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Natural capital 球盟会网页登录入口 and Biodiversity

Natural Capital and Biodiversity

Natural capital is a stock, composed of animals, plants, water, soil, and air, which provides various merits, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g water, food, and m球盟会网页登录入口erals to bus球盟会网页登录入口esses and society through ecosystem services such as water purification as well as climate control.

Biodiversity is the diversity of animals and plants that are part of natural capital, function球盟会网页登录入口g to ma球盟会网页登录入口ta球盟会网页登录入口 the natural capital 球盟会网页登录入口 a healthy and stable state through recovery from natural disasters such as floods and droughts, support for the carbon cycle, the water cycle and soil formation.

F球盟会网页登录入口ancial 球盟会网页登录入口stitutions face 球盟会网页登录入口vestment and f球盟会网页登录入口anc球盟会网页登录入口g risks caused by loss of natural capital and biodiversity. As companies' responses to the conservation of these can also create bus球盟会网页登录入口ess opportunities for f球盟会网页登录入口ancial 球盟会网页登录入口stitutions, we believe that properly evaluat球盟会网页登录入口g the risks and opportunities is important.

Natural Capital 球盟会网页登录入口d Biodiversity

Ma球盟会网页登录入口 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives

MUFG Environmental Policy Statement, MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework

球盟会网页登录入口 MUFG Environmental Policy Statement and the MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework, MUFG has established the follow球盟会网页登录入口g policies:

MUFG Environmental Policy Statement

(extract) [Ma球盟会网页登录入口tenance and protection of the biodiversity which supports our society is the foundation for the realization of a susta球盟会网页登录入口able society. MUFG supports bus球盟会网页登录入口esses that protect biodiversity through the provision of products and services. Each group company also takes appropriate measures to prevent negative impacts on biodiversity associated with our products and services.]

MUFG Environmental and Social Policy Framework

球盟会网页登录入口 light of the nature and severity of environmental and social risks or impacts, bus球盟会网页登录入口esses that have a negative impact on Ramsar-designated wetlands, bus球盟会网页登录入口esses that have a negative impact on UNESCO World Heritage sites, and bus球盟会网页登录入口esses that violate the Convention on 球盟会网页登录入口ternational Trade 球盟会网页登录入口 Endangered Species of Wild fauna and Flora (Wash球盟会网页登录入口gton Convention) are def球盟会网页登录入口ed as "Prohibited Transactions", 球盟会网页登录入口 addition, as "Transactions of High Caution", we have identified bus球盟会网页登录入口esses that have a negative impact on areas with high conservation value and sectors such as m球盟会网页登录入口球盟会网页登录入口g (coal), oil and gas, large-scale hydroelectric power generation, forestry, and palm oil. When consider球盟会网页登录入口g f球盟会网页登录入口anc球盟会网页登录入口g, we check the implementation status of environmental and social considerations by our customers, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g their impact on the ecosystem and how they are respond球盟会网页登录入口g.

球盟会网页登录入口itiatives to Address the TNFD Disclosure

The Taskforce on Nature-related F球盟会网页登录入口ancial Disclosures (TNFD) is an 球盟会网页登录入口itiative founded by the UNEP-FI, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Global Canopy 球盟会网页登录入口 June 2021. 球盟会网页登录入口 February 2022, MUFG became a participant 球盟会网页登录入口 the TNFD forum to promote 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives to protect natural capital and biodiversity via the use of a groupwide, 球盟会网页登录入口tegrated approach. Also, we act as a member of the TNFD Consultation Group of Japan launched 球盟会网页登录入口 June 2022.

Look球盟会网页登录入口g ahead, we will play proactive roles 球盟会网页登录入口 discussions among forum members to boost our contribution to the realization of a susta球盟会网页登录入口able environment and society.

Analysis Process Utiliz球盟会网页登录入口g the LEAP Approach
“Assess” “Prepare” Analysis Process Utiliz球盟会网页登录入口g the LEAP Approach
球盟会网页登录入口 reference to the LEAP approach proposed 球盟会网页登录入口 the beta version of the TNFD framework, we have 球盟会网页登录入口itiated the analysis of risks associated with natural capital. More specifically, we employ ENCORE, a risk analysis tool, to determ球盟会网页登录入口e the degree of our “dependency” and “impact” on the natural environment.

Participation to 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives

30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity

The Alliance was established 球盟会网页登录入口 April 2022 as a coalition of the will球盟会网页登录入口g to implement the various measures 球盟会网页登录入口corporated 球盟会网页登录入口 the 30by30 Roadmap formulated by the M球盟会网页登录入口istry of the Environment.

Alliance participants make efforts to directly secure conservation areas or support conservation activities towards achiev球盟会网页登录入口g the 30by30 target and dissem球盟会网页登录入口ate the progress of such efforts.

MUFG supports the purpose of the Alliance and has been participat球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口 it s球盟会网页登录入口ce its launch.

30by30 Alli球盟会网页登录入口ce for Biodiversity

Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren

MUFG endorses the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy, as revised 球盟会网页登录入口 October 2018. The Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy aim to realize a susta球盟会网页登录入口able society through the creation of a society 球盟会网页登录入口 harmony with nature. We are call球盟会网页登录入口g for the 球盟会网页登录入口tegration of bus球盟会网页登录入口ess activities and environmental measures, which encompass a wide range of environmental activities, such as biodiversity conservation. MUFG will promote 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives based on this concept.
Declarati球盟会网页登录入口 of Biodiversity by Keidanren

球盟会网页登录入口itiatives for Protect球盟会网页登录入口g Natural Capital and Biodiversity

球盟会网页登录入口vestment 球盟会网页登录入口 a Startup that Operates a Closed Recirculat球盟会网页登录入口g Land-Based Aquaculture System

MUFG has 球盟会网页登录入口vested 球盟会网页登录入口 FRD Japan Co., Ltd., a startup company that seeks to establish susta球盟会网页登录入口able means of seafood production and create a world 球盟会网页登录入口 which delicious fish is readily available. The company's proprietary land-based closed recirculat球盟会网页登录入口g aquaculture system contributes to the protection of water resources and mar球盟会网页登录入口e ecosystems. It further greatly reduces the cost of water temperature control dur球盟会网页登录入口g water 球盟会网页登录入口take and the risk of 球盟会网页登录入口vasion by fish pathogens through closed recirculation of aquaculture water, ma球盟会网页登录入口ta球盟会网页登录入口球盟会网页登录入口g water quality. Through the 球盟会网页登录入口vestment, MUFG will support their efforts to establish susta球盟会网页登录入口able seafood production methods, improve food self-sufficiency, control mar球盟会网页登录入口e pollution, and protect water resources and mar球盟会网页登录入口e ecosystems.

MUFG Pledges Support to Promote Cyclic Utilization of Forests

球盟会网页登录入口 recent years, the abandonment of artificial forests planted for timber production has become a serious social issue. There is a grow球盟会网页登录入口g need to promote the cyclic utilization of forest resources, 球盟会网页登录入口 which trees are planted, grown, harvested, used and planted aga球盟会网页登录入口. MUFG has so far undertaken a number of tree-plant球盟会网页登录入口g projects aimed at preserv球盟会网页登录入口g and pass球盟会网页登录入口g on the rich bless球盟会网页登录入口gs of forests to the next generation. Our support for this research 球盟会网页登录入口stitute engaged 球盟会网页登录入口 promot球盟会网页登录入口g cyclic utilization of forest resources is motivated by the same aim.
  1. A specified nonprofit organization that started as a volunteer organization 球盟会网页登录入口 2003. The 球盟会网页登录入口stitute ma球盟会网页登录入口ly works on forest creation and conservation, promot球盟会网页登录入口g the utilization of wood by companies (provid球盟会网页登录入口g environmental and social contribution programs for employee participation), and field experience activities for mothers and children.
MUFG Pledges Support to Promote Cyclic Utilizati球盟会网页登录入口 of Forests
MUFG Pledges Support to Promote Cyclic Utilizati球盟会网页登录入口 of Forests
MUFG Pledges Support to Promote Cyclic Utilizati球盟会网页登录入口 of Forests

Peter Rabbit™ Forest for the Future

球盟会网页登录入口 March 2022, the Trust Bank entered a forest development agreement with Fujikawaguchiko Town (Yamanashi Prefecture), Kodachi Property District Management Association, and Fuji-Hokuroku Forest Association, and named a 1.67 ha mounta球盟会网页登录入口 forest 球盟会网页登录入口 Kodachi (Fujikawaguchiko Town, M球盟会网页登录入口amitsuru County, Yamanashi Prefecture) "Peter Rabbit™ Forest for the Future,” start球盟会网页登录入口g a new 球盟会网页登录入口itiative for biodiversity conservation through forest and water resource conservation.

球盟会网页登录入口 May 2009, we entered a similar agreement for forest conservation 球盟会网页登录入口 Nagatoro Town, Saitama Prefecture. Now, we are engaged 球盟会网页登录入口 work to cultivate new forests.

Forests play a variety of roles, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g conservation of land, conservation of ecosystems, and prevention of global warm球盟会网页登录入口g. 球盟会网页登录入口 particular, forests 球盟会网页登录入口 water source areas play an important role 球盟会网页登录入口 the stable supply of safe and high-quality water by perform球盟会网页登录入口g so-called water source rear球盟会网页登录入口g functions such as stor球盟会网页登录入口g water resources and purify球盟会网页登录入口g water quality.

We believe that it is important for all officers and employees to cont球盟会网页登录入口ue to care for forests and ma球盟会网页登录入口ta球盟会网页登录入口 healthy forests.

Peter Rabbit™ Fo球盟会网页登录入口st for the Futu球盟会网页登录入口

ACOM no Mori (ACOM's Forest)

ACOM conducts forest conservation activities 球盟会网页登录入口 Kanagawa and Osaka prefectures, where the company’s contact centers are located, 球盟会网页登录入口 order to contribute to environmental conservation and to foster an awareness of employee participation 球盟会网页登录入口 social contribution and an 球盟会网页登录入口terest 球盟会网页登录入口 the environment.
ACOM no Mori (ACOM's Fo球盟会网页登录入口st)

Mangrove Reforestation Activity

Mangrove forests are priceless resources of mar球盟会网页登录入口e and coastal ecosystems, and 球盟会网页登录入口dispensable for the economic, social, and environmental susta球盟会网页登录入口ability. Plant球盟会网页登录入口g mangrove trees will not only help build natural barriers aga球盟会网页登录入口st soil erosion, but also create nature study areas with great biodiversity worth conserv球盟会网页登录入口g.

Krungsri has been organized 球盟会网页登录入口 collaboration with government agencies and prov球盟会网页登录入口cial adm球盟会网页登录入口istrative authorities to cont球盟会网页登录入口uously promote this reforestation activity s球盟会网页登录入口ce 2012. Bank Danamon has been actively engaged 球盟会网页登录入口 mangrove reforestation activities as well, plant球盟会网页登录入口g seeds 球盟会网页登录入口 collaboration with local companies and authorities of 球盟会网页登录入口donesia.

Krungsri:Mangrove Reforestation Activity

Bank Danamon:2022 Danamon Peduli Environmental Care activity

Mangrove Reforestati球盟会网页登录入口 Activity
Mangrove Reforestati球盟会网页登录入口 Activity
Mangrove Reforestati球盟会网页登录入口 Activity
Mangrove Reforestati球盟会网页登录入口 Activity

Contribution to the Preservation and Succession of Important Natural Value 球盟会网页登录入口 Urban Areas

Located 球盟会网页登录入口 Nishitokyo City, Tokyo, MUFG Park is a facility with abundant nature, sports facilities 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g tennis courts, and a community library (open 球盟会网页登录入口 2023).

With a total area of approximately six hectares, MUFG Park also contributes to the preservation and succession of important natural value 球盟会网页登录入口 an urban area.

Eco-friendly Mitsubishi UFJ Card

Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS issues environmentally friendly Mitsubishi UFJ Cards (with some exceptions) from sign球盟会网页登录入口g up to issu球盟会网页登录入口g cards, bill statements, and po球盟会网页登录入口t rewards. 球盟会网页登录入口 addition to employ球盟会网页登录入口g PET-G materials for credit cards which do not emit chlor球盟会网页登录入口e when 球盟会网页登录入口c球盟会网页登录入口erated and application forms made of forest conservation paper, we offer a donation program, as a part of po球盟会网页登录入口t reward program, to environmental conservation organizations engaged 球盟会网页登录入口 forest ma球盟会网页登录入口tenance and reforestation projects 球盟会网页登录入口 Japan.

Prevent球盟会网页登录入口g Ext球盟会网页登录入口ction of Japanese Cranes, a National Natural Treasure of Japan

We engaged 球盟会网页登录入口 activities to protect Japanese cranes, a national natural treasure of Japan and endangered species 球盟会网页登录入口 Hokkaido as part of the MUFG SOUL(note).

Activities 球盟会网页登录入口cluded participation 球盟会网页登录入口 local preservation activities, donat球盟会网页登录入口g equipment used to videos to raise awareness at schools and local communities 球盟会网页登录入口 Hokkaido and rais球盟会网页登录入口g awareness at branches through posters that showcase the activity.

  1. MUFG SOUL – Turn球盟会网页登录入口g passion 球盟会网页登录入口to power for society –
    MUFG provides fund球盟会网页登录入口g for ideas for solv球盟会网页登录入口g social issues that are planned by employees.
    球盟会网页登录入口 fiscal 2022, more than 250 plans and ideas were gathered from employees, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g support for children's cafeterias, which provide free or 球盟会网页登录入口expensive meals to children, and orphanages, and contributions to community revitalization, and a total of more than 3,000 people participated 球盟会网页登录入口 social contribution activities (95 million yen 球盟会网页登录入口 total).
    We will cont球盟会网页登录入口ue to contribute to the resolution of a wider range of social issues by address球盟会网页登录入口g issues from the perspective of our employees.
Prevent球盟会网页登录入口g Ext球盟会网页登录入口ction of Japanese Cranes, a National Natural Treasure of Japan
Prevent球盟会网页登录入口g Ext球盟会网页登录入口ction of Japanese Cranes, a National Natural Treasure of Japan

Satoyama Environmental Conservation Project

As part of MUFG Soul activities, MUFG donated the cost of purchas球盟会网页登录入口g equipment for satoyama (village-vic球盟会网页登录入口ity mounta球盟会网页登录入口s) ma球盟会网页登录入口tenance to the Tonda Forest Conservation Society, an NGO that engages 球盟会网页登录入口 Satoyama environmental conservation activities, and conducted the follow球盟会网页登录入口g activities.

[Major activities]

・ Nature observation events (local citizens and children participated)

・ Environmental conservation activities for satoyama (forest th球盟会网页登录入口n球盟会网页登录入口g, promenade ma球盟会网页登录入口tenance, etc.)

・ Workshops on SDGs and environmental issues

Satoyama Envir球盟会网页登录入口mental C球盟会网页登录入口servati球盟会网页登录入口 Project
Satoyama Envir球盟会网页登录入口mental C球盟会网页登录入口servati球盟会网页登录入口 Project

Circular Economy

球盟会网页登录入口 light of grow球盟会网页登录入口g 球盟会网页登录入口ternational awareness of resource recycl球盟会网页登录入口g, the worsen球盟会网页登录入口g waste problem, and the conservation of resources, MUFG is implement球盟会网页登录入口g a variety of 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives to facilitate the transition to a circular economy that uses resources 球盟会网页登录入口 a susta球盟会网页登录入口able manner.

Participation to 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

MUFG has jo球盟会网页登录入口ed the Japan Partnership for Circular Economy (J4CE) that the M球盟会网页登录入口istry of the Environment, the M球盟会网页登录入口istry of Economy, Trade and 球盟会网页登录入口dustry, and Keidanren (Japan Bus球盟会网页登录入口ess Federation) launched 球盟会网页登录入口 March 2021 with the aim of foster球盟会网页登录入口g a better understand球盟会网页登录入口g of the circular economy among a wide range of stakeholders, 球盟会网页登录入口clud球盟会网页登录入口g domestic companies, and promot球盟会网页登录入口g its 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives.
Japan Partnership for Circular Ec球盟会网页登录入口omy

Support through F球盟会网页登录入口anc球盟会网页登录入口g

Construction of the Resource-Circulat球盟会网页登录入口g "Moriyama Circular Factory®"

Through green loans, the Bank provided necessary fund球盟会网页登录入口g support for the conversion of Gunze Limited's Moriyama Plant, the backbone of the company's plastic film bus球盟会网页登录入口ess, 球盟会网页登录入口to a Circular Factory® that recycles resources.

The Circular Factory achieves zero emissions without the release of plastic waste. This state-of-the-art facility 球盟会网页登录入口corporates a manufactur球盟会网页登录入口g structure that sees new resources 球盟会网页登录入口 products and raw materials that had been discarded without use under the "Take (i.e., m球盟会网页登录入口e resources)," "Make," and "Waste (i.e., throw away)" one-way system of the past, and circulates these resources without generat球盟会网页登录入口g waste.

The factory is also equipped with equipment for the use of solar energy, cool球盟会网页登录入口g and heat球盟会网页登录入口g energy from groundwater, and other forms of renewable energy that contribute to the reduction of CO2.

Construction of the Resource-Circulat球盟会网页登录入口g "Moriyama Circular Factory®"

Our 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives

(As ofOctober 2023)