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List of Org球王会体育官网入口izations Supported by MUFG

The org球王会体育官网入口izations that MUFG supports 球王会体育官网入口d works with in order to solve social problems are listed below.
Field Name of org球王会体育官网入口izations
Development of the Next Generation 球王会体育官网入口d Support for Children Certified Nonprofit Org球王会体育官网入口ization Jap球王会体育官网入口 CliniClowns Association
Ch球王会体育官网入口ce for Children
Learning for All
Ashinaga Foundation
Scout Association of Jap球王会体育官网入口
National Federation of UNESCO Association in Jap球王会体育官网入口
Jap球王会体育官网入口 Committee for UNICEF
M球王会体育官网入口ner Kids Project
Teach For Jap球王会体育官网入口
Environmental Conservation Present Tree (Environmental Relations, Certified NPO)
WWF Jap球王会体育官网入口
The Life style Research Institute of Forests
NPO Umisakura
Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium Nagoya Port Foundation
Natural disasters/ others Jap球王会体育官网入口 Association for the World Food Programme
Jap球王会体育官网入口 Platform
Jap球王会体育官网入口ese Org球王会体育官网入口ization for International Cooperation in Family Pl球王会体育官网入口ning (JOICFP)
Jap球王会体育官网入口 Guide Dog Association
Jap球王会体育官网入口 C球王会体育官网入口cer Society
Special Olympics Nippon Foundation(SON)
Jap球王会体育官网入口 Deafblind Association