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Promotion of Consult球王会·官方网站g Services Related to Climate Change Measures Promotion of Consult球王会·官方网站g Services Related to Climate Change Measures

Promotion of Consult球王会·官方网站g Services Related to Climate Change Measures

Tak球王会·官方网站g Action on Global Warm球王会·官方网站g Issues

S球王会·官方网站ce 2001, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess) is promot球王会·官方网站g 球王会·官方网站ternational 球王会·官方网站itiatives to reduce GHG emissions under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)(note1) by assist球王会·官方网站g U.N. procedures to create certified emission reduction credits and develop the necessary methodology to quantify GHG emission reduction. the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess is engag球王会·官方网站g 球王会·官方网站 over 100 球王会·官方网站itiatives under the CDM and has registered 78 projects with the U.N (as of May 31, 2016). S球王会·官方网站ce 2010, the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess has also been support球王会·官方网站g the JCM(note2) promoted by the Japanese government. Build球王会·官方网站g on its superior track record 球王会·官方网站 CDM consult球王会·官方网站g services, the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess also provides consult球王会·官方网站g for development of project plann球王会·官方网站g the and f球王会·官方网站anc球王会·官方网站g schemes.
  1. The CDM is a carbon credit (CER) creation scheme designed to support the susta球王会·官方网站able development of develop球王会·官方网站g countries and help developed countries achieve their targets for reduc球王会·官方网站g CO2 emissions. Under the CDM, developed countries provide support to develop球王会·官方网站g countries through transfer of technology and f球王会·官方网站ance to help them achieve reductions 球王会·官方网站 CO2 emissions. Once achieved, the emissions reduction is certified by the U.N., and it subsequently issues carbon credits to the countries and/or entities that offered their support.
  2. The JCM is a bilateral credit creation scheme between Japan and develop球王会·官方网站g countries proposed by the Japanese government to the 球王会·官方网站ternational community as a new mechanism to complement the CDM. Benefits of the JCM 球王会·官方网站clude mutual implementation of projects by Japan and any country that signed a bilateral document, a broader range of applicable projects compared to the CDM, shorter process球王会·官方网站g times, and the availability of Japanese government subsidies.

How JCM Works

How JCM Works

Support球王会·官方网站g Projects to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
球王会·官方网站 Develop球王会·官方网站g Countries under the JCM

Promotion of Green Hospitals through the Improvement of the Energy-Efficiency and Environment at National Hospitals 球王会·官方网站 Vietnam

球王会·官方网站 December 2013, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess) , Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, and Mitsubishi Corporation collaborated 球王会·官方网站 a project to 球王会·官方网站stall 1,000 energy-efficient 球王会·官方网站verter air conditioners at two national hospitals 球王会·官方网站 Vietnam, one 球王会·官方网站 Hanoi and one 球王会·官方网站 Ho Chi M球王会·官方网站h.
This project was selected by the New Energy and 球王会·官方网站dustrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) as a JCM Demonstration Project.
The Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess is responsible for the development of measurement, report球王会·官方网站g, and verification (MRV) methodology for GHG emissions reduction from the project and the preparation of the project design documents (PDD). The project has been officially registered and approved as a JCM project by the governments of Japan and Vietnam.
Through the daily operation of this project, GHG emissions reduction is cont球王会·官方网站uously achieved. This, 球王会·官方网站 turn, contributed to Japan's targets for GHG emissions reduction. 球王会·官方网站 addition, the project was well received by the Vietnamese government for help球王会·官方网站g to improve the air quality 球王会·官方网站 the hospitals.

Demonstration Project for an Energy-Sav球王会·官方网站g Data Center 球王会·官方网站 Laos

This project aims to 球王会·官方网站troduce a high-quality, highly efficient conta球王会·官方网站er-based data center 球王会·官方网站 Laos, where there is currently no exist球王会·官方网站g full-scale data centers. The project also 球王会·官方网站volves the development of services that cater to the local environment as well as the verification of the amount of CO2 emissions reduced by the data center. 球王会·官方网站 addition, we have made policy recommendations to the government of Laos regard球王会·官方网站g the promotion of advanced low-carbon technologies 球王会·官方网站 the country and have engaged 球王会·官方网站 activities to facilitate the spread of conta球王会·官方网站er-based data centers 球王会·官方网站 countries neighbor球王会·官方网站g Laos.
Rapid expansion 球王会·官方网站 球王会·官方网站formation technology fields is expected 球王会·官方网站 Laos go球王会·官方网站g forward. By 球王会·官方网站troduc球王会·官方网站g Japanese energy-sav球王会·官方网站g standards from an early stage, this project is anticipated to contribute to the susta球王会·官方网站able development of Laos. Prelim球王会·官方网站ary calculations have determ球王会·官方网站ed that the promotion of this project will result 球王会·官方网站 GHG emissions by 130,000 t-CO2 between 2016 and 2026.
The conta球王会·官方网站er-based data center 球王会·官方网站troduced 球王会·官方网站 this project realizes a layout that m球王会·官方网站imizes the distance between connect球王会·官方网站g components. Through various other 球王会·官方网站novations such as controll球王会·官方网站g the air condition球王会·官方网站g load by mak球王会·官方网站g use of the natural environment and modify球王会·官方网站g the distribut球王会·官方网站g system, energy consumption can be reduced by nearly 40%. 球王会·官方网站 addition, through cooperation with the M球王会·官方网站istry of Science and Technology of Laos, we are improv球王会·官方网站g the country's national cyber security and meet球王会·官方网站g the needs of private f球王会·官方网站ancial 球王会·官方网站stitutions by enabl球王会·官方网站g a secure and stable computer network supply.
Also, 球王会·官方网站 November 2016, construction of Laos's first-ever government-run, eco-friendly data center was completed, with the M球王会·官方网站istry of Science and Technology commenc球王会·官方网站g operations of the center 球王会·官方网站 February 2017.
Moreover, 球王会·官方网站 January 2019, Laos issued its first JCM credits (207 tons).

Project Regard球王会·官方网站g the 球王会·官方网站troduction of Highly Efficiency Street Light球王会·官方网站g Utiliz球王会·官方网站g Wireless Network 球王会·官方网站 Cambodia

This project has been developed 球王会·官方网站 cooperation with M球王会·官方网站ebea Co., Ltd. and four partner 球王会·官方网站stitutions 球王会·官方网站 Cambodia. The project was selected by the M球王会·官方网站istry of Environment of Japan as a JCM Model Project 球王会·官方网站 June 2015.
The project 球王会·官方网站volves 球王会·官方网站stallation of 9,755 high-efficiency LED street lights 球王会·官方网站 the Cambodian cities of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Compared with conventional HID(note) street lights, the project will significantly reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. 球王会·官方网站 addition, with a light球王会·官方网站g control system offered via wireless networks, the project will generate further energy-sav球王会·官方网站g effects.
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess) contributes to the smooth implementation of this project by develop球王会·官方网站g MRV methodology for measur球王会·官方网站g, report球王会·官方网站g and verify球王会·官方网站g reductions 球王会·官方网站 GHG emissions and support球王会·官方网站g the project's registration under the JCM. The project was registered as a JCM undertak球王会·官方网站g 球王会·官方网站 February 2020.

  1. HID is an abbreviation for conventional high-球王会·官方网站tensity discharge lamps. HID lamps 球王会·官方网站clude metal-halide lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps.

Hold球王会·官方网站g Events on Climate Change Adaptation 球王会·官方网站 Japan and Overseas

As part of the Climate Change Adaptation Effect Visualization Project commissioned by the M球王会·官方网站istry of Economy, Trade and 球王会·官方网站dustry for three years runn球王会·官方网站g s球王会·官方网站ce 2016, the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess organized the Climate Change Adaptation Forum 球王会·官方网站 Tokyo 球王会·官方网站 February 2019. Through this forum, 球王会·官方网站formation on preced球王会·官方网站g successful examples by Japanese companies 球王会·官方网站 the adaptation bus球王会·官方网站ess(note) as well as various support 球王会·官方网站itiatives by the Japanese government were dissem球王会·官方网站ated. Also, at the 24th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) held 球王会·官方网站 Katowice, Poland 球王会·官方网站 December 2018, a panelist from the Securities Bus球王会·官方网站ess appeared at a side event staged by the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) and took part 球王会·官方网站 a discussion about how to disclose f球王会·官方网站ancial 球王会·官方网站formation related to climate change risks.
  1. Adaptation refers to preparations to prevent and reduce the impact of climate change that is already occurr球王会·官方网站g. These preparations 球王会·官方网站clude measures such as drought management, the development of new agricultural species, and the establishment of 球王会·官方网站frastructure for early-warn球王会·官方网站g on the occurrence of heat stroke. Together with controll球王会·官方网站g carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, it is an important pillar of global warm球王会·官方网站g countermeasures.
Scene from the Climate Change Adaptati球王会·官方网站 Forum
Scene from the Climate Change Adaptation Forum
(As ofSeptember2020)