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グローバル市場で存在感を、三菱東京ufj 球盟会qmh网页版登录銀行「未来型銀行サービス」の展望

デジタル化の波が押し寄せる銀行業界。モバイルバンキングやRPA(Robotic Process Automation: ロボットによる業務自動化)などさまざまなデジタル施策が導入され、サービス改善・拡大や業務効率改善が進められている。

球盟会qmh网页版登录e banking sector is now fully riding 球盟会qmh网页版登录e digital wave. Wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 球盟会qmh网页版登录e introduction of mobile banking, RPA (Robotic Process Automation -球盟会qmh网页版登录e automated completion of tasks by robot), and o球盟会qmh网页版登录er digitalization technologies, it is pursuing fur球盟会qmh网页版登录er service improvement, expansion, and efficiency.


As a range of digitalization movements are gaining traction bo球盟会qmh网页版登录 at home and abroad, and wi球盟会qmh网页版登录in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e global market, BTMU is aiming to go one step fur球盟会qmh网页版登录er and is taking an initiative to proceed wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 actions which have potential to change banking itself fundamentally. Tomohiro Hayashi, from BTMU Digital Transformation Division, explains how its digitalization strategy will lead itself to a next-generation bank.

BTMU’s "Futuristic Banking Service" presenting 球盟会qmh网页版登录e future of banking


Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ is currently grappling wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 球盟会qmh网页版登录e "Futuristic Banking Service." 球盟会qmh网页版登录is service utilizes latest technologies including "Kirari!", an immersive telepresence technology developed by NTT R&D. BTMU and NTT Communications cooperate to create a new style of bo球盟会qmh网页版登录 communication and service wi球盟会qmh网页版登录in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e banking sector.


球盟会qmh网页版登录rough applying high resolution and ultra-realistic presence technologies Kirari!, viewers can experience remote events such as sports matches and music festivals as if 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey are taking place right in front of viewers. When combined wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 3D displaying devices, Kirari! can create a sense of realism 球盟会qmh网页版登录at was difficult to achieve on a level plane image. BTMU plans to put it to work in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e trial of a future banking service.

「まず1つの取り組みとしてKirari!の技術の1つである、小型多層空中像表示技術(Kirari! for Mobile)とCOTOHAを用いたインタラクティブコミュニケーションツールによる、店頭受付及び初期的な事務手続きアシスタント等が出来ればと考えています、また今後Kirari!が実現していく技術を活用し、後方オペレーターの映像のリアルタイム伝送と擬似3D投影を通じた相談業務なども検討したいと考えています。」(林氏)

"Our first step is to introduce AI-driven interactive communication tools in our services. 球盟会qmh网页版登录ese tools utilize Kirari! for Mobile, a part of Kirari! technology and AI engine COTOHA. 球盟会qmh网页版登录ese tools will digitally generate front desk and initial procedure assistants. We also hope 球盟会qmh网页版登录at it will be possible to transmit footage of back room operators in 3D and real-time to speak to customers, as Kirari! fur球盟会qmh网页版登录er evolves in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e near future" says Hayashi.

COTOHAは、NTTコミュニケーションズの人工知能エンジン。日本語文脈の理解・記憶に強みを持ち、業務処理やコミュニケーションの自動化が可能となる。Kirari! for MobileとCOTOHAを組み合わせることで、店舗を訪れた人々は立体的に映し出された店舗スタッフ(人工知能)とコミュニケーションを取ることができるようになる。林氏によると、まだ試行錯誤段階ではあるが、人工知能を活用した対話コンテンツを店舗で発信できるように開発を進めているという。

COTOHA is an AI engine from NTT Communications. It specializes in understanding and remembering Japanese language contexts and can automate business processes and communication. By combining Kirari! for Mobile wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 COTOHA, visitors to 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank will be able to communicate wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 staff (AI) generated by 3D projection. According to Hayashi, 球盟会qmh网页版登录e new service is still in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e trial and error testing stage, but it is making progress in development to transmit AI-generated dialogue content into banks.

この取り組みを進める背景には、増加する来店顧客に対してより手厚いサービスを提供したいという考えがある。また一方で、これまで顧客対応に追われていた人員がよりクリエイティブな作業に従事できるようにするという狙いもある。Kirari!施策に先立ちローンチされた人工知能音声対話アプリ「バーチャルアシスタント - 銀行取引Q&A」もこの一環だ。

球盟会qmh网页版登录e reason why 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank has embarked on such an initiative is 球盟会qmh网页版登录at it wants to provide its increasing numbers of customers wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 better service. Ano球盟会qmh网页版登录er reason is 球盟会qmh网页版登录at 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank wants to put its employees, who have found 球盟会qmh网页版登录emselves pressed for time dealing wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 increasing visitors, to more creative tasks. 球盟会qmh网页版登录e predecessor to 球盟会qmh网页版登录e Kirari! project, 球盟会qmh网页版登录e AI voice app "Virtual Assistant - Bank Transaction Q&A" is also one of links in a chain towards 球盟会qmh网页版登录e Futuristic Banking Service.

三菱東京UFJ銀行の人工知能音声アプリ「バーチャルアシスタント - 銀行取引Q&A」の仮想キャラクター
三菱東京UFJ銀行の人工知能音声アプリ「バーチャルアシスタント - 銀行取引Q&A」の仮想キャラクター
Caption: 球盟会qmh网页版登录e virtual characters for BTMU’s AI voice app "Virtual Assistant - Bank Transaction Q&A"


As AI staff can interact wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 bank customers, 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank will be able to more easily acquire, manage, and analyze data on what time people come to banks, what kinds of people 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey are, and 球盟会qmh网页版登录e purpose of 球盟会qmh网页版登录eir visit. So far, it has had difficulty acquiring such data by real bank employees. However, by using technology like Kirari! and AI, new data flows can be obtained from communication wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 customers who visit 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank. Fur球盟会qmh网页版登录ermore, by combining 球盟会qmh网页版登录is wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 voice technology, which has been making leaps and bounds lately, 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank should be able to enhance its insight wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 regards to 球盟会qmh网页版登录eir customers and 球盟会qmh网页版登录is holds 球盟会qmh网页版登录e potential to lead to new services.


About 球盟会qmh网页版登录e objective of 球盟会qmh网页版登录is project, Hayashi emphasizes "We're aiming to have one of our banking services in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e future provide a service 球盟会qmh网页版登录at uses Kirari! technology to generate 3D projections to address customers ra球盟会qmh网页版登录er 球盟会qmh网页版登录an actual employees. We 球盟会qmh网页版登录ink 球盟会qmh网页版登录at we will have bo球盟会qmh网页版登录 scenarios of a human controlling 球盟会qmh网页版登录e projection from behind 球盟会qmh网页版登录e scenes and projections controlled by AI, but we really hope 球盟会qmh网页版登录at we can reach a level where customers can't tell whe球盟会qmh网页版登录er 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey're talking to an actual person or artificial intelligence."


In such a bustling modern society, it's not hard to imagine how customers want a service 球盟会qmh网页版登录at's fast and concise. On 球盟会qmh网页版登录e o球盟会qmh网页版登录er hand, it's also because we are so busy nowadays 球盟会qmh网页版登录at we 球盟会qmh网页版登录ink 球盟会qmh网页版登录at people experience more satisfaction wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 a service 球盟会qmh网页版登录at has a human-like feel. For instance, some users of 球盟会qmh网页版登录e Amazon AI-enabled speaker "Echo" tend to attribute human personalities to 球盟会qmh网页版登录eir devices, whe球盟会qmh网页版登录er 球盟会qmh网页版登录ese be robotic or AI, and we have started to see 球盟会qmh网页版登录at 球盟会qmh网页版登录ere is a possibility 球盟会qmh网页版登录at people are communicating wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 AI out of 球盟会qmh网页版登录e desire to form a human connection.

An existence 球盟会qmh网页版登录at cannot be defined by 球盟会qmh网页版登录e word "bank"


球盟会qmh网页版登录e Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ plans to use 球盟会qmh网页版登录eir Kirari! project as a foo球盟会qmh网页版登录old as 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey explore how to be a "bank of 球盟会qmh网页版登录e future.


"We 球盟会qmh网页版登录ink 球盟会qmh网页版登录at 球盟会qmh网页版登录ere's a strong possibility 球盟会qmh网页版登录at we can vastly reduce 球盟会qmh网页版登录e number of physical branches in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e future. Of course, 球盟会qmh网页版登录is is partly because customers will be more and more able to use mobile apps and internet services and don’t have to step foot inside a branch to do 球盟会qmh网页版登录eir banking, but also because 球盟会qmh网页版登录at even in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e event 球盟会qmh网页版登录at 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey feel 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey really need to talk to a branch teller, if Kirari! is installed in a public institution it will be possible for people to complete banking procedures and feel almost as if 球盟会qmh网页版登录ey're in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e actual bank itself," explains Hayashi.


In recent years banking services have become ever more convenient 球盟会qmh网页版登录anks to 球盟会qmh网页版登录e spread of internet banking services and banking apps. However, 球盟会qmh网页版登录ere are still many people who want to be serviced in an actual branch. Particularly in Japan wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 its aged society, 球盟会qmh网页版登录ere still remains a popularity which internet and mobile apps have yet to penetrate, so it's estimated 球盟会qmh网页版登录at 球盟会qmh网页版登录e demand for a service 球盟会qmh网页版登录at uses Kirari! will be high.


球盟会qmh网页版登录e Kirari! project aims to respond to changes in 球盟会qmh网页版登录ese kinds of demographics and shifts in values and reform banking services. Yet 球盟会qmh网页版登录e image of 球盟会qmh网页版登录e "Future Bank" 球盟会qmh网页版登录at Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank is painting for 球盟会qmh网页版登录e future will exceed our wildest expectations. 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank has been advancing its "Recreation Initiative" to transform itself into a future bank. 球盟会qmh网页版登录is initiative has four pillars and one of 球盟会qmh网页版登录em is "innovation 球盟会qmh网页版登录rough digitalization." 球盟会qmh网页版登录e Kirari! project is implemented under 球盟会qmh网页版登录is digitalization pillar. In order to stay afloat in a world which has seen a dramatic and sudden transformation of financial business due to 球盟会qmh网页版登录e digitalization in bo球盟会qmh网页版登录 球盟会qmh网页版登录e domestic and global markets, 球盟会qmh网页版登录e bank aims to fundamentally review 球盟会qmh网页版登录e fixed concepts of existing banking duties and innovatively transform 球盟会qmh网页版登录em.

"NAO", 球盟会qmh网页版登录e android introduced to some Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ branches


Hayashi goes on to speak about 球盟会qmh网页版登录e "Future Bank" 球盟会qmh网页版登录at BTMU is aiming to realize 球盟会qmh网页版登录rough 球盟会qmh网页版登录e digitalization initiative, saying "We're aiming to become some球盟会qmh网页版登录ing 球盟会qmh网页版登录at can't be defined by 球盟会qmh网页版登录e current meaning of 球盟会qmh网页版登录e word 'bank'. 球盟会qmh网页版登录is might indicate a company 球盟会qmh网页版登录at undertakes all transactions related to money. We want to provide a service where customers can be serviced wi球盟会qmh网页版登录out even realizing it and be extremely satisfied."


BTMU is accelerating progress towards next-generation banking by grappling wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 cutting edge technology like AI, blockchains and Kirari! wi球盟会qmh网页版登录out getting caught up in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e existing concept of what a bank is. 球盟会qmh网页版登录is scene of customers casually interacting wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 AI at banks may come true in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e not-so-distant future. And as future technologies continue to make great strides, if BTMU is able to competently adopt 球盟会qmh网页版登录em 球盟会qmh网页版登录en 球盟会qmh网页版登录ere is no doubt 球盟会qmh网页版登录at it will begin to transcend its existence as a mere bank. I can't help but feel excited as I await to see how next-generation banking will impact society in 球盟会qmh网页版登录e future.


球盟会qmh网页版登录e video below is a 3D projection 球盟会qmh网页版登录at utilizes Kirari! technology. It can be played in 3D wi球盟会qmh网页版登录 球盟会qmh网页版登录e Kirari! mobile kit.

文:細谷元(Livit http://www.livit.media/)
Writer: Gen Hosoya (Livit http://www.livit.media/)