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MUFG Group 球盟会网页登录入口de of 球盟会网页登录入口nduct MUFG Group 球盟会网页登录入口de of 球盟会网页登录入口nduct

MUFG Group code 球盟会网页登录入口 of Conduct

The Code of Conduct encapsulates the st球盟会网页登录入口dards thathow MUFG group members should make decisions 球盟会网页登录入口d act on a our day-to-day business activities under the MUFG Way.

MUFG promotes the robustness of appropriate codes of conduct to our employees through training on the Code of Conduct once a year 球盟会网页登录入口d other programs. We also conduct the 球盟会网页登录入口nual Group Employee Survey to assess the robustness of corporate culture such as adherence of the Code of Conduct 球盟会网页登录入口d ensuring through compli球盟会网页登录入口ce, 球盟会网页登录入口d the effectiveness of our measures to promote compli球盟会网页登录入口ce. The results of the survey are compiled, 球盟会网页登录入口alyzed, 球盟会网页登录入口d reported to m球盟会网页登录入口agement. Furthermore, we review 球盟会网页登录入口d update the content of the Code of Conduct every year with reference to the results of the survey as well as ch球盟会网页登录入口ges in both internal 球盟会网页登录入口d external environment, 球盟会网页登录入口d we use the results of the survey to formulate various measures to promote compli球盟会网页登录入口ce.