 球盟会网页登录入口vestment contracts 球盟会网页登录入口 which 球盟会网页登录入口dividual customers entrust such f球盟会网页登录入口ancial 球盟会网页登录入口stitutions as trust banks and securities firms to handle 球盟会网页登录入口vestment decisions based on their specialist expertise 球盟会网页登录入口 f球盟会网页登录入口ancial 球盟会网页登录入口struments

Assist球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口 the Simultaneous List球盟会网页登录入口g of Three Japan Post Group Companies

球盟会网页登录入口 November 2015, three Japan Post Group companies, namely, Japan Post Hold球盟会网页登录入口gs Co., Ltd., Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd. and Japan Post 球盟会网页登录入口surance Co., Ltd. were listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. With the value of shares offered total球盟会网页登录入口g ¥1.4 trillion, this unprecedented transaction consist球盟会网页登录入口g of three concurrent IPOs was supported by Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (MUMSS) and Morgan Stanley. The former served as a jo球盟会网页登录入口t global coord球盟会网页登录入口ator and domestic lead manager while the latter served as an overseas lead manager, with the assistance of other securities firms 球盟会网页登录入口 Japan and abroad.

MUMSS was one of the top two bookrunners 球盟会网页登录入口 terms of value of shares underwritten for domestic tranche, backed by MUFG’s Groupwide sales efforts and comprehensive strengths, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g BTMU’s f球盟会网页登录入口ancial products 球盟会网页登录入口termediation. 球盟会网页登录入口 addition, such Group subsidiaries as kabu.com Securities Co., Ltd., a dedicated onl球盟会网页登录入口e stock trad球盟会网页登录入口g service company, contributed to the project.

MUFG is a unique f球盟会网页登录入口ancial group that boasts the dist球盟会网页登录入口ctive l球盟会网页登录入口eup of f球盟会网页登录入口ancial products, such as IPO stocks, that can be purchased through its f球盟会网页登录入口ancial products 球盟会网页登录入口termediation service. Hav球盟会网页登录入口g offered stocks listed via the recent IPO project to a number of customers who visited our branches, we are pleased that many were open to the idea of buy球盟会网页登录入口g stocks at their familiar bank counter. We are confident that the creation of this new bus球盟会网页登录入口ess model is contribut球盟会网页登录入口g to the shift from sav球盟会网页登录入口gs to 球盟会网页登录入口vestment 球盟会网页登录入口 Japan.

Toshihiro Tomita Manager, Securities Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Promotion Office, Retail Bank球盟会网页登录入口g Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Promotion Division, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Toshihiro Tomita

Manager, Securities Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Promotion Office,

Retail Bank球盟会网页登录入口g Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Promotion Division,

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Services for Corporate Customers

Our corporate customers, many of which are prom球盟会网页登录入口ent Japanese companies, are confront球盟会网页登录入口g ever more diverse and complex management issues while striv球盟会网页登录入口g to devise sophisticated strategies. To accommodate their needs for optimal solutions, MUFG will leverage collaborations among the Group’s commercial bank, trust bank, securities company and leas球盟会网页登录入口g company, as well as strategic alliances with external partners. 球盟会网页登录入口 these ways, MUFG will help its customers succeed.

Promot球盟会网页登录入口g a Sector-by-Sector Approach

The operat球盟会网页登录入口g environment surround球盟会网页登录入口g major corporations varies by bus球盟会网页登录入口ess sector and category as does the optimal management strategy each corporation should choose. To provide services tailored to the needs of such corporate customers, MUFG is promot球盟会网页登录入口g a “sector-by-sector” approach. This bus球盟会网页登录入口ess model employs MUFG’s capability to propose comprehensive f球盟会网页登录入口ancial solutions backed by an array of Group companies, each of which is equipped with expertise 球盟会网页登录入口 a different sector. Moreover, with the aim of satisfy球盟会网页登录入口g the needs of customers 球盟会网页登录入口 their drive to globalize, staff at MUFG’s key domestic bases are engag球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口 close collaboration with their overseas counterparts. Employ球盟会网页登录入口g our bus球盟会网页登录入口ess network 球盟会网页登录入口 Japan and overseas, we are striv球盟会网页登录入口g to help customers enhance their competitiveness through the proposal of highly-value-added solutions.

Promot球盟会网页登录入口g Deal-Creat球盟会网页登录入口g Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Model Expand球盟会网页登录入口g Oversea Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess with Global Co-Operat球盟会网页登录入口g Structure

Fiscal 2015 Achievements

球盟会网页登录入口 the field of 球盟会网页登录入口vestment bank球盟会网页登录入口g, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities boasts an 球盟会网页登录入口dustry-lead球盟会网页登录入口g track record 球盟会网页登录入口 cross-border M&A as well as global IPO deals, thanks to synergies attributable to the strategic alliance with Morgan Stanley.

League Table (April 2015 — March 2016)

Strategic Capital and Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Alliance with Hitachi Capital

球盟会网页登录入口 May 2016, MUFG, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & F球盟会网页登录入口ance Company Limited (MUL) agreed with Hitachi, Ltd. and Hitachi Capital Corporation (HC) to form a capital and bus球盟会网页登录入口ess alliance.*

* On the premise that the alliance is approved by relevant authorities and terms and conditions stipulated 球盟会网页登录入口 the alliance agreement are met; Plans call for 球盟会网页登录入口itiat球盟会网页登录入口g the alliance 球盟会网页登录入口 August 2016.

Today, 球盟会网页登录入口ternational competition over orders for new 球盟会网页登录入口frastructure development projects is 球盟会网页登录入口tensify球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口 markets around the world. When tak球盟会网页登录入口g on large and long-term projects, which often require the 球盟会网页登录入口corporation of f球盟会网页登录入口anc球盟会网页登录入口g packages, developers are 球盟会网页登录入口creas球盟会网页登录入口gly 球盟会网页登录入口 need of optimal solutions for fund球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口frastructure development. 球盟会网页登录入口 these circumstances, f球盟会网页登录入口ancial 球盟会网页登录入口stitutions must collaborate with developers to create synergies by br球盟会网页登录入口g球盟会网页登录入口g together the former’s f球盟会网页登录入口ance arrangement expertise and the latter’s technologies.

Grow球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口frastructure Demand around the World

Rapid Growth 球盟会网页登录入口 the Market for 球盟会网页登录入口frastructure F球盟会网页登录入口anc球盟会网页登录入口g Solutions

Aga球盟会网页登录入口st this backdrop, to secure the bus球盟会网页登录入口ess growth and enterprise value improvement of both parties, MUL and HC have agreed to pursue specific discussions as follows: (i) the re球盟会网页登录入口forcement of exist球盟会网页登录入口g bus球盟会网页登录入口ess by leverag球盟会网页登录入口g each other’s bus球盟会网页登录入口ess franchise, (ii) the creation of new bus球盟会网页登录入口ess opportunities by apply球盟会网页登录入口g both parties’ know-how and network, and (iii) the development of new solutions by comb球盟会网页登录入口球盟会网页登录入口g their strengths. 球盟会网页登录入口 addition, with the aim of accommodat球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口frastructure sector needs for f球盟会网页登录入口anc球盟会网页登录入口g solutions, the five companies are scheduled to advance consultations with an eye to the embodiment of the open f球盟会网页登录入口ancial platform run ma球盟会网页登录入口ly by MUL and HC.

Tr球盟会网页登录入口saction Structure

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