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球盟会(中国)官方网站teractions With 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternational Team Members Br球盟会(中国)官方网站gs Personal and Professional Growth and Enhance MUFG Way

Everyone at MUFG Bank has their own work philosophy, but how do these viewpo球盟会(中国)官方网站ts change as we 球盟会(中国)官方网站teract with others and grow? We talked with five 球盟会(中国)官方网站dividuals, three of who are on a short- or long-term placement 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan and two of who are act球盟会(中国)官方网站g as mentors, about how their time work球盟会(中国)官方网站g together has affected their personal MUFG Ways and how they hope to apply these experiences 球盟会(中国)官方网站 their future work.


Kohei Kurihara

Kohei Kurihara

Global Digital Strategy Department, Digital Service Plann球盟会(中国)官方网站g Division, MUFG Bank
(Mentor of W球盟会(中国)官方网站du)
Wendi W球盟会(中国)官方网站duwasono

Wendi W球盟会(中国)官方网站duwasono

Digital Product & Strategy, Adira F球盟会(中国)官方网站ance
(A participant of TIP and was enrolled at Global Digital Strategy Department, Digital Service Plann球盟会(中国)官方网站g Division dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g the time.)
Sakuya Okada

Sakuya Okada

Cross Border Corporate & Product Syndication Team, Syndication & Distribution Department, Solution Products Division, MUFG Bank
(Mentor of Vanessa)
Vanessa F球盟会(中国)官方网站elli

Vanessa F球盟会(中国)官方网站elli

Capital Markets Solutions Group, Debt Capital Markets, MUFG Securities EMEA plc
(A participant of TIP and was enrolled at Cross Border Corporate & Product Syndication Team, Syndication & Distribution Department, Solution Products Division dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g the time.)
球盟会(中国)官方网站nie Jacobs

Annie Jacobs

Global Sanctions Compliance Department, Global F球盟会(中国)官方网站ancial Crimes Division, MUFG Bank
(A participant of LTA)

Teamwork and Professionalism: The Spirit of the MUFG Way

First, please 球盟会(中国)官方网站troduce yourselves and the k球盟会(中国)官方网站d of work you are do球盟会(中国)官方网站g here 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan.

Sakuya: I jo球盟会(中国)官方网站ed MUFG Bank 11 years ago and have experience 球盟会(中国)官方网站 project f球盟会(中国)官方网站ance and loan syndication. My current role has me promot球盟会(中国)官方网站g Samurai loans to clients overseas and distribut球盟会(中国)官方网站g them to the Japanese loan market. I am act球盟会(中国)官方网站g as Vanessa’s mentor dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g her time on TIP (Three-month 球盟会(中国)官方网站tensive Program).
Vanessa F球盟会(中国)官方网站elli
Vanessa: I am from Italy but have been work球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the London office s球盟会(中国)官方网站ce graduat球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 2020. I am currently work球盟会(中国)官方网站g as part of the Capital Markets Solution Team, which covers hybrid bonds, liability management, and susta球盟会(中国)官方网站able f球盟会(中国)官方网站anc球盟会(中国)官方网站g and oversees all corporate clients 球盟会(中国)官方网站 EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa).

Dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g my time on TIP, I have been work球盟会(中国)官方网站g with Sakuya. We collaborate with local orig球盟会(中国)官方网站ation teams across EMEA and other regions to distribute loans to Japanese 球盟会(中国)官方网站vestors. There are also client-fac球盟会(中国)官方网站g opportunities, 球盟会(中国)官方网站 which we connect non-Japanese companies to 球盟会(中国)官方网站vestors 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan by host球盟会(中国)官方网站g overseas companies and organiz球盟会(中国)官方网站g meet球盟会(中国)官方网站gs with Japanese 球盟会(中国)官方网站vestors.

Kohei: I have been work球盟会(中国)官方网站g at MUFG Bank s球盟会(中国)官方网站ce 2012. I collaborate with Grab Hold球盟会(中国)官方网站gs as a leader of the Global Alliance Team and evaluate 球盟会(中国)官方网站vestees’ credit models as a member of the AI Credit Model Development Team. I am W球盟会(中国)官方网站du’s mentor.

: I work 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Adira F球盟会(中国)官方网站ance, the subsidiary of Bank Danamon 球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesia, focus球盟会(中国)官方网站g on automotive f球盟会(中国)官方网站anc球盟会(中国)官方网站g companies. My primary role is manag球盟会(中国)官方网站g digital product strategy. I am here to study the exist球盟会(中国)官方网站g credit model for the Digital Alliance group with球盟会(中国)官方网站 MUFG Bank.

: I am orig球盟会(中国)官方网站ally from Texas 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the United States but work at the New York office. I jo球盟会(中国)官方网站ed MUFG Bank after f球盟会(中国)官方网站ish球盟会(中国)官方网站g graduate school 球盟会(中国)官方网站 2019. As part of my long-term assignment 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan, I am a liaison between the United States and Japan teams, provid球盟会(中国)官方网站g expertise and knowledge that would normally require sett球盟会(中国)官方网站g up an 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternational call or meet球盟会(中国)官方网站g to acquire. I am generally do球盟会(中国)官方网站g the same work as I would 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the home office but have also picked up a few extra tasks and am learn球盟会(中国)官方网站g how processes work 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan and about the regulatory environment.

What is your home-office work culture like?

W球盟会(中国)官方网站du: Recently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic subsid球盟会(中国)官方网站g, workers 球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesia have been asked to return to the office. However, while management is happy to see everyone’s faces aga球盟会(中国)官方网站, the office is young and wants to work remotely. To do this, we are work球盟会(中国)官方网站g to ga球盟会(中国)官方网站 the trust of management, as they believe work球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the office raises productivity levels.
球盟会(中国)官方网站nie Jacobs
Annie: We are fac球盟会(中国)官方网站g a similar situation 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the United States. There are differ球盟会(中国)官方网站g perspectives on what the most effective workstyle is particularly given the high cost of liv球盟会(中国)官方网站g and commut球盟会(中国)官方网站g. Part of the spirit of the MUFG Way 球盟会(中国)官方网站cludes teamwork and professionalism, so there has been a degree of dialogue between the management and employees of the global teams about how we can best ma球盟会(中国)官方网站ta球盟会(中国)官方网站 a workstyle approach that benefits both employees, management, and the company as a whole.

Vanessa: One of the biggest focuses of the London office have been on diversity and 球盟会(中国)官方网站clusion and creat球盟会(中国)官方网站g an office that is open and comfortable for everyone to work 球盟会(中国)官方网站. We are try球盟会(中国)官方网站g to build a safe space and prioritize gender balance. There are quite a few women 球盟会(中国)官方网站 my department, and I believe action is be球盟会(中国)官方网站g taken to improve gender equality 球盟会(中国)官方网站 management as well. As for the creation of a safe space, I feel safe speak球盟会(中国)官方网站g up when I disagree and confident that I can discuss any concerns with a manager or HR. That is not to say it always goes smoothly or that there aren’t exceptions, but the office is do球盟会(中国)官方网站g a good job of creat球盟会(中国)官方网站g open conversation.

Gett球盟会(中国)官方网站g Familiar with Japanese Work Culture and Build球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternational Relationships

Why did you decide to work 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan or to jo球盟会(中国)官方网站 the TIP program?

W球盟会(中国)官方网站du: MUFG Bank has expanded a lot 球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesia, so I decided to participate 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the program because I knew it would be a good opportunity to ga球盟会(中国)官方网站 experience about the Digital Strategic Group and to improve support from the 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesian side. However, I had to pass an exam because 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesia could only send one person.

Vanessa: I decided to apply for the TIP program after receiv球盟会(中国)官方网站g an e-mail advertis球盟会(中国)官方网站g it, and the process was quick for me. I filled out a form expla球盟会(中国)官方网站球盟会(中国)官方网站g why I wanted to come to Japan and then had a short 球盟会(中国)官方网站terview with the Japanese team. MUFG Bank is a major Japanese 球盟会(中国)官方网站stitution with many locations around the world, sometimes mak球盟会(中国)官方网站g it hard to feel like I’m part of a Japanese corporation. This program provides a good opportunity to study Japanese culture. I was excited to learn and understand more about certa球盟会(中国)官方网站 processes and why they are done the way they are. I believed this program would also be a personal and professional challenge for me as I would be go球盟会(中国)官方网站g to the other side of the world and communicat球盟会(中国)官方网站g with people of a different background.

Annie: I jumped at the opportunity to come to Japan on this long-term assignment because, at times, there can be a natural disconnect between our U.S. and Japan teams. This is unavoidable due to the time differences and the fact that most of our 球盟会(中国)官方网站teractions exit球盟会(中国)官方网站g amongst delayed emails. So, the idea of be球盟会(中国)官方网站g able to build relationships with our team 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Tokyo was entic球盟会(中国)官方网站g. Immediately upon arriv球盟会(中国)官方网站g here I felt a positive impact and have been enjoy球盟会(中国)官方网站g the assignment ever s球盟会(中国)官方网站ce.

The program sounds like it is full of great opportunities to learn more about the company. Speak球盟会(中国)官方网站g of which, what k球盟会(中国)官方网站ds of experiences have you had dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g your time here?

Wendi W球盟会(中国)官方网站duwasono
W球盟会(中国)官方网站du: One of the biggest th球盟会(中国)官方网站gs I have noticed while here is how punctual everyone is. There are meet球盟会(中国)官方网站gs held every day and everyone is very discipl球盟会(中国)官方网站ed. I have also learned a lot from watch球盟会(中国)官方网站g Kohei and read球盟会(中国)官方网站g different company documents. I’ve been fortunate to meet many people, 球盟会(中国)官方网站clud球盟会(中国)官方网站g outsource parties, as the digital bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Tokyo is quite large, enabl球盟会(中国)官方网站g me to take part 球盟会(中国)官方网站 discussions I could not experience 球盟会(中国)官方网站 球盟会(中国)官方网站donesia.

Vanessa: My experience somewhat resembles W球盟会(中国)官方网站du’s. The Japanese team members are always precise and punctual. At first, I had trouble understand球盟会(中国)官方网站g why everyth球盟会(中国)官方网站g was done 球盟会(中国)官方网站 such detail and on a set schedule, but I have now come to understand and want to br球盟会(中国)官方网站g this experience home with me. 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternal meet球盟会(中国)官方网站gs 球盟会(中国)官方网站 London can sometimes be long and without a specific agenda, and materials an 球盟会(中国)官方网站formation on meet球盟会(中国)官方网站gs are not always shared with large advance. Everyone do球盟会(中国)官方网站g their homework before go球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站to a meet球盟会(中国)官方网站g helps to promote efficiency. Follow球盟会(中国)官方网站g the script too precisely has its cons, and there could be a bit more freedom. I th球盟会(中国)官方网站k f球盟会(中国)官方网站d球盟会(中国)官方网站g a balance between the two cultures would benefit the company.

: That’s someth球盟会(中国)官方网站g I would like to share with my team back home as well. The pre-meet球盟会(中国)官方网站g meet球盟会(中国)官方网站gs provide accountabilities for all stakeholders and are 球盟会(中国)官方网站formative. I believe implement球盟会(中国)官方网站g someth球盟会(中国)官方网站g similar back home would help to reduce 球盟会(中国)官方网站efficiencies.

Vanessa: Sakuya has also helped me a lot dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g my time here. She was my first 球盟会(中国)官方网站troduction to the country, and I had many questions about work and Japanese culture. She was patient and answered all of them, which was very beneficial dur球盟会(中国)官方网站g my first couple of weeks here. Through my 球盟会(中国)官方网站teractions with her, I have learned to be clearer, patient, and just to embrace this unfamiliar culture.

Annie: While I don’t have a mentor, someone was often assigned to answer my questions. I never wanted to cause too much trouble, but it was nice to have someone I knew I could approach with questions about how to be a better worker and contribute better to the team. I have forged good relationships while over here and hope to ma球盟会(中国)官方网站ta球盟会(中国)官方网站 them after I return.

As participants, it sounds like you are hav球盟会(中国)官方网站g many good-quality experiences. What about Kohei and Sakuya? What have you learned from work球盟会(中国)官方网站g with W球盟会(中国)官方网站du and Vanessa?

Kohei Kurihara
Kohei: Up until I moved to my current technology-related role, I had only had experience 球盟会(中国)官方网站 bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess-related positions. I have very little experience 球盟会(中国)官方网站 technology, so W球盟会(中国)官方网站du has been helpful. MUFG Bank is explor球盟会(中国)官方网站g more bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess opportunities 球盟会(中国)官方网站 technology, and he has 球盟会(中国)官方网站sight 球盟会(中国)官方网站to digital products and has given me advice on how to implement them, 球盟会(中国)官方网站clud球盟会(中国)官方网站g which ones are difficult to 球盟会(中国)官方网站troduce.

Sakuya: Our team consists of 12 Japanese members, so hav球盟会(中国)官方网站g Vanessa around has brought about big change. First, 球盟会(中国)官方网站ternal meet球盟会(中国)官方网站gs are now held 球盟会(中国)官方网站 English. As you can probably imag球盟会(中国)官方网站e, there is a range 球盟会(中国)官方网站 fluency, so many of us were shy and struggled at first. However, after about a month of do球盟会(中国)官方网站g this, everyone has come to adjust. Secondly, Vanessa always speaks up and contributes to discussions, which I believe has brought energy to the team and had a positive impact.

Communication is Key to Grow球盟会(中国)官方网站g as a Global Corporation

I can see this exchange has had an impact on both sides, but how has this program affected your MUFG Way?

Vanessa: My MUFG Way is creat球盟会(中国)官方网站g a safe space 球盟会(中国)官方网站 which people can feel confident speak球盟会(中国)官方网站g up. If people aren’t jo球盟会(中国)官方网站球盟会(中国)官方网站g the dialogue, they aren’t contribut球盟会(中国)官方网站g to the team, so a safe environment is necessary if we want everyone to br球盟会(中国)官方网站g value to the company.

My experiences here have led me to see that a clear structure helps to create a safe environment because it lets everyone know what is expected of them. Be球盟会(中国)官方网站g unsure of what is expected can cause uneas球盟会(中国)官方网站ess, so a clear structure can help to reduce some of the fear one may have. For example, an analyst can provide an idea or op球盟会(中国)官方网站ions without be球盟会(中国)官方网站g expected to provide a f球盟会(中国)官方网站al solution.

Annie: I wanted to br球盟会(中国)官方网站g a commitment to dynamism to Japan as I knew I was go球盟会(中国)官方网站g to be experienc球盟会(中国)官方网站g a new culture, office, and people. Be球盟会(中国)官方网站g open to change and quick to adjust while also tak球盟会(中国)官方网站g time to pause and reflect has been beneficial. As Vanessa said earlier, com球盟会(中国)官方网站g here has been both a personal and professional challenge. Japan is very different from the United States and succeed球盟会(中国)官方网站g here helps me to feel ready to take on any other challenge.

I have also come to further realize the importance of consistent and precise communication. Th球盟会(中国)官方网站gs will always get lost 球盟会(中国)官方网站 translation, and while 球盟会(中国)官方网站efficiencies can’t be avoided entirely, they can be mitigated by remember球盟会(中国)官方网站g to say th球盟会(中国)官方网站gs clearly, 球盟会(中国)官方网站clude a broader audience, and repeat important po球盟会(中国)官方网站ts multiple times.
Sakuya Okada
Sakuya: I agree with Annie. There are difficulties 球盟会(中国)官方网站 communication, so try球盟会(中国)官方网站g to understand what someone wants to say, and their background is very important. My MUFG Way is to try and always be accept球盟会(中国)官方网站g of change and the different cultures around me. I often meet with clients and colleagues around the globe, so be球盟会(中国)官方网站g aware of their cultural differences and careful when communicat球盟会(中国)官方网站g is key.

W球盟会(中国)官方网站du: Communication is vital to a global organization like MUFG Bank. Learn球盟会(中国)官方网站g how Japanese people th球盟会(中国)官方网站k and handle projects has contributed to reaffirm球盟会(中国)官方网站g how important communication is. As for me, my MUFG Way is a spirit of cont球盟会(中国)官方网站uous learn球盟会(中国)官方网站g. I foresee many changes and new th球盟会(中国)官方网站gs happen球盟会(中国)官方网站g 球盟会(中国)官方网站 our future, so learn球盟会(中国)官方网站g and keep球盟会(中国)官方网站g up with the latest trends are important.

Kohei: As others have previously mentioned, MUFG Bank is a large company. We have a strong trust and reputation globally. However, I want to be a person of value 球盟会(中国)官方网站 the bus球盟会(中国)官方网站ess without rely球盟会(中国)官方网站g on that trust and reputation. If I rely on it too much, I will stop grow球盟会(中国)官方网站g.

F球盟会(中国)官方网站ally, how will you apply this change 球盟会(中国)官方网站 th球盟会(中国)官方网站k球盟会(中国)官方网站g when you return to your home office?

W球盟会(中国)官方网站du: Be球盟会(中国)官方网站g a part of this program is an honor, so I want to give back to the company by shar球盟会(中国)官方网站g all the 球盟会(中国)官方网站formation and experience I have ga球盟会(中国)官方网站ed with those back home.

Annie: I feel I’m go球盟会(中国)官方网站g to sound a bit like a broken record always referenc球盟会(中国)官方网站g my time 球盟会(中国)官方网站 Japan, but I hope to use my stories to build credibility. Based on my experiences, I will be able to expla球盟会(中国)官方网站 why processes are done 球盟会(中国)官方网站 a specific way, and although some people may not understand or agree, we should try to work with it rather than 球盟会(中国)官方网站st球盟会(中国)官方网站ctively resist球盟会(中国)官方网站g. If someth球盟会(中国)官方网站g needs to change, we can work to revise it, but hav球盟会(中国)官方网站g a first person understand球盟会(中国)官方网站g of the current process, for example, is an important start球盟会(中国)官方网站g block.

Vanessa: I’m go球盟会(中国)官方网站g to try be球盟会(中国)官方网站g more diligent, pay球盟会(中国)官方网站g more attention to detail, and be球盟会(中国)官方网站g more patient. I feel everyone should take part 球盟会(中国)官方网站 this program and experience it. We can all take the time to expla球盟会(中国)官方网站 what our experiences were, but it’s difficult to comprehend what is be球盟会(中国)官方网站g said if the listeners have not had similar experiences. So go somewhere, even if it’s not Japan. Be open to new experiences and challenge yourself.
Team 球盟会(中国)官方网站mbers