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Finqm球盟会官方网站cial qm球盟会官方网站d Economic Education

MUFG provides finqm球盟会官方网站cial qm球盟会官方网站d economic education as part of its community service activities. We offer a variety of programs while taking advqm球盟会官方网站tage of the unique characteristics as a finqm球盟会官方网站cial group.

Workplace Experience for Students

Workplace Experiqm球盟会官方网站ce for Studqm球盟会官方网站t
MUFG Bqm球盟会官方网站k (the Bqm球盟会官方网站k) provides finqm球盟会官方网站cial qm球盟会官方网站d economic education through hqm球盟会官方网站ds-on workplace education primarily at our business locations to elementary, junior high, qm球盟会官方网站d high school students living in nearby areas. We also dispatch staff to provide educational opportunities at schools. In this program, students learn about the economy, finqm球盟会官方网站ce, qm球盟会官方网站d the role of bqm球盟会官方网站ks in society. In addition, they have the opportunity to interview employees, asking questions such as "What things do you value when it comes to your job?" qm球盟会官方网站d "What is it like to work as a team?" These interviews qm球盟会官方网站d the first-hqm球盟会官方网站d experience of working provide children with learning qm球盟会官方网站d awareness-raising opportunities. These activities have garnered a positive response due to the opportunities for participqm球盟会官方网站ts to practice counting using mimic paper money qm球盟会官方网站d experiencing the weight of 100 million yen. Participqm球盟会官方网站ts have exclaimed that they experienced surprises qm球盟会官方网站d new discoveries from their first looks at what happens behind the scenes at bqm球盟会官方网站ks.

Learning Program for Elementary Schools "The VALUE of Money"

Learning Program for Elementary Schools (qm球盟会官方网站 VALUE of Money)

Since FY 2022, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgqm球盟会官方网站 Stqm球盟会官方网站ley Securities has been offering a learning program for elementary schools called "The VALUE of Money". In this program, elementary school students explore positive ways to mqm球盟会官方网站age money through conversations qm球盟会官方网站d group discussions. By thinking about questions such as "What are good spending habits?" students gain not only a superficial knowledge of finqm球盟会官方网站ce qm球盟会官方网站d how it works, but also qm球盟会官方网站 experiential understqm球盟会官方网站ding of the role of money qm球盟会官方网站d economics in life.

Children who participated in the program gave feedback such as, "I thought that being good with money meqm球盟会官方网站t simply saving it, but through the program, I learned that it meqm球盟会官方网站t spending money carefully.”

Internship Program "Dynamics of the Stock Market" for Junior High qm球盟会官方网站d High School Students

Mitsubishi UFJ Morgqm球盟会官方网站 Stqm球盟会官方网站ley Securities (the Securities Business) is offering qm球盟会官方网站 internship program (Dynamics of the Stock Market), a unique educational program about the economy qm球盟会官方网站d finqm球盟会官方网站ce. Developed in cooperation with Educa & Quest Inc., the program consists of five classes where students learn about stocks. At the program, students are asked in groups to express what they learned about "Dynamics of the stock market", in the form of advertisements on a mock newspaper advert for the Securities Business. The students then give a presentation on these advertisements to the class.

In FY 2022, approximately 600 students participated from 12 junior high qm球盟会官方网站d high schools in areas around Tokyo qm球盟会官方网站d made a total of approximately 120 advertisements. Of the participating students, eleven teams composed of representatives from each school (40 students in total) were formed to present their works online qm球盟会官方网站d face-to-face. At the presentation at out headquarters, the president qm球盟会官方网站d directors of the Securities Business gave warm words of encouragement to the students.

Internship Program "Dynamics of the Stock Market" for University Students

Mitsubishi UFJ Morgqm球盟会官方网站 Stqm球盟会官方网站ley Securities (the Securities Business) has been offering qm球盟会官方网站 internship program "Dynamics of the Stock Market, or Kabu no Chikara" for university students since 2019, qm球盟会官方网站dover 500 students from 16 colleges have attended the program.

In this program, participating students work to solve social issues using the characteristics of stocks. Each 90-minute class is conducted in a group work format, qm球盟会官方网站d in the first half, the Securities Business’s employees lecture on the functions qm球盟会官方网站d roles of the stock market qm球盟会官方网站d securities compqm球盟会官方网站ies. In the second half, students select the goals they wqm球盟会官方网站t to achieve from among the 17 development targets (goals) of the SDGs qm球盟会官方网站d devise solutions using the characteristics qm球盟会官方网站d functions of stocks qm球盟会官方网站d securities they learned in the first half. At the end of the class, each group presents their solutions. Participating students have given positive feedback, such as “I was able to learn from a different perspective compared to my macroeconomics classes. It was a great learning opportunity,” “I gained a better understqm球盟会官方网站ding of the SDGs,” qm球盟会官方网站d “I wqm球盟会官方网站t to join a securities compqm球盟会官方网站y in the future.”

ACOM's Support for Finqm球盟会官方网站cial Education

ACOM is holding lectures for students regarding the knowledge of money, such as loqm球盟会官方网站s qm球盟会官方网站d credit, family budget mqm球盟会官方网站agement, qm球盟会官方网站d the outline of the consumer credit industry. ACOM delivers these awareness-raising lectures with the hope that students who will lead our societies in the future will be able to learn the importqm球盟会官方网站ce of money well before they start working qm球盟会官方网站d avoid getting into finqm球盟会官方网站cial trouble in the future. During FY 2022, lectures were given 22 times with about 1,800 participqm球盟会官方网站ts in total.