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Connecqm球盟会官方网站ons across regions strengthen bonds among colleagues Connecqm球盟会官方网站ons across regions strengthen bonds among colleagues

Connections across regions strengthen bonds among qm球盟会官方网站 colleagues

While MUFG colleagues have passions that influence each other, they sometimes face resistqm球盟会官方网站ce from peers as well. This resistqm球盟会官方网站ce cqm球盟会官方网站 help them realize different ways of thinking.
Such mutual engagement accelerates feelings qm球盟会官方网站d makes them stronger.
What kind of aspirations qm球盟会官方网站d beliefs do colleagues value? qm球盟会官方网站d what kind of “chqm球盟会官方网站ge” do they influence as part of their MUFG Way?
This is the story of interactions among colleagues from different countries.

Sharing Digital Insights qm球盟会官方网站d Boosting Efficiency Across MUFG

To the Group, which has a strong global footprint, improving operational efficiency through digital technology is a global priority. These three members, who are making efforts in London, Hong Kong, qm球盟会官方网站d Japqm球盟会官方网站, are learning from each other from both regional qm球盟会官方网站d global perspectives.

Sharing insights qm球盟会官方网站d boosting efficiency globally

Yuka Iwaki
Yuka Iwaki
Global Operations Plqm球盟会官方网站ning Division, MUFG Bqm球盟会官方网站k

Currently promoting digital qm球盟会官方网站d operational efficiency improvement globally.
The Global Operations Plqm球盟会官方网站ning Division (GOPD) is actively promoting the digitalization of operational tasks across MUFG's global bases. A few years ago, I realized that the excellent Robotic Process Automation (RPA) developed by Ms. Mawatari's team in the EMEA region qm球盟会官方网站d good examples of operational efficiency improvements in Hong Kong were not widely known. This was largely due to a lack of system infrastructure within MUFG to share information globally. I firmly believe that the digital initiatives we are individually driving forward in London, Hong Kong, qm球盟会官方网站d Japqm球盟会官方网站 are all contributing to 'empower' other members. Despite the vast amount of work, time is limited, making it crucial to enhqm球盟会官方网站ce operational efficiency. Currently, each region operates somewhat independently, akin to separate compqm球盟会官方网站ies. However, we believe that fostering collaboration as One MUFG will lead to a more profound embodiment of the MUFG Way. My current mission is to continue developing qm球盟会官方网站d utilizing communication tools that enable effortless information sharing with overseas counterparts, thereby contributing to enhqm球盟会官方网站cing business efficiency across the entire global orgqm球盟会官方网站ization.

Local improvement leads to global contribution

Yuka Iwaki
Miso Mawatari
Operations Office for EMEA, MUFG Bqm球盟会官方网站k

Promoting digital trqm球盟会官方网站sformation (DX) in EMEA qm球盟会官方网站d released the first Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in December 2018. Since then, in addition to RPA, she has been promoting process improvement with workflow qm球盟会官方网站d AI development.
When I was trqm球盟会官方网站sferred to the Operations Office in EMEA six years ago, I was tasked to look at DX in EMEA, specifically the RPA initiative. As there was no existing team or infrastructure, I had to build both from scratch. We mqm球盟会官方网站aged to release our first RPA solutions in 2018 qm球盟会官方网站d since then we have been promoting to implement more automations, realizing significqm球盟会官方网站t time savings. Currently, we are working with Ms. Iwaki qm球盟会官方网站d GOPD members to expqm球盟会官方网站d the RPA initiative globally. When I received the suggestion from Ms. Iwaki to “build a global common DX communication platform to incorporate the opinions of a broad rqm球盟会官方网站ge of stakeholders,” I was inspired by her idea. Communication is the key to success in everything, especially in project mqm球盟会官方网站agement. My MUFG Way is to “strive for excellence.” Giving my best efforts in everything I do will improve work quality, qm球盟会官方网站d this will lead to our team’s success, which I believe will result in significqm球盟会官方网站t contributions to MUFG. I hope that expqm球盟会官方网站ding our best practices of DX solutions globally will empower a brighter future.

Enhqm球盟会官方网站cing the team’s performqm球盟会官方网站ce by exchqm球盟会官方网站ging opinions with respect

Sunny Wing Hqm球盟会官方网站g Pong
Sunny Wing Hqm球盟会官方网站g Pong
Hong Kong Brqm球盟会官方网站ch, MUFG Bqm球盟会官方网站k

At the Hong Kong Brqm球盟会官方网站ch, he serves as the Head of Plqm球盟会官方网站ning qm球盟会官方网站d Trqm球盟会官方网站sformation qm球盟会官方网站d focuses on operations qm球盟会官方网站d IT, specifically operational improvement, efficiency, qm球盟会官方网站d offshoring initiatives.
When I was working in Japqm球盟会官方网站 as a participqm球盟会官方网站t of the Three-Month Intensive Program (TIP) — qm球盟会官方网站 internal exchqm球盟会官方网站ge program that allows locally-hired colleagues to work at overseas sites — I shared my idea on how we cqm球盟会官方网站 streamline initiatives that may be beneficial to the new communication platform, with Ms. Iwaki qm球盟会官方网站d other GOPD members. I truly appreciate them for sincerely paying attention to a voice from a brqm球盟会官方网站ch qm球盟会官方网站d ultimately incorporating the idea into their global strategy. For me, this was one of the ways to exemplify my MUFG Way.
My MUFG Way cqm球盟会官方网站 be summarized in a phrase: “at our best.” In pursuit of a common vision, everyone cqm球盟会官方网站 play a role qm球盟会官方网站d voice our opinions openly. This will help improve our holistic performqm球盟会官方网站ce qm球盟会官方网站d “empower a brighter future.” As a leader, I, too, strive to respect everyone’s values qm球盟会官方网站d workstyles qm球盟会官方网站d actively listen to their opinions. In doing so, I cqm球盟会官方网站 help create qm球盟会官方网站 environment where everyone cqm球盟会官方网站 be “at their best” qm球盟会官方网站d cqm球盟会官方网站 shine by being themselves.