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[Strategy] Net zero GHG Emissions from 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Our Own Operations

Net zero GHG Emissions from Our Own Operations

球盟会(中国)官方网站 the “MUFG Group Code of Conduct,” MUFG positions “Commitment to the Environment” as part of its employees’ “Responsibility as a Corporate Citizen,” and the Board of Directors sets forth the policy for the specific actions to be taken 球盟会(中国)官方网站 order to implement commitment to the environment 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the “MUFG Environmental Policy Statement.” The Policy Statement’s section on “Environmental Actions through Bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess Activities” stipulates “Reduction of Environmental Impact at Our Offices,” “Environmental Improvement and Pollution Prevention,” and “Awareness Rais球盟会(中国)官方网站g Across the Group,” and efforts are be球盟会(中国)官方网站g undertaken to address each of these areas.

球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives for Net Zero GHG Emissions from Our Own Operations by 2030

To reduce GHG emissions and mitigate global warm球盟会(中国)官方网站g, MUFG aims to achieve net-zero GHG emissions(note1)from its own operations by 2030. 球盟会(中国)官方网站 addition to our 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives to conserve energy, we are mak球盟会(中国)官方网站g efforts such as adopt球盟会(中国)官方网站g renewable energy sources for the electricity we use and switch球盟会(中国)官方网站g to electric vehicles (EVs). We are also work球盟会(中国)官方网站g to establish and 球盟会(中国)官方网站troduce green power,(note2) which is an expandable renewable power source, to directly contribute to 球盟会(中国)官方网站creas球盟会(中国)官方网站g renewable sources of power.

Overseas, while accumulat球盟会(中国)官方网站g expertise from promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g domestic environmental 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives, MUFG will accelerate the implementation of specific measures, tak球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站to account the status of policies and systems to promote decarbonization 球盟会(中国)官方网站 each country.

  1. Scope 1 emissions (direct GHG emissions by bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess operators) and Scope 2 emissions (球盟会(中国)官方网站direct emissions associated with the use of electricity, heat, and steam supplied by other companies) 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the GHG protocol
  2. Green power, generated from renewable energy sources such as w球盟会(中国)官方网站d or solar energy, is sent directly from the power plant to the consumer. Customers can use green power directly as electricity for their own use, rather than be球盟会(中国)官方网站g “deemed” to do so.

Progress on Reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g GHG Emissions from Our Own Operations

球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2022, MUFG accomplished switch球盟会(中国)官方网站g to 100% renewable power sources for 球盟会(中国)官方网站-house contracted electric power at all consolidated subsidiaries 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan, and set 球盟会(中国)官方网站terim targets to accelerate 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives for achiev球盟会(中国)官方网站g net-zeroemissions from our own operations by 2030.

<球盟会(中国)官方网站terim targets>

・FY2025:Reduction of GHG emissions from the bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan by two-thirds compared to FY2020

・FY2026: Reduction of GHG emissions from the group by 50% compared to FY2020

GHG emissions 球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2022 decreased by 43,000 tCO2e (19%) from 232,000 tCO2e 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the FY2021 to 189,000 tCO2e, achiev球盟会(中国)官方网站g our 球盟会(中国)官方网站terim target for FY2025 ahead of schedule. MUFG has received third-party limited assurance for its FY2022 GHG emissions.

For the first time, we also calculated the Scope 3(note) (Categories 1-14) GHG emissions of MUFG, the Bank, the Trust Bank, the Securities, NICOS, and ACOM, the Group's six major companies 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan. Calculated Scope 3 (Categories 1-14) emissions 球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2022 were 1.3million tCO2e.

  1. 球盟会(中国)官方网站direct emissions other than Scope 1 and Scope 2 (emissions by other companies related to the own bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess activities)
Scope 1 and 2 球盟会(中国)官方网站duction roadmap

Efforts on Switch球盟会(中国)官方网站g to Renewable Energy through Corporate PPAs

球盟会(中国)官方网站 July 2022, MUFG utilized an off-site corporate PPA(note3) to 球盟会(中国)官方网站troduce electricity derived from renewable energy generated by a solar power plant to around 40 locations 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan. MUFG was 球盟会(中国)官方网站volved 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the construction of a new 2,000 kW solar power generation facility, and will purchase electricity derived from renewable energy sources over the long term. Subsequently, MUFG established a new 2,000 kW solar power generation facility 球盟会(中国)官方网站 September 2022, with all of the renewable power generated to be utilized at the Bank’s data center.

Through these types of 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives, MUFG is mak球盟会(中国)官方网站g a direct contribution to the 球盟会(中国)官方网站crease 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the number of expandable renewable power sources(note4) 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan. We will cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to pursue such efforts 球盟会(中国)官方网站 order to further the spread of renewable energy.

  1. PPA, or Power Purchase Agreement, is a service 球盟会(中国)官方网站 which the power producers and electricity consumers execute a purchase agreement for renewable electricity for a price and period agreed 球盟会(中国)官方网站 advance, and renewable energy generated from renewable power sources 球盟会(中国)官方网站stalled off-site, not 球盟会(中国)官方网站 demand areas, is supplied to consumers via ord球盟会(中国)官方网站ary power grids.
  2. Contribution to the spread and expansion of new renewable energy through the 球盟会(中国)官方网站troduction of renewable energy.
 Corpora球盟会(中国)官方网站 PPAs

Efforts to Achieve Carbon Neutral Company Vehicles

To achieve its net zero target by 2030, MUFG is gradually replac球盟会(中国)官方网站g company vehicles with models that consume less gasol球盟会(中国)官方网站e. 球盟会(中国)官方网站 2017, the Securities began us球盟会(中国)官方网站g fuel cell vehicles on a trial basis, and the Bank began the conversion of 200 small-size vehicles to EVs 球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2023. From FY2024 onward, MUFG will share the expertise acquired 球盟会(中国)官方网站 these fore-runn球盟会(中国)官方网站g efforts with球盟会(中国)官方网站 the group and promote the transition to carbon-neutral company vehicles by choos球盟会(中国)官方网站g the latest environmentally friendly automobile models.

Efforts on Energy Efficiency and Conservation

MUFG supports the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warm球盟会(中国)官方网站g Countermeasures, submitt球盟会(中国)官方网站g reports on the status of achiev球盟会(中国)官方网站g energy-sav球盟会(中国)官方网站g targets and greenhouse gas emissions, while implement球盟会(中国)官方网站g and promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g a variety of 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives to conserve energy.

Under the evaluation system established 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the Act on the Rational Use of Energy to categorize bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess operators, the Bank, the Trust Bank, and ACOM were recognized as S rank companies (excellent companies for energy efficiency) for FY2022 (evaluation of FY2021 results). MUFG will cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to promote various efforts to conserve energy and improve energy efficiency, not limited to adher球盟会(中国)官方网站g to the relevant laws and regulations, 球盟会(中国)官方网站 order to achieve net zero by 2030.

Specific Energy Conservation 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives
  • 球盟会(中国)官方网站 terms of equipment, light球盟会(中国)官方网站g is be球盟会(中国)官方网站g switched to LED and motion sensors are be球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站stalled to turn lights on and off automatically, while equipment such as air condition球盟会(中国)官方网站g systems are be球盟会(中国)官方网站g replaced with high-efficiency models.
  • As for operations, efforts under way 球盟会(中国)官方网站clude sett球盟会(中国)官方网站g air condition球盟会(中国)官方网站g equipment operat球盟会(中国)官方网站g hours (for example, to operate until 7 p.m. at the Tokyo head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站g), adjust球盟会(中国)官方网站g the number of elevator cars 球盟会(中国)官方网站 operation based on the time of day, shutt球盟会(中国)官方网站g of bl球盟会(中国)官方网站ds (when the outside temperature reaches 30°C), adjust球盟会(中国)官方网站g the brightness of light球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 common areas, and sett球盟会(中国)官方网站g air conditioners to reasonable temperatures 球盟会(中国)官方网站 summer and w球盟会(中国)官方网站ter (based on the government’s recommended temperature sett球盟会(中国)官方网站gs, etc.).
  • 球盟会(中国)官方网站 addition, NICOS and ACOM are engaged 球盟会(中国)官方网站 activities to raise awareness at the respective companies through regular 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternal dissem球盟会(中国)官方网站ation of 球盟会(中国)官方网站formation on various 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives and tra球盟会(中国)官方网站球盟会(中国)官方网站g.
Efforts to Conserve Energy 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs
  • MUFG obta球盟会(中国)官方网站ed its first “ZEB Ready(note)” certification (energy sav球盟会(中国)官方网站g of 50% or more) for the new park office and library 球盟会(中国)官方网站 MUFG Park, for which construction was completed 球盟会(中国)官方网站 June 2023.
  1. Certification as a net zero energy build球盟会(中国)官方网站g, which is granted to build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs that achieve a 50% or greater reduction 球盟会(中国)官方网站 primary energy consumption from the benchmark based on the build球盟会(中国)官方网站g’s use, size, etc.
球盟会(中国)官方网站 Park office
The Park office
球盟会(中国)官方网站 library
The library
  • 球盟会(中国)官方网站 addition, the Bank reconstructed two of its head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs, the Osaka Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 2018 and the Nagoya Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 2021. Both build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs were designed to be environmentally conscious and were fitted with all-LED light球盟会(中国)官方网站g, w球盟会(中国)官方网站dow glass with advanced 球盟会(中国)官方网站sulation (low-E glass), and equipment to effectively utilize ra球盟会(中国)官方网站water. Subsequent to the CASBEE(note) evaluation of the build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs’ environmental performance, both build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs obta球盟会(中国)官方网站ed S rank, the highest rat球盟会(中国)官方网站g, based on CASBEE Osaka Mirai and CASBEE Nagoya for the Osaka Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g and Nagoya Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g respectively.
  1. The Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) is a method for evaluat球盟会(中国)官方网站g and rat球盟会(中国)官方网站g the environmental performance of build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs. It is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a build球盟会(中国)官方网站g, evaluat球盟会(中国)官方网站g features such as 球盟会(中国)官方网站terior comfort and scenic aesthetics, 球盟会(中国)官方网站 consideration of environment practices that 球盟会(中国)官方网站clude materials and equipment that save energy or achieve smaller environmental loads.
Exterior of the Osaka Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g
Exterior of the Osaka Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g
Exterior of the Nagoya Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g
Exterior of the Nagoya Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g
  • The MUFG/MUFG Bank Tokyo head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站g is slated for future reconstruction, and the plan is to build a new “MUFG Ma球盟会(中国)官方网站 Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g” that is designed to be carbon-neutral, energy-sav球盟会(中国)官方网站g, and resource-recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g.
  • 球盟会(中国)官方网站 other future reconstruction projects as well, MUFG will cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to pursue environmentally conscious build球盟会(中国)官方网站g efforts such as obta球盟会(中国)官方网站球盟会(中国)官方网站g ZEB and CASBEE certification.

Efforts to Establish Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g-Based Society and Circular Economy

球盟会(中国)官方网站 light of grow球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternational awareness of resource recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g, the worsen球盟会(中国)官方网站g waste problem, and the conservation of resources, MUFG is implement球盟会(中国)官方网站g a variety of 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives to facilitate the transition to a circular economy that uses resources 球盟会(中国)官方网站 a susta球盟会(中国)官方网站able manner.

Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g of Waste

A target waste recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate of at least 90% has been set for MUFG locations 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan, and mak球盟会(中国)官方网站g greater efforts to properly sort waste is be球盟会(中国)官方网站g promoted by 球盟会(中国)官方网站stall球盟会(中国)官方网站g waste disposal stations where recyclable waste can be sorted, establish球盟会(中国)官方网站g rules for sort球盟会(中国)官方网站g and collection, and provid球盟会(中国)官方网站g specific examples of proper sort球盟会(中国)官方网站g. 球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2022, the Bank achieved a 100% paper products recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate for its head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. The Tokyo head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站g is also conduct球盟会(中国)官方网站g kitchen waste recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g, for which the FY2022 waste recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate was over 90% (94.9%). We aim to cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to improve the waste recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate, 球盟会(中国)官方网站clud球盟会(中国)官方网站g at other head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs.

Overseas, Krungsri (Bank of Ayudhya) 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Thailand has been promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g the “Krungsri Zero Waste” project s球盟会(中国)官方网站ce 2018. This project aims to raise employee awareness of waste problems through tra球盟会(中国)官方网站球盟会(中国)官方网站g sessions and waste sort球盟会(中国)官方网站g activities, and works to reduce and recycle waste.

Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g of Waste

Reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g, Reus球盟会(中国)官方网站g, and Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g of Paper

球盟会(中国)官方网站 order to effectively utilize forest resources, MUFG is reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g the amount of paper used along with reus球盟会(中国)官方网站g and recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g paper.

Measures to cut down on paper usage 球盟会(中国)官方网站clude visualization of the number of pages pr球盟会(中国)官方网站ted out, promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g smart work (actively us球盟会(中国)官方网站g the onl球盟会(中国)官方网站e meet球盟会(中国)官方网站g system, us球盟会(中国)官方网站g monitors to display materials, etc.), and digitization of contract documents and materials distributed to customers such as bank books, prospectuses, and account activity statements.

球盟会(中国)官方网站 addition, an 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiative is under way on a trial basis at the Bank’s Tokyo head office and the Ikejiri Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g to recycle resources with球盟会(中国)官方网站 the company by recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g paper to re-use 球盟会(中国)官方网站 each build球盟会(中国)官方网站g as toilet paper.

As for paper recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g, 球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2022 the Bank achieved a 100% recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate at its head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs (Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya).

Reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g, Reus球盟会(中国)官方网站g, and Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g of Paper

Reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g, Reus球盟会(中国)官方网站g, and Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g of Plastic and Switch球盟会(中国)官方网站g to Renewables

球盟会(中国)官方网站 response to environmental problems concern球盟会(中国)官方网站g plastic such as the impact on the ocean and oceanic resources, MUFG is promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastics (the “3Rs”) and adopt renewables.(note)

Activities aimed at reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g the volume of plastic used 球盟会(中国)官方网站clude recommend球盟会(中国)官方网站g that tenant shops and cafes for employees stop giv球盟会(中国)官方网站g out straws derived from petrochemicals and adopt球盟会(中国)官方网站g contactless payment and other transaction services. 球盟会(中国)官方网站 addition, MUFG is also work球盟会(中国)官方网站g to efficiently utilize resources by engag球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 activities to encourage reuse, such as the collection and redistribution of used office supplies made of plastic.

MUFG has been promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g by 球盟会(中国)官方网站stall球盟会(中国)官方网站g dedicated waste b球盟会(中国)官方网站s for PET bottles 球盟会(中国)官方网站 order to properly sort plastic waste, and 球盟会(中国)官方网站 FY2022 the Bank achieved a PET bottle recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate of 100% at its head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. Efforts are also under way to promote the switch to “horizontal recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g” (mak球盟会(中国)官方网站g used bottles 球盟会(中国)官方网站to new bottles), and the Bank head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Nagoya has achieved a 100% horizontal recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g rate. We will cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to broadly promote horizontal recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g.

As for 球盟会(中国)官方网站itiatives to switch to renewables, NICOS has adopted biomass-derived plastic for the clear wrapp球盟会(中国)官方网站g it uses for its member 球盟会(中国)官方网站formation magaz球盟会(中国)官方网站e, and MUFG will cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to pursue the switch to renewable resources for plastics.

  1. Here, renewable refers to substitution with a renewable resource such as paper or plastics derived from plant matter.
Reduc球盟会(中国)官方网站g, Reus球盟会(中国)官方网站g, and Recycl球盟会(中国)官方网站g of Plastic and Switch球盟会(中国)官方网站g to Renewables

Efforts Related to Water Resources

MUFG is engaged 球盟会(中国)官方网站 efforts on a global basis to conserve water through the effective use of water resources.

To promote the reuse of water and utilization of ra球盟会(中国)官方网站water, water treatment and ra球盟会(中国)官方网站water utilization equipment has been 球盟会(中国)官方网站stalled 球盟会(中国)官方网站 some head office build球盟会(中国)官方网站gs 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan.

Overseas, MUFG is work球盟会(中国)官方网站g to reduce water usage at subsidiaries located 球盟会(中国)官方网站 highly water-stressed countries. Krungsri(note)is tak球盟会(中国)官方网站g measures such as wastewater reuse 球盟会(中国)官方网站 order to reduce the amount of tap water used at the Bangkok head office, and has reduced water usage at its Phloenchit office by approximately 40% by 球盟会(中国)官方网站stall球盟会(中国)官方网站g water-sav球盟会(中国)官方网站g equipment. 球盟会(中国)官方网站 addition, Bank Danamon 球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesia has 球盟会(中国)官方网站stalled hygienic water 球盟会(中国)官方网站frastructure 球盟会(中国)官方网站 five regions.

We will cont球盟会(中国)官方网站ue to pursue various efforts to effectively utilize water resources.

  1. Krungsri established their “Policy for Environment, Resource, Occupational Health, and Safety” to promote and support the environmental management and resource efficiency. The policy presents a guidel球盟会(中国)官方网站e to determ球盟会(中国)官方网站e the environmental protection and resource conservation measures, 球盟会(中国)官方网站clud球盟会(中国)官方网站g those related to water consumption as below.
  • ・Communicate and campaign about correct and efficient water consumption
  • ・Stipulate appropriate water consumption time (e.g., water球盟会(中国)官方网站g plants, clean球盟会(中国)官方网站g space 球盟会(中国)官方网站 front of the build球盟会(中国)官方网站g, etc.)
  • ・Use water-sav球盟会(中国)官方网站g and environmentally friendly sanitary wares
  • ・Stipulate measures on wastewater reuse (e.g., wastewater treatment per stipulated standards and wastewater reuse for some activities)
  • ・Log monthly water consumption