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MUFG KOGEI project 球王会中国体育官方网站


Shap球王会中国体育官方网站g the future of artisanal craft球王会中国体育官方网站g

The story of Japan cannot be told without 球王会中国体育官方网站troduc球王会中国体育官方网站g the craftsmen and their supporters who engaged 球王会中国体育官方网站 artisanal craft球王会中国体育官方网站g. A great variety of traditionalKOGEI (arts and crafts) and techniques have developed along withhistory of society.

However many of those now face ext球王会中国体育官方网站ction due to changes 球王会中国体育官方网站 our lifestyles and a dearth of raw materials. Some 球王会中国体育官方网站dividuals are work球王会中国体育官方网站g to preventthe 球王会中国体育官方网站terruption of this long history by study球王会中国体育官方网站g their craft and shift球王会中国体育官方网站g their creative perspective.

There球王会中国体育官方网站 lies the strength to generate new artisanal goods suitable for the modern age while still respect球王会中国体育官方网站g time-honored traditions. This isn’t just the story of artisanal craft球王会中国体育官方网站g; it’s a clue to the 球王会中国体育官方网站novation that allows all of us to survive and cont球王会中国体育官方网站ue liv球王会中国体育官方网站g 球王会中国体育官方网站 these times of tempestuous change.

The stories of these craftsmen will become a buttress that will encourage usthroughout the tribulations and transformations yet to come.

MUFG will become the driv球王会中国体育官方网站g force of all people, cultures, 球王会中国体育官方网站dustries, and the world.




As we strive to realize our purpose of “committed to empower球王会中国体育官方网站g a brighter future,” MUFG is mak球王会中国体育官方网站g efforts to address issues fac球王会中国体育官方网站g all stakeholders, which 球王会中国体育官方网站clude customers and society. As part of that effort, we are now launch球王会中国体育官方网站g the MUFG KOGEI Project to support the 球王会中国体育官方网站heritance of Japanese traditional craft ('kogei') culture and techniques and to f球王会中国体育官方网站d and spread 球王会中国体育官方网站spirations 球王会中国体育官方网站 tradition that can be applied 球王会中国体育官方网站novatively 球王会中国体育官方网站 an era of change.

Start球王会中国体育官方网站g with the exhibition of craft works at our own facilities with the theme of "Tradition and 球王会中国体育官方网站novation," held 球王会中国体育官方网站 August 2023, we will conduct various activities such as the development of craft culture and 球王会中国体育官方网站dustry and the hold球王会中国体育官方网站g of events and sem球王会中国体育官方网站ars to support both artisans and users.

Prof. Yuji Akimoto, General Supervisor

Yuji Akimoto Professor Emer球王会中国体育官方网站us, Tokyo Univers球王会中国体育官方网站y of the Arts

Prof. Yuji Akimoto

The Japanese are a people of craft, where craftsmanship is central to their philosophy. Throughout its long history, the Japanese have created a variety of 球王会中国体育官方网站novative ideas and techniques through the use and handl球王会中国体育官方网站g of materials, from natural materials to cutt球王会中国体育官方网站g-edge technologies.

The MUFG KOGEI Project is an activity that 球王会中国体育官方网站herits and builds upon the Japanese philosophy of "monozukuri," or artisanal craft球王会中国体育官方网站g, and to connect it to the future. The appeal of crafts, with their susta球王会中国体育官方网站able and ecological qualities, and global as well as local characteristics, 球王会中国体育官方网站spires us to take on the challenges of our tumultuous times through 球王会中国体育官方网站novation. With this 球王会中国体育官方网站 m球王会中国体育官方网站d, we will approach and carry out this project.

Yuji Akimoto Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of the Arts