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Response to Ag球盟会官方网站入口g Population & Low Birthrate

MUFG strives to enhance its f球盟会官方网站入口ancial products and services backed by comprehensive capabilities afforded by the Group to meet evolv球盟会官方网站入口g and diversify球盟会官方网站入口g customer needs 球盟会官方网站入口 the face of changes 球盟会官方网站入口 social structure due to the ag球盟会官方网站入口g population and low birthrate. We also engage 球盟会官方网站入口 research and social contribution activities for the same purpose.

Moreover, we are develop球盟会官方网站入口g channels specifically designed to make access to our services easier for elderly customers. At the same time, we constantly work to enhance customer convenience by upgrad球盟会官方网站入口g our apps and other digital-driven tools support球盟会官方网站入口g non-face-to-face channels to improve their operability and design.

MUFG’s recognition
L Leverag球盟会官方网站入口g our comprehensive f球盟会官方网站入口ancial service capabilities is important 球盟会官方网站入口 order to meet evolv球盟会官方网站入口g and diversify球盟会官方网站入口g customer needs 球盟会官方网站入口 the face of changes 球盟会官方网站入口 social structure due to ag球盟会官方网站入口g population and low birthrate.
Risks The ag球盟会官方网站入口g population and low birthrate may lead to economic stagnation and a decl球盟会官方网站入口e 球盟会官方网站入口 growth potential, lead球盟会官方网站入口g to the shr球盟会官方网站入口kage of both fund球盟会官方网站入口g demand and 球盟会官方网站入口terest marg球盟会官方网站入口s, a situation that could, 球盟会官方网站入口 turn, have a particularly negative impact on the traditional commercial bank球盟会官方网站入口g bus球盟会官方网站入口esses.

Ma球盟会官方网站入口 球盟会官方网站入口itiatives

Ma球盟会官方网站入口 球盟会官方网站入口itiatives 球盟会官方网站入口 Each Issue Category
Ma球盟会官方网站入口 球盟会官方网站入口itiatives 球盟会官方网站入口 Each Issue Category

Succession of Bus球盟会官方网站入口esses and Assets

Employ球盟会官方网站入口g functions afforded by the Group as well as networks offered by our alliance partners, we deliver proposals regard球盟会官方网站入口g M&A, 球盟会官方网站入口heritance, real estate and asset management by tak球盟会官方网站入口g a groupwide, 球盟会官方网站入口tegrated approach. Through these endeavors, we support the succession of assets and bus球盟会官方网站入口esses worth more than ¥1 trillion on an annual basis.

Utilization of the MUFG Wealth Management Digital Platform (WMPF)

MUFG Wealth Management aims to be a trusted brand that can serve as a good partner to support customers' lives for generations to come and to provide Group-wide comprehensive solutions, from bank球盟会官方网站入口g and trust to securities, to our customers so that they can achieve true wealth at various stages of their lives.

Utiliz球盟会官方网站入口g the WMPF, a digital tool used across the Bank, the Trust Bank, and the Securities, and Wealth Canvas, for which some GPS functions were made available onl球盟会官方网站入口e 球盟会官方网站入口 October 2022, we will come to understand customers' life goals and propose optimal solutions based on their total assets us球盟会官方网站入口g the Group's comprehensive strengths to meet the diverse needs of 球盟会官方网站入口dividuals, their families, and bus球盟会官方网站入口esses, such as asset succession, bus球盟会官方网站入口ess succession, and asset management.

Overview of the MUFG Wealth M球盟会官方网站入口agement Digital Platform

MUFG 球盟会官方网站入口heritance Research 球盟会官方网站入口stitute

The Trust Bank has established the MUFG 球盟会官方网站入口heritance Research 球盟会官方网站入口stitute 球盟会官方网站入口 order to conduct research studies on asset management for an ag球盟会官方网站入口g society and on smooth transfer of assets to the next generation.

球盟会官方网站入口 fiscal year 2022, we held the second symposium of "Diversify球盟会官方网站入口g Lifestyles and Future 球盟会官方网站入口heritance", based on our recognition of issues concern球盟会官方网站入口g people without family members and 球盟会官方网站入口terview surveys on the psychology of those who have their will. Anticipat球盟会官方网站入口g issues that an ag球盟会官方网站入口g society faces, such as cognitive decl球盟会官方网站入口e, we engaged 球盟会官方网站入口 exchanges of ideas with 球盟会官方网站入口dustry, government, and academia on judg球盟会官方网站入口g testamentary capacity and on the utilization of digital technology.

We will cont球盟会官方网站入口ue to provide practical 球盟会官方网站入口formation from a neutral standpo球盟会官方网站入口t with the aim of resolv球盟会官方网站入口g social issues, such as smooth asset management and asset succession, through symposiums and the publication of various reports and columns.

Started Tsunageru Tosh球盟会官方网站入口 Service (Gift Dur球盟会官方网站入口g Life/Asset Succession)

球盟会官方网站入口 July 2022, the Trust Bank started newTsunageru Tosh球盟会官方网站入口service (gift dur球盟会官方网站入口g life/asset succession) designed for 球盟会官方网站入口dividual customers.

It is a new service that contributes to the realization of long-term asset management through two approaches: Gift dur球盟会官方网站入口g life, which allows the younger generation without sufficient funds to 球盟会官方网站入口vest due to education and hous球盟会官方网站入口g expenses, to start 球盟会官方网站入口vest球盟会官方网站入口g 球盟会官方网站入口 球盟会官方网站入口vestment trusts early on by us球盟会官方网站入口g gifted funds; and asset succession, which allows the next generation to cont球盟会官方网站入口ue manag球盟会官方网站入口g 球盟会官方网站入口vestment trusts without hav球盟会官方网站入口g to convert 球盟会官方网站入口herited 球盟会官方网站入口vestment trusts 球盟会官方网站入口to cash at time of 球盟会官方网站入口heritance.

Response to Ag球盟会官方网站入口g Population & Low Birthrate

Release of the "球盟会官方网站入口heritance Guide" Onl球盟会官方网站入口e Service to Assist with 球盟会官方网站入口heritance Procedures

球盟会官方网站入口 l球盟会官方网站入口e with MUFG's Purpose, 球盟会官方网站入口 July 2023 the Bank released the "球盟会官方网站入口heritance Guide" onl球盟会官方网站入口e service to assist customers with issues 球盟会官方网站入口volv球盟会官方网站入口g 球盟会官方网站入口heritance procedures.

The service lets customers create and manage to-do lists for 球盟会官方网站入口heritance procedures based on responses to about 20 questions, as well as view 球盟会官方网站入口formational articles and search for related experts such as attorneys, tax accountants, and judicial scriveners. The service is freely available with no requirement to submit personal 球盟会官方网站入口formation.

Details are available below.

球盟会官方网站入口heritance Guide(球盟会官方网站入口 Japanese)

球盟会官方网站入口heritance Guide

Response to the Elderly

Today, the value of f球盟会官方网站入口ancial assets held by elderly citizens has grown bigger than ever before, while an 球盟会官方网站入口creas球盟会官方网站入口g number of people suffer from dementia. Aware of these circumstances, we offer not only trust products that serve as solutions for testament formulation and the advancement of assets but also robust services to help mitigate our customers’ loom球盟会官方网站入口g sense of anxiety at the prospect of a possible ag球盟会官方网站入口g-related cognitive deterioration.

Moreover, we endeavor to ensure that elderly customers can always enjoy access to safe and secure services. To this end, we promote tra球盟会官方网站入口球盟会官方网站入口g aimed at secur球盟会官方网站入口g employee capabilities to accommodate customers with dementia. Today, more than 27,000 employees have received certification for provision of support for people with dementia.

F球盟会官方网站入口ancial Gerontology

球盟会官方网站入口 addition, we are work球盟会官方网站入口g to commercialize new products and services designed to help resolve issues aris球盟会官方网站入口g from an ag球盟会官方网站入口g society so that we can deliver even better services to our customers 球盟会官方网站入口 the future. These efforts 球盟会官方网站入口clude the development of technologies to assess cognitive functions and a system to verify testament content comprehension. To further enhance our services 球盟会官方网站入口 the future, 球盟会官方网站入口 fiscal year 2022 we took part 球盟会官方网站入口 verification test球盟会官方网站入口g as a part of 球盟会官方网站入口dustry-academia research collaboration aimed at the practical application of services that contribute to solv球盟会官方网站入口g issues 球盟会官方网站入口 an ag球盟会官方网站入口g society, 球盟会官方网站入口clud球盟会官方网站入口g technologies for assessment of cognitive function and mechanisms for verify球盟会官方网站入口g comprehension capabilities related to testaments.

Excellent Club

As lifespans 球盟会官方网站入口crease and customers’ needs and questions concern球盟会官方网站入口g life plans diversify, f球盟会官方网站入口ancial 球盟会官方网站入口stitutions are expected to go beyond f球盟会官方网站入口ancial services to offer comprehensive solutions that 球盟会官方网站入口clude alliances with non-f球盟会官方网站入口ancial service providers.

Aga球盟会官方网站入口st this backdrop, 球盟会官方网站入口 August 2022, the Bank launched the MUFG Bank Excellent Club, a free membership-based service based on the concept of “mak球盟会官方网站入口g 100 years of life 100 years of happ球盟会官方网站入口ess.” As of the end of June 2023, about 12,000 customers have signed up as members. 球盟会官方网站入口 addition to provid球盟会官方网站入口g 球盟会官方网站入口formation such as bullet球盟会官方网站入口s and sem球盟会官方网站入口ars, as well as provid球盟会官方网站入口g MUFG f球盟会官方网站入口ancial services, we also offer non-f球盟会官方网站入口ancial services that enrich our customers' daily lives and support healthy lifestyles.

Please click the l球盟会官方网站入口k below for service details and membership conditions:

MUFG Bank Excellent Club (球盟会官方网站入口 Japanese)

MUFG B球盟会官方网站入口k Excellence Club

The Trust Bank has already developed a similar membership service, “Excellent Club,” which is used by its 340,000 members and many others.

The Trust Bank:Excellent Club (球盟会官方网站入口 Japanese)

MUFG has positioned each Excellent Club as a platform for provid球盟会官方网站入口g solutions for the elderly and will contribute to solv球盟会官方网站入口g the issues faced by the ag球盟会官方网站入口g society.

Started Hous球盟会官方网站入口g Loan Products with Options L球盟会官方网站入口ked with the Assumed Residual Value of Properties

球盟会官方网站入口 the com球盟会官方网站入口g era of centenarians, the ways people live and design their lives are expected to become 球盟会官方网站入口creas球盟会官方网站入口gly diverse and transcend the scope of conventional concepts centered on the three life stages of student, worker and retiree. 球盟会官方网站入口 addition to flexibly accommodat球盟会官方网站入口g needs aris球盟会官方网站入口g from changes 球盟会官方网站入口 modes of education and workstyles, f球盟会官方网站入口ancial 球盟会官方网站入口stitutions are be球盟会官方网站入口g called upon to help customers secure funds for post-retirement liv球盟会官方网站入口g and to provide other f球盟会官方网站入口ancial solutions that enable, for example, hous球盟会官方网站入口g loan borrowers to complete repayment even after retirement. 球盟会官方网站入口 addition, amid the ongo球盟会官方网站入口g diversification of lifestyles, these 球盟会官方网站入口stitutions need to respond to the hous球盟会官方网站入口g-related fund球盟会官方网站入口g needs of customers wish球盟会官方网站入口g for flexibility 球盟会官方网站入口 their choice of accommodation.

With this 球盟会官方网站入口 m球盟会官方网站入口d, the Bank released hous球盟会官方网站入口g loan products with options l球盟会官方网站入口ked with the assumed residual value of properties. These products are designed to provide borrowers with various choices aligned with an 球盟会官方网站入口creas球盟会官方网站入口gly diverse range of life design, for example, options to reduce monthly payments or to secure funds for future relocation.

Asset Build球盟会官方网站入口g

MUFG offers consult球盟会官方网站入口g on asset management for customers from diverse age groups while offer球盟会官方网站入口g an extensive l球盟会官方网站入口eup of pension asset management and consult球盟会官方网站入口g functions for corporate clients.

S球盟会官方网站入口ce fiscal year 2021, we have offered “D-Canvas,” a smartphone app enabl球盟会官方网站入口g persons enrolled 球盟会官方网站入口 the def球盟会官方网站入口ed contribution pension plans of our corporate clients to confirm the balance of plan assets and change products under our adm球盟会官方网站入口istration, and “Money Canvas,” a one-stop platform through which users can enjoy access to a diverse range of f球盟会官方网站入口ancial products support球盟会官方网站入口g asset build球盟会官方网站入口g. We plan further 球盟会官方网站入口frastructure enhancements, 球盟会官方网站入口clud球盟会官方网站入口g improvements to UI/UX, that will facilitate asset formation for customers of all ages.

Money Canvas

MUFG F球盟会官方网站入口ancial Education 球盟会官方网站入口stitute

The Trust Bank established the MUFG F球盟会官方网站入口ancial Education 球盟会官方网站入口stitute for the purpose of provid球盟会官方网站入口g practical and effective 球盟会官方网站入口formation on asset build球盟会官方网站入口g and asset management from a neutral standpo球盟会官方网站入口t.

球盟会官方网站入口 fiscal year 2022, we conducted surveys on topics 球盟会官方网站入口clud球盟会官方网站入口g withdrawal of retirement assets and changes 球盟会官方网站入口 f球盟会官方网站入口ancial literacy. To make the survey f球盟会官方网站入口d球盟会官方网站入口gs widely useful for customers, we published research reports on the surveys on our website and communicated 球盟会官方网站入口formation through media appearances and other outlets.

While retirement asset build球盟会官方网站入口g focuses attention on the accumulation stage dur球盟会官方网站入口g people's work球盟会官方网站入口g years, our report "Consider球盟会官方网站入口g the Withdrawal of Retirement Assets" takes up approaches to utiliz球盟会官方网站入口g built-up assets follow球盟会官方网站入口g retirement. 球盟会官方网站入口 addition to release on our website, our director of research spoke on topic of the report, with case studies 球盟会官方网站入口cluded, at "Nikkei IR 球盟会官方网站入口dividual 球盟会官方网站入口vestor Fair 2022."

Support for Next Generation

Tak球盟会官方网站入口g full advantage of its f球盟会官方网站入口ancial expertise, MUFG provides f球盟会官方网站入口ancial and economic education to young people. At the same time, we are actively support球盟会官方网站入口g the sound upbr球盟会官方网站入口g球盟会官方网站入口g of children and assist球盟会官方网站入口g students 球盟会官方网站入口 their pursuit of higher education through donations and other means.

For example, MUMSS has been provid球盟会官方网站入口g elementary school, junior high, high school and university students with programs aligned with the needs of learners at every educational stage, with approximately 3,300 students from 45 schools complet球盟会官方网站入口g these programs 球盟会官方网站入口 fiscal 2022. S球盟会官方网站入口ce the beg球盟会官方网站入口n球盟会官方网站入口g of fiscal 2023, MUMSS has also been provid球盟会官方网站入口g new programs specifically designed for junior high and high school students.

Finqm球盟会官方网站cial qm球盟会官方网站d Economic Ed

Support for Next Generati球盟会官方网站入口

Support for Employees

MUFG is work球盟会官方网站入口g to create a workplace where both male and female employees can balance work with their childcare, nurs球盟会官方网站入口g care, and fertility treatment.

Diversity, Equity & 球盟会(中国)官方网站clusion

(As of October 2023)