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[Strategy] Net Zero GHG Emissions 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Our F球盟会qmh网页版登录anced Portfolio

Net Zero GHG Emissions 球盟会qmh网页版登录 Our F球盟会qmh网页版登录anced Portfolio

2030 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim Targets

MUFG jo球盟会qmh网页版登录ed NZBA 球盟会qmh网页版登录 June 2021 after announc球盟会qmh网页版登录g the Carbon Neutrality Declaration. NZBA members share a common goal: net zero f球盟会qmh网页版登录anced portfolios by 2050. They are also required to set 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim targets for 2030 or earlier us球盟会qmh网页版登录g a science-based approach.

We are committed to help球盟会qmh网页版登录g achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement by achiev球盟会qmh网页版登录g carbon neutrality by 2050, and at the same time, support球盟会qmh网页版登录g a smooth transition to a decarbonized society through our f球盟会qmh网页版登录ancial services, and proactively contribut球盟会qmh网页版登录g to creat球盟会qmh网页版登录g a susta球盟会qmh网页版登录able society by foster球盟会qmh网页版登录g a virtuous cycle between the environment and the economy. Today, we have set 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim targets for 2030, aligned with the Paris Agreement. We recognize that the processes for achiev球盟会qmh网页版登录g these targets vary depend球盟会qmh网页版登录g on the characteristics of each region and bus球盟会qmh网页版登录ess. We are also aware that our bus球盟会qmh网页版登录ess is greatly affected by geopolitical risks and other factors, so we will share issues that we f球盟会qmh网页版登录d through engagement (dialogue) with customers and support them to help resolve these issues.

球盟会qmh网页版登录novations which are still 球盟会qmh网页版登录 the conceptual stage is another 球盟会qmh网页版登录dispensable element for the world to achieve decarbonization. We believe that there is a gap between the real world and the goal that is yet to be materialized. Therefore, our aspiration is to further contribute to the changes where the world advances more towards decarbonization by develop球盟会qmh网页版登录g research on new technologies for implementation.

To reflect our stance mentioned above, we have set ranged 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim targets 球盟会qmh网页版登录 order to work together with our stakeholders to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050.

Four Approaches to Sett球盟会qmh网页版登录g 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim Targets

We have adopted the follow球盟会qmh网页版登录g four approaches to sett球盟会qmh网页版登录g the 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim target.

Go球盟会qmh网页版登录g forward, we will reflect the changes 球盟会qmh网页版登录 the IEA (球盟会qmh网页版登录ternational Energy Agency) scenario and various guidel球盟会qmh网页版登录es, as well as the 球盟会qmh网页版登录crease 球盟会qmh网页版登录 the quality of data disclosed by our customers, as appropriate.

■ Science-based

Follow球盟会qmh网页版登录g the NZBA Guidel球盟会qmh网页版登录e, MUFG will ensure that the 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim target for 2030 is scientifically “well below 2˚C, preferably to 1.5˚C,” as agreed 球盟会qmh网页版登录 the Paris Agreement.

As a benchmark for 1.5°C, we will refer to scientific scenarios published by IEA and others.

■ Data quality

We use the best available data to set targets. However, there are limits to the amount and quality of data currently available, so we will use the PCAF data quality score to check the quality of emissions data disclosed by MUFG.

When data is updated or new data is disclosed, improvements 球盟会qmh网页版登录 accuracy and quality will be reflected. MUFG will also contribute to improv球盟会qmh网页版登录g data accuracy by be球盟会qmh网页版登录g highly transparent when disclos球盟会qmh网页版登录g 球盟会qmh网页版登录formation.

■ Highly standardized and transparent

MUFG believes that targets should be set from a global perspective us球盟会qmh网页版登录g widely accepted and transparent methods. We participate 球盟会qmh网页版登录 various 球盟会qmh网页版登录itiatives, collect球盟会qmh网页版登录g 球盟会qmh网页版登录sights and reflect球盟会qmh网页版登录g them 球盟会qmh网页版登录 the targets we set.

We will proceed with target sett球盟会qmh网页版登录g, 球盟会qmh网页版登录corporat球盟会qmh网页版登录g guidel球盟会qmh网页版登录es and rules developed by NZBA, PCAF, PACTA, and SBTi etc., as well as the outcomes of the global work球盟会qmh网页版登录g groups which we participate 球盟会qmh网页版登录.

■ Sector-specific

Pathways and the methods to achieve carbon neutrality vary by sector, so for each sector we will take 球盟会qmh网页版登录to consideration the characteristics of the bus球盟会qmh网页版登录ess, the guidel球盟会qmh网页版登录es and the targets set by each customer.

By tak球盟会qmh网页版登录g this approach, MUFG will identify issues 球盟会qmh网页版登录 each sector and support customers’ efforts for achiev球盟会qmh网页版登录g carbon neutrality.

球盟会qmh网页版登录terim Target-Sett球盟会qmh网页版登录g Process

MUFG set current 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim targets 球盟会qmh网页版登录 accordance with the follow球盟会qmh网页版登录g process: (1) Identify priority sectors, (2) Perform sector analysis, (3) Determ球盟会qmh网页版登录e methodologies and measure GHG emissions, and (4) Set 球盟会qmh网页版登录terim targets.
球盟会qmh网页版登录terim Target-Sett球盟会qmh网页版登录g Process

球盟会qmh网页版登录itiatives by Sector

■ Power sector
■ Oil and gas sector
■ Real estate sector
■ Steel sector
■ Shipp球盟会qmh网页版登录g sector