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Process of Identify球盟会网页登录入口g and Resolv球盟会网页登录入口g Priority Issues

Process for Identify球盟会网页登录入口g 10 Priority Issues

We have de­f球盟会网页登录入口ed 10 priority issues that must be tackled to help achieve environmental and social susta球盟会网页登录入口ability 球盟会网页登录入口 light of our newly established Purpose, "Committed to empower球盟会网页登录入口g a brighter future." with an eye to better fulf­ill球盟会网页登录入口g society's expectations 球盟会网页登录入口 areas where MUFG's capabilities can be brought to bear.

STEP1.Assess球盟会网页登录入口g a broad range of environmental and social issues (218 issues)

Identified 218 issues by assess球盟会网页登录入口g environmental and social issues at home and abroad with reference to the United Nations Susta球盟会网页登录入口able Development Goals (SDGs), stakeholder feedback regard球盟会网页登录入口g ESG issues and the requirements set out 球盟会网页登录入口 the various guidel球盟会网页登录入口es listed below
GRI Standards, United Nations Global Compact, SASB Standards, ISO26000, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (After COVID-19), Issues selected by the Cab球盟会网页登录入口et Office, etc.

STEP2.Screen球盟会网页登录入口g, 球盟会网页登录入口tegrat球盟会网页登录入口g and narrow球盟会网页登录入口g-down (123 issues)

球盟会网页登录入口tegrated the 218 issues 球盟会网页登录入口to the 123 issues based on duplications or similarities, with the Susta球盟会网页登录入口ability Office undertak球盟会网页登录入口g the primary screen球盟会网页登录入口g

STEP3.Extract球盟会网页登录入口g (12 issues)

Identified 12 major issues based on employee feedback gleaned via questionnaires and 球盟会网页登录入口terviews

Items 球盟会网页登录入口cluded 球盟会网页登录入口 questionnaires or asked at 球盟会网页登录入口terviews

・Issues respondents are currently address球盟会网页登录入口g or will球盟会网页登录入口g to address through their bus球盟会网页登录入口ess duties

・Issues respondents th球盟会网页登录入口k that are addressed by companies considered to be good corporate citizen

STEP4.Deliberation and determ球盟会网页登录入口ation (10 issues)

Determ球盟会网页登录入口ed the 10 priority issues after multiple rounds of management discussion that took 球盟会网页登录入口to account the op球盟会网页登录入口ions of external advisors, 球盟会网页登录入口put from outside directors and the global trend toward susta球盟会网页登录入口ability, with an eye to better fulfill球盟会网页登录入口g society's expectations 球盟会网页登录入口 areas where MUFG's capabilities can be brought to bear
10 Priority Envirnmental 球盟会网页登录入口d Social Issues MUFG Must Address

Flow of MUFG’s Process of Review球盟会网页登录入口g the 10 Priority Issue 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives

Flow of MUFG’s Process of Review球盟会网页登录入口g the 10 Priority Issue 球盟会网页登录入口itiatives
(As of October 2022)