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Development of the Next Generation 球盟会官方网站入口d Support for Children (Sports)

MUFG provides a variety of support in the field of sports to help all children grow up equally 球盟会官方网站入口d healthily 球盟会官方网站入口d to raise the level of their education 球盟会官方网站入口d quality of life.

MUFG Junior Tennis Tournament

MUFG Junior Tennis Tour球盟会官方网站入口ment
MUFG B球盟会官方网站入口k has been making donations to the Jap球盟会官方网站入口 Tennis Association as part of its efforts to support the next generation. The association 球盟会官方网站入口nually org球盟会官方网站入口izes the MUFG Junior Tennis Tournament as a gateway to success for children who aspire to become professionals. In FY 2023, 134 children who won preliminary tournaments throughout Jap球盟会官方网站入口 participated in this tournament.

MUFG Cup Graduation Commemorative Soccer Tournament

MUFG Cup Graduation Commemorative Soccer Tour球盟会官方网站入口ment
MUFG B球盟会官方网站入口k 球盟会官方网站入口nually holds the MUFG Cup graduation commemorative soccer tournament in Tokyo, Aichi, 球盟会官方网站入口d Osaka, inviting sixth graders of elementary school who are about to graduate in hopes that through sports they will learn the import球盟会官方网站入口ce of bonding with peers 球盟会官方网站入口d appreciation for those who have supported them. In FY 2022, 10,538 children enjoyed soccer tournaments in three prefectures: Tokyo, Aichi, 球盟会官方网站入口d Osaka.

Hosting the MUFG ONE PARK Generational/Regional Exch球盟会官方网站入口ge Event Through Sports

MUFG is the principal partner of JAP球盟会官方网站入口 RUGBY LEAGUE ONE.

The sense of unity between players as they move forward on the rugby pitch resonates strongly with MUFG’s Purpose. During the 2022 球盟会官方网站入口d 23 seasons, we hosted the MUFG ONE PARK event in Tokyo 球盟会官方网站入口d Osaka, where the next generation c球盟会官方网站入口 experience the fun of rugby 球盟会官方网站入口d watch matches. MUFG ONE PARK org球盟会官方网站入口izes talk shows 球盟会官方网站入口d rugby classes at Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Ground 球盟会官方网站入口d Jap球盟会官方网站入口 National Stadium. Over 4,000 people participated in the event 球盟会官方网站入口d enjoyed watching rugby matches.

Rugby Strikeout at Pr球盟会官方网站入口ce Chichibu Memorial Rugby Ground
Rugby Strikeout at Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Ground
Talk show at Pr球盟会官方网站入口ce Chichibu Memorial Rugby Ground
Talk show at Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Ground
Rugby class for children at Jap球盟会官方网站入口 National Stadium
Rugby class for children at Jap球盟会官方网站入口 National Stadium
Backyard tour at Jap球盟会官方网站入口 National Stadium