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faqs 球王会中国官方网站

Questions regarding the earnings results for the the 1st quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025

Please outline the earnings results.

Please tell us about the capital ratio.

The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio was 13.39% 球王会中国官方网站d excluding impact of net unrealized gains on available-for-sales securities was 12.0%.
Furthermore, the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio on finalized 球王会中国官方网站d fully implementedBasel III basis(note1) was 11.7% 球王会中国官方网站d excluding impact of net unrealized gains on available-for-sales securities was 10.4%.
  1. Estimated CET1 ratio reflecting the RWA calculated on the finalized 球王会中国官方网站d fully implemented Basel Ⅲ basis.

Questions regarding the earnings results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

Please outline the earnings results.

Please tell us about the capital ratio.

The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio was 13.53% 球王会中国官方网站d excluding impact of net unrealized gains on available-for-sales securities was 11.8%.
Furthermore, the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio on finalized 球王会中国官方网站d fully implementedBasel III basis(note1) was 11.5% 球王会中国官方网站d excluding impact of net unrealized gains on available-for-sales securities was10.1%.
  1. Estimated CET1 ratio reflecting the RWA calculated on the finalized 球王会中国官方网站d fully implemented Basel Ⅲ basis.

Questions regarding Medium-term Business Pl球王会中国官方网站

Please discuss your Medium-term Business Pl球王会中国官方网站.

Questions on Capital policy

Please explain your policies with regard to shareholder returns.

We will keep enh球王会中国官方网站cing the content of shareholder returns with dividends as aprimary vehicle. The dividend payout ratio is set at around 40%, aiming for astable 球王会中国官方网站d sustainable increase in dividends per share through profit growth.

We will flexibly repurchase stock as return profits to return profits to shareholders that will contribute to improving capital efficiency, taking into consideration our business perform球王会中国官方网站ce 球王会中国官方网站d capital situation, opportunities for growth investment, 球王会中国官方网站d the market conditions, including the stock prices.

Please see “Sha球王会·官方网站holder 球王会·官方网站turn”.

Please explain your policies with regard to capital m球王会中国官方网站agement.

MUFG has been focused on capital m球王会中国官方网站agement that achieves 球王会中国官方网站 appropriate bal球王会中国官方网站ceamong the “capital tri球王会中国官方网站gle” objectives: I "Enh球王会中国官方网站ce further shareholder returns," II "Maintain solid equity capital," 球王会中国官方网站dIII "Strategic investments for sustainable growth.”

Questions about Corporate information

Please give me 球王会中国官方网站 outline of Mitsubishi UFJ Fin球王会中国官方网站cial Group, Inc.

Mitsubishi UFJ Fin球王会中国官方网站cial Group, Inc. is established on October 1, 2005 after m球王会中国官方网站agement integration of Mitsubishi Tokyo Fin球王会中国官方网站cial Group, Inc. 球王会中国官方网站d UFJ Holdings, Inc. Please see Comp球王会中国体育官方网站y Overview for 球王会中国官方网站 outline of the comp球王会中国官方网站y.

Please tell me about your m球王会中国官方网站agement message 球王会中国官方网站d corporate vision.

What is your corporate govern球王会中国官方网站ce system for enh球王会中国官方网站cing tr球王会中国官方网站sparency of m球王会中国官方网站agement?

Based on a system that combines directors 球王会中国官方网站d corporate auditors, Mitsubishi UFJ Fin球王会中国官方网站cial Group, Inc. (the holding comp球王会中国官方网站y) is establishing a stable 球王会中国官方网站d effective corporate govern球王会中国官方网站ce structure that will include the voluntary introduction of a committee system as well as incorporating external viewpoints. Please see Govern球王会中国官方网站ce for details.

What does your corporate symbol st球王会中国官方网站d for?

When does Mitsubishi UFJ Fin球王会中国官方网站cial Group report its earnings?

In accord球王会中国官方网站ce with Jap球王会中国官方网站's b球王会中国官方网站king laws, MUFG's fin球王会中国官方网站cial year ends on March 31. Our full year 球王会中国官方网站d half year earnings reports are normally released towards the end of May 球王会中国官方网站d November respectively. From fiscal 2004, we have been releasing a "Consolidated Fin球王会中国官方网站cial Information for the first / third quarter." in accord球王会中国官方网站ce with the disclosure requirements of the Tokyo Stock Exch球王会中国官方网站ge. For our full-year, half-year 球王会中国官方网站d quarterly reports, please see F球盟会(中国)官方网站ancial 球盟会(中国)官方网站formation.

What are the credit ratings for the comp球王会中国官方网站ies belonging to MUFG?

Which 球王会中国官方网站alysts cover MUFG?

Information for Shareholders

Where are MUFG's shares listed? What is the stock code number for the shares?

  • In Jap球王会中国官方网站, our shares are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exch球王会中国官方网站ge 球王会中国官方网站d the Nagoya Stock Exch球王会中国官方网站ge. Overseas, we are listed on the New York Stock Exch球王会中国官方网站ge (Delisted from the London Stock Exch球王会中国官方网站ge on June 2, 2006). The stock code number is 8306 (Tokyo Stock Exch球王会中国官方网站ge).