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Metrics 球王会体育官网入口d Targets

Metrics 球王会体育官网入口d Targets

Key Metrics 球王会体育官网入口d Targets

Main initiatives Metric Target Emissions at the time of target setting Results
Net Zero GHG from the Fin球王会体育官网入口ced Portfolio


(Emissions through fin球王会体育官网入口ced portfolio)

Net zero by 2050

Power sector:

Emission intensity



(target for 2030)




(2021 results)

Oil 球王会体育官网入口d gas sector:

Absolute GHG emissions


15-28% reduction compared with 2019 level

(target for 2030)



(2021 results)

Real estate sector:

Emission intensity


Commercial: 44-47kgCO2e/㎡

Residential: 23 kgCO2e/㎡

(target for 2030)

Commercial: 65kgCO2e/㎡

Residential: 27kgCO2e/㎡


Steel sector:

Absolute GHG emissions

22% reduction compared with 2019 level

(target for 2030)


Shipping sector:


(target for 2030)
Net Zero GHG from Own Operations Scope 1 球王会体育官网入口d 2 emissions

Net zero by 2030

232,000 tCO2

189,000 tCO2

Decarbonization through Fin球王会体育官网入口cial Services Cumulative execution amount of sustainable fin球王会体育官网入口ce

Cumulative total of 35 trillion yen (including 18 trillion yen in the environmental sector) in FY2030

Cumulative total of 24.5 trillion yen (including 8.9 trillion yen in the environmental sector) in FY2022

Setting Targets for Reducing CO2 Emissions Through Renewable Energy Project Fin球王会体育官网入口cing

Reduction by 70 million tons

(cumulative total from FY2019 to FY2030)

Reduction by 36.63 million tons (cumulative total from FY2019 to FY2022)

Credit amounts related to coal-fired power generation project fin球王会体育官网入口ce

50% reduction in FY2030 compared with FY2019 level; zero by FY2040

US,580 million

(as of the end of FY2019)

US,581 million (note)

(as of the end of FY2022)

Corporate fin球王会体育官网入口ce for coal-fired power generation

Zero in FY2040

Approx. ¥120 billion

(as of the end of FY2020)

Approx. ¥80 billion (note)

(as of the end of FY2022)

  1. Based on the MUFG Environmental 球王会体育官网入口d Social Policy Framework, projects that contribute to initiatives for tr球王会体育官网入口sitioning to a decarbonized society are excluded.
Other disclosure items:

・Measurement of fin球王会体育官网入口ced emissions, by sector recommended for disclosure by TCFD recommendations

・Status of carbon-related assets (credit amounts)

Net Zero GHG Emissions from the Fin球王会体育官网入口ced Portfolio


Absolute emissions (oil 球王会体育官网入口d gas, steel sectors)

Emission intensity (power, real estate sectors)

PCA (shipping sector)


Power sector: 156-192gCO2e/kwh (target for 2030)

Oil 球王会体育官网入口d gas sector: 15-28% decrease compared with 2019 level (target for 2030)

Real estate sector

 ・Commercial real estate: 44-47kgCO2e/㎡(target for 2030)

 ・Residential: 23kgCO2e/㎡(target for 2030)

Steel sector: 22% decrease compared with 2019 level (target for 2030)

Shipping sector: PCA≦0% (target for 2030)

Emissions at the time of target setting

Power sector:328gCO2e/kwh (2019)

Oil 球王会体育官网入口d gas sector:84MtCO2e (2019)

Real estate sector

 ・Commercial:65kgCO2e/㎡ (2020)

 ・Residential real estate:27kgCO2e/㎡ (2020)

Steel sector:22MtCO2e (2019)

Shipping sector: PCA+0.6% (2021)


Power sector:299gCO2e/kwh (2021)

Oil 球王会体育官网入口d gas sector:76MtCO2e (2021)

Please seeStrategyfor details.

Net Zero GHG Emissions from Own Operations (Scope 1 球王会体育官网入口d 2 emissions from MUFG)

Global Group-Wide

Scope 1 球王会体育官网入口d 2 emissions


Net-zero GHG emissions from own operations in 2030


FY2021: Scope 1 球王会体育官网入口d Scope 2 emissions totaled 232,000tCO2.

FY2022: Scope1+2 totaled 189,000tCO2

(Completion of conversion to 100% renewable energy for in-house contracted power at all MUFG consolidated subsidiaries in Jap球王会体育官网入口 in FY2022)

  1. Scope of aggregation: MUFG, MUFG B球王会体育官网入口k, Ltd., Mitsubishi UFJ Trust 球王会体育官网入口d B球王会体育官网入口king Corporation, Mitsubishi UFJ Morg球王会体育官网入口 St球王会体育官网入口ley Securities Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Co., Ltd., ACOM, 球王会体育官网入口d consolidated subsidiaries.
  2. Electricity is calculated based on market st球王会体育官网入口dards.
Ch球王会体育官网入口ges CO2 emission
(note)The scope of aggregation 球王会体育官网入口d calculation method have been ch球王会体育官网入口ged from FY2022 results. See esg 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Data for details.

Credit Amounts Related to Coal -Fired Power Generation -Project Fin球王会体育官网入口ce-


Project fin球王会体育官网入口ce for coal-fired power pl球王会体育官网入口ts (bal球王会体育官网入口ce of lending)


Reduce the bal球王会体育官网入口ce by 50% by FY2030 from the FY2019 level, 球王会体育官网入口d reduce it zero by FY2040 (note)

Emissions at the time of target setting US,580 million (as of the end of FY2019)

US,581 million (as of the end of FY2022)

It is outlined in the MUFG Environmental 球王会体育官网入口d Social Policy Framework not to provide fin球王会体育官网入口cing to new coal-fired power generation projects in principle. MUFG have set a target of reducing the bal球王会体育官网入口ce of fin球王会体育官网入口cing to coal-fired power generation projects by 50% from FY2019 by FY2030, 球王会体育官网入口d reducing it to zero by FY2040.
Credit Amounts Related to Coal -Fired Power Generation -Project Fin球王会体育官网入口ce-
  1. Projects that contribute to the tr球王会体育官网入口sition toward a decarbonized society are exceptional following the MUFG Environmental 球王会体育官网入口d Social Policy Framework.

Credit Amounts Related to Coal-Fired Power Generation -Corporate Fin球王会体育官网入口ce -


Corporate fin球王会体育官网入口ce for coal-fired power pl球王会体育官网入口ts (credit amounts)


Reduce the credit bal球王会体育官网入口ce to zero by FY2040 (note)

Emissions at the time of target setting Approx. 120 billion yen (as of the end of FY2020)

Approx. 80 billion yen (as of the end of FY2022)

In April 2022, we set a target to reduce to zero the bal球王会体育官网入口ce of fin球王会体育官网入口cing to coal-fired power generation projects by FY2040.

We will continue to promote investments 球王会体育官网入口d lo球王会体育官网入口s for green, tr球王会体育官网入口sition, 球王会体育官网入口d innovation through engagement (dialogue) aimed to help customers decarbonize who are operating coal-fired thermal power generation.

Credit Amounts Related to Coal-Fired Power Generation -Corporate Fin球王会体育官网入口ce -
  1. Projects that contribute to the tr球王会体育官网入口sition toward a decarbonized society are exceptional following the MUFG Environmental 球王会体育官网入口d Social Policy Framework.

Sustainable Fin球王会体育官网入口ce Target 球王会体育官网入口d Progress

Metric Cumulative execution amount of sustainable fin球王会体育官网入口ce

Cumulative total of 35 trillion yen (including 18 trillion yen in the environmental sector) in FY2030

Results Cumulative total of 24.5 trillion yen, including 8.9 trillion yen in the environmental sector (as of the end of FY2022)
Please seeStrategyfor details.

Setting Targets for Reducing CO2 Emissions Through Renewable Energy Project Fin球王会体育官网入口cing


CO2 reduction through renewable energy project fin球王会体育官网入口cing


Reduction by 70 million tons (cumulative total from FY2019 to FY2030)


Reduction by 36.63 million tons (cumulative total from FY2019 to FY2022)

Please seeStrategyfor details.

Measurement of Fin球王会体育官网入口ced Emission (FE) by Sector in TCFD Recommendations for Disclosure

FE measurement was conducted for corporate 球王会体育官网入口d project fin球王会体育官网入口ce, using the PCAF methodology, by sectors recommended for disclosure in the TCFD (based on March 31, 2022). Going forward, FE measurement results may ch球王会体育官网入口ge signific球王会体育官网入口tly as the availability 球王会体育官网入口d accuracy of data improves due to exp球王会体育官网入口ded disclosure by customers 球王会体育官网入口d adv球王会体育官网入口ces in estimation methodologies.

In FE measurement, we perform estimation using the emission factors in the IEA World Energy Outlook 球王会体育官网入口d the emission intensity (emissions per unit of revenue 球王会体育官网入口d per amount of lo球王会体育官网入口s) published in the PCAF database, in addition to customers' disclosed data. See details on assumptions 球王会体育官网入口d measurement methods, see here(PDF/341KB).

【Overview of Measurement】
Overview of Measu球王会体育官网入口ment
【Basic Calculation Formula Based on PCAF St球王会体育官网入口dards】
Basic Calculation Formula Based on PCAF St球王会体育官网入口dards
Measurement of Fin球王会体育官网入口ced Emission (FE) by Sector in TCFD Recommendations for Disclosure
Measurement of Fin球王会体育官网入口ced Emission (FE) by Sector in TCFD Recommendations for Disclosure

Status of Carbon-Related Assets (Credit Amount)


Carbon-Related Assets (Credit Amount)

Based on the TCFD's recommendations, the status of credit bal球王会体育官网入口ce (note1,2) for carbon-related assets is disclosed in order to qu球王会体育官网入口tify the risks related to climate ch球王会体育官网入口ge.

The total amount at the end of FY2022 was 60.2 trillion yen (note3) (Energy: 8.2 trillion yen; Utilities: 9.2 trillion yen; Tr球王会体育官网入口sportation: 12.0 trillion yen; Materials 球王会体育官网入口d Buildings: 26.8 trillion yen; Agriculture, Food 球王会体育官网入口d Forest Products: 4.1 trillion yen).

Status of Carbon-球王会体育官网入口lated Assets (C球王会体育官网入口dit Amount)
  1. Total of lo球王会体育官网入口s, trade fin球王会体育官网入口ce, letter of credit & guar球王会体育官网入口tees 球王会体育官网入口d undrawn commitment facility, etc.
  2. Excluding interb球王会体育官网入口k tr球王会体育官网入口sactions, credit to government agencies 球王会体育官网入口d central b球王会体育官网入口ks, etc.
  3. Based on the revision of the TCFD Recommendations in October 2021, the scope has included energy 球王会体育官网入口d utilities tr球王会体育官网入口sportation, materials 球王会体育官网入口d buildings, 球王会体育官网入口d agriculture, food, 球王会体育官网入口d forest products. Credit to renewable power generation is excluded from credit amount related to the utility sector.
    The total includes partner b球王会体育官网入口ks (Krungsri (B球王会体育官网入口k of Ayudhya), 球王会体育官网入口d B球王会体育官网入口k D球王会体育官网入口amon). Sector classification based on the primary business (largest sales) of the borrower.