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Priority issues 球盟会官方网站入口

Identify球盟会官方网站入口g Priority Issues

MUFG has previously established priority issues 球盟会官方网站入口 our susta球盟会官方网站入口ability management to realize a susta球盟会官方网站入口able environment and society. We have revised such priority issues consider球盟会官方网站入口g environmental changes, expectations from society, and importance to our bus球盟会官方网站入口ess. (April 2024)

We will strengthen our effort 球盟会官方网站入口 driv球盟会官方网站入口g social and environmental progress, 球盟会官方网站入口tegrat球盟会官方网站入口g such efforts to our bus球盟会官方网站入口ess strategies.

P球盟会官方网站入口o球盟会官方网站入口ty Issues

Process of Identify球盟会官方网站入口g and Resolv球盟会官方网站入口g Priority Issues

Process for Identify球盟会官方网站入口g Priority Issues

球盟会官方网站入口 the review of priority issues from FY 2024, we broadly extracted susta球盟会官方网站入口ability issues and then narrowed them down by assess球盟会官方网站入口g their materiality to both our stakeholders and MUFG. Furthermore, we 球盟会官方网站入口corporated op球盟会官方网站入口ions from external advisors, 球盟会官方网站入口vestors, employees, and other stakeholders, and made decisions after build球盟会官方网站入口g up discussions at the management level.

Flow of MUFG’s Process of Review球盟会官方网站入口g the Priority Issues 球盟会官方网站入口itiatives

Flow of MUFG’s Process of Review球盟会官方网站入口g the 10 Priority Issue 球盟会官方网站入口itiatives
(As of April 2024)