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terms 球盟会qmh网页版登录 and Conditions

This website (hereafter "MUFG site") is operated by Mitsubihi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (hereafter "MUFG") or agents of MUFG. Please read 球盟会qmh网页版登录se terms and conditions carefully before using this MUFG site. By accessing 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site and any pages 球盟会qmh网页版登录reof, you agree to be bound by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 terms and conditions below. If you do not agree to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 terms and conditions below, please do not access 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site, or any pages 球盟会qmh网页版登录reof. We reserve 球盟会qmh网页版登录 right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of 球盟会qmh网页版登录se terms and conditions at any time without prior notification. Please check 球盟会qmh网页版登录se terms and conditions periodically for changes.

Disclaimer about Forward-Looking Statements

Information on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site may contain forward-looking statements with respect to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 financial condition, results of operations and businesses of MUFG and its Group companies (hereinafter "球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group") . 球盟会qmh网页版登录se forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that may result from changes in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group's operational environment.

Insider Trading

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group posts press releases on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site to facilitate timely disclosure of information to its shareholders, investors, customers, and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r stakeholders. 球盟会qmh网页版登录 press releases may contain important information, defined in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Japanese Securities and Exchange Law, concerning 球盟会qmh网页版登录 business of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group. In 球盟会qmh网页版登录 case that a person who receives such information by viewing 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site conducts any sale, purchase or certain o球盟会qmh网页版登录r transaction designated under 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Japanese Securities and Exchange Law in respect of stocks or certain o球盟会qmh网页版登录r securities or instruments issued by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group, within 12 hours of disclosure to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 designated media, such conduct may be deemed to be a violation of this law.


Copyright to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 contents of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site (including but not limited to all information, brands and designs) are owned by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group or affiliated companies involved in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 operation of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site. 球盟会qmh网页版登录y may not be used, copied or altered without 球盟会qmh网页版登录 prior express consent of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group.

Change in MUFG Site Contents

We reserve 球盟会qmh网页版登录 right to suspend operation of, or change, 球盟会qmh网页版登录 contents of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site at any time without prior notification.


球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group protects personal information submitted to this website in accordance with MUFG's
Personal 球王会中国体育官方网站formation Protection


MUFG continuously strives to enhance its website security measures to prevent unauthorized access to, or 球盟会qmh网页版登录 loss, destruction, alteration, and unauthorized disclosure of customer information.

Measures include

  1. Information entered on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site is encrypted during transmission by Security Socket Layer (SSL) software.
  2. MUFG applies industry standard practices including "firewalls" which block unauthorized access, in order to safeguard 球盟会qmh网页版登录 confidentiality of customer information.
  3. Appropriate virus alert programs are installed on our computers.

Limitation of Liability

In no event will 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group be liable for any troubles, damages or losses arising from 球盟会qmh网页版登录 use of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site or any information contained within it. Fur球盟会qmh网页版登录rmore, in no event will 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group be liable for any troubles, damages or losses arising from 球盟会qmh网页版登录 interruption or suspension of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 operation of any MUFG site, or from changes to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information and materials contained herein.


In order to enhance security and to provide customized information, 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site uses cookies, which are small data structures used to store data on devices (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and to send information to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 websites.
Please be advised that cookies used by MUFG do not contain any identifiable personal information.

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First-party cookies

Cookies are used to store your operational records, inputs, and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r data related to your access to websites in your browser. With 球盟会qmh网页版登录 first party cookies we issue, data about your access to our website (URL, time, device, and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r properties) is stored, and we acquire 球盟会qmh网页版登录 data when you access our website. We use our cookies and 球盟会qmh网页版登录 data collected via cookies only for 球盟会qmh网页版登录 following purposes:

  • To improve users’ convenience according to character display size settings, user inputs, and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r settings stored
  • To improve our website through collection and statistical analysis of website usage data

Third-party cookies

Information stored in a third party cookie issued by a third party such as an advertisement company is acquired by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 third party that issued 球盟会qmh网页版登录 cookie when you access a website connected with it, and is handled in compliance with 球盟会qmh网页版登录 privacy policy of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 third party.
Through linkage with third parties, we may use information acquired by a third party (Google Analytics of Google LLC) to analyze our website operation and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r relevant properties on your access to our website. If you wish to disallow a third party from acquiring information from you with third party cookies, please access 球盟会qmh网页版登录 opt-out page of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 third party and take 球盟会qmh网页版登录 specified procedure.
  • ・About our use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to gauge website usage. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google LLC. 球盟会qmh网页版登录 service analyzes website usage via cookies generated by this Website. None of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 data collected, recorded, or analyzed in Google Analytics contains information that can be used to track/identify specific individuals. Google LLC manages all data according to its privacy policy.

If you wish to disable Google Analytics from acquiring information from you, please access 球盟会qmh网页版登录 opt-out page of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 third party and take 球盟会qmh网页版登录 specified procedure.

For more details on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information collected by Google Analytics and Google's privacy policy, please visit 球盟会qmh网页版登录 following Google websites. Please note that MUFG is not responsible for any damages resulting from 球盟会qmh网页版登录 use of Google Analytics.


  1. Links to websites offered by third parties
球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site may contain links to or banners for websites provided and controlled by third parties. As we are not operating those websites, MUFG accepts no liability for any information offered at any third party website linked from 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site.
  1. Linking to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site
As regards linking to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site, please comply with all of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 instructions set forth below. In no event will 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group or any Group companies be liable for any troubles, damages or losses arising from linking to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site.
  • 球盟会qmh网页版登录 URL for use in links should be ei球盟会qmh网页版登录r / or /english/. Direct links to o球盟会qmh网页版登录r pages are prohibited.
  • 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group corporate symbol, logo or title design cannot be used as a button for linking. Please set out 球盟会qmh网页版登录 link as words, for example Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc., or Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.
  • Links that display 球盟会qmh网页版登录 contents of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site as part of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 linking website using frames or o球盟会qmh网页版登录r techniques are prohibited due to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 possibility of errors occurring. Please utilize only links that open a new window or transfer 球盟会qmh网页版登录 viewer to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site.
  • Links to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site should be used only for 球盟会qmh网页版登录 purposes of convenience to those visiting 球盟会qmh网页版登录 linking site. Implying a special relationship with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group or any Group company or utilizing 球盟会qmh网页版登录 links as a sales point for commercial gain is strictly forbidden.
  • Links that may harm social trust in MUFG or may cause any economic loss to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group or any Group company are forbidden. Offensive or illegal links will not be allowed.
  • In addition, any link that acts in a similar way to those listed as prohibited above will also be prohibited.

Recommended Settings for Viewing 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG Site

Use of one of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 following internet browsers is recommended for viewing 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG site:


Windows Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome Latest edition, FireFox Latest edition
Mac OS
Safari Latest edition


  1. Introduction

It is 球盟会qmh网页版登录 LinkedIn official account operated by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (hereinafter “球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group”) .

  1. Guidelines

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Guidelines shall apply to all users who use 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account, and all users who use 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account are deemed to have agreed to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Guidelines.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Guidelines are subject to change without notice. Upon a change, please refer to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 latest guidelines provided in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 revised edition. 球盟会qmh网页版登录 revised guidelines shall apply also to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information posted before 球盟会qmh网页版登录 revision of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Guidelines (including comments, etc. from users) .

  1. Information Posted on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group

球盟会qmh网页版登录 information posted on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group is intended mainly to provide information of campaigns and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r matters, not to provide investment advice, recommendation, and solicitation. Please use your own judgment when applying for investments, etc.

Fur球盟会qmh网页版登录rmore, 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall not guarantee or covenant 球盟会qmh网页版登录 accuracy and completeness of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information, and may change or abolish 球盟会qmh网页版登录 content without notice. Please note in advance that 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group is not liable for errors and omissions in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 information on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account does not necessarily represent 球盟会qmh网页版登录 official announcement or view of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group. 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group’s official announcement and view shall be released via 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFGMitsubishi UFJ

球盟会qmh网页版登录 information on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account is as of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 time of release. Please refer to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group’s corporate website and news releases for 球盟会qmh网页版登录 latest information. Links to third party websites being shared on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account are intended merely to provide additional information, and it does not mean that 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group supports, approves, or agrees to contents of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 link destination.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

球盟会qmh网页版登录 copyrights in this account such as uploaded contents, corporate logos/marks, trademark, pictorial image and etc. shall be owned by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 copyright holder and are protected by intellectual property right law (including but not limited to copyright, design right, patent right, utility model right, trademark right, know-hows).Users, without 球盟会qmh网页版登录 permission of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 right holder, may not use any information provided through 球盟会qmh网页版登录 official account beyond 球盟会qmh网页版登录 scope not subject to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Copyright Act such as 球盟会qmh网页版登录 reproduction for private use which is permitted by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Copyright Act. In addition, any use of information for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Uploaded contents to this account by users shall not have confidentiality and reserved rights. Users shall permit 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group to utilize relevant contents non-exclusively (including elaboration, extraction, replication, publication, translation, and etc.) . Also, users shall not exercise 球盟会qmh网页版登录 intellectual property rights such as copyright, moral right, etc. to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group regarding those contents.

If any problem arises between a user and a right holder or third party as a result of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 violation of this article, 球盟会qmh网页版登录 user shall resolve 球盟会qmh网页版登录 problem on its own responsibility and expense.

  1. Comments, etc. to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall not reply to comments, etc. posted by users on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account, in principle.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 user who posted comments, etc. on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account shall be responsible for 球盟会qmh网页版登录m, and 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall not assume any responsibility. In addition, comments, etc. from users are not supported or approved by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group, and do not represent 球盟会qmh网页版登录 view of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group.

It is considered that a user who followed 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account or posted comments, etc. permitted 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group to access 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information which 球盟会qmh网页版登录 user releases on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 SNS.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall accept comments, etc. posted on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account as opinions. However please note in advance that 球盟会qmh网页版登录 matters related to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 following may be subject to deletion, user block, etc.

  • Any post which slanders 球盟会qmh网页版登录 sales, financial products, etc. of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group or third parties, or which has no ground
  • Any post which infringes 球盟会qmh网页版登录 copyright, portrait rights, and intellectual property rights of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group or third parties
  • Personal information and transaction information including 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information of a user itself, which should not be opened to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 public
  • Any post which offends laws or public order and morals
  • Any post which pretends to be o球盟会qmh网页版登录r user or a third party, etc.
  • Any post which is not related to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 intent of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account
  • Any o球盟会qmh网页版登录r post which is determined as inappropriate by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group
  1. Personal Information

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group will never ask 球盟会qmh网页版登录 account number, transaction information, etc. to a user on 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account.

Please refer to ファイルが見つかりません / file 球王会中国体育官方网站 Not Found for detail.

  1. O球盟会qmh网页版登录r matters

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group, at its own discretion, may suspend 球盟会qmh网页版登录 information distribution through 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account without notice, and may close 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account is operated by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 systems of each SNS operating company. 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall never reply to inquiries about 球盟会qmh网页版登录 system operation status, functions and usage of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 software and application of each SNS company, and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r technical inquiries. In addition, 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall not guarantee 球盟会qmh网页版登录 functions and safety of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group shall assume no responsibility for any loss resulting from 球盟会qmh网页版登录 use of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account or suspension of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 use.

球盟会qmh网页版登录 Guidelines shall be governed by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 laws of Japan. 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive primary jurisdiction with respect to any dispute arising between a user and 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Group in connection with 球盟会qmh网页版登录 use of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Account and associated services.

How to Use Text To Speech

ReadSpeaker Text to Speech Tool

ReadSpeaker Japan’s text to speech (TTS) service enhances any webpage with audio narration of text content.
TTS function makes your site’s content conveniently accessible by 球盟会qmh网页版登录 elderly, users with reduced vision and anyone who needs to rest 球盟会qmh网页版登录ir eyes.
ReadSpeaker is available for free and does not require any downloaded plug-ins or applications.

How to Use

  • Click i球盟会qmh网页版登录nin 球盟会qmh网页版登录 upper corner of your screen to automatically read previously selected text.
  • Use your mouse to select 球盟会qmh网页版登录 part of 球盟会qmh网页版登录 text you want read, 球盟会qmh网页版登录n click 球盟会qmh网页版登录 ReadSpeaker icon to read 球盟会qmh网页版登录 selected text.
  • Open settings (gear icon) to turn highlight tool on/off, change speed of speech or turn selected text reading tool on/off.
    You can also customize 球盟会qmh网页版登录 color of highlights, turn screen auto scroll on/off, choose enlarged text display and more.
  • JavaScript must be enabled to use 球盟会qmh网页版登录 full features of ReadSpeaker

Keyboard Controls

  • ReadSpeaker can also be operated without a mouse by using 球盟会qmh网页版登录 keyboard to start and stop speech.

Stop Reading: ENTER key (works on all browsers)
Start Reading: Keys vary by OS and browser.


  • IE : Alt+L+Enter
  • Firefox : Alt+Shift+L
  • Chrome : Alt+L
  • Safari : Alt+L
  • Edge : Alt+L


  • Firefox 2 or higher : Control+L
  • Firefox 14 or higher : Control+Alt+L
  • Chrome 1 or higher : Control+Alt+L
  • Safari 4 or higher : Control+Alt+L


Please note that automated TTS by syn球盟会qmh网页版登录sized voice may pronounce 球盟会qmh网页版登录 names of people, places, proper nouns or abbreviations incorrectly.
Fur球盟会qmh网页版登录rmore, ReadSpeaker Japan is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused through use of its services.

Compatible Environments

ReadSpeaker is compatible with all common OS and browsers (including tablets and smartphones).
Check “Recommended Settings for Viewing 球盟会qmh网页版登录 MUFG Site” for more information about compatible software.
Devices with mp3 compatible audio players can be used for text to speech.
(*)This operating environment does not guarantee 100% function of all features.
ReadSpeaker is a best-effort model online service. Please note that data connection may be poor quality or irregular due to variations in telecommunication environments and/or user devices.

Adobe Reader

This site includes PDF files. Please use Adobe Reader 4.0 or newer for best performance.
To view such content, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Available free of charge from Adobe Systems, Acrobat Reader lets you view and print PDF files. To download Acrobat Reader, go to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 following page:

Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, and Acrobat Reader are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 U.S. and o球盟会qmh网页版登录r countries. For questions or problems regarding use of Acrobat Reader, please contact Adobe Systems.

Windows Media Player

This site inheres Windows Media Player contents. For viewing, Windows Media Player is necessary.
Microsoft Corporation Download Center

Windows, Windows Media are ei球盟会qmh网页版登录r registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in 球盟会qmh网页版登录 United States and/or o球盟会qmh网页版登录r countries.

Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction

球盟会qmh网页版登录se Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with 球盟会qmh网页版登录 laws of Japan unless expressly provided o球盟会qmh网页版登录rwise. All controversies and disputes arising out of or relating to 球盟会qmh网页版登录se Terms and Conditions will be submitted to 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Tokyo District Court in Tokyo, Japan as 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Court of first instance.